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北京天利生物技术公司目前开展的业务有: 1.客户多肽合成 可根据客户的需要,合成毫克级、克级、公斤级的不同纯度的多肽。 2.多肽合成所需的相关原料和主要试剂生产加工 主要有各种保护氨基酸、氨基酸树脂、多肽合成树脂及多肽中间体等原料和试剂。可按照 客户的需要进行包装。 3.多肽原料或对照品委托订制 可提供胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1、胰高血糖素、生长抑素、奥曲肽、降钙素、亮丙瑞林、干扰素原液、蛇毒原液、水蛭素原液、等肽类产品的原料或标准品,也可根据客户需求合成国内外已知序列的肽类原料或标准品。 4.多肽合成、纯化的技术咨询 公司凭借雄厚的技术实力、高素质的专业人才和崇高的敬业精神,为客户解答有关多肽合 成的各种疑难问题。 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。 现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品 其它产品: 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白粉、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、羊胎(盘)素冻干粉 、多种优质蛇毒冻干晶体、甲状腺激素、斑蝰蛇蛇毒、中亚产蛇毒(医用)、蛇胆浸膏、牛黄提取物、硫酸软骨素 、多烯鱼油、蛙油、溶菌酶Lysozyme、溶菌酶Lysozyme、透明质酸、水溶性四元氨基高聚糖、肝素钠、甘露醇、海藻酸钠、、纤维素酶、果胶酶、淀粉酶、蛋白酶、CTP胞嘧啶、GTP 脲嘧啶、 激素类系列 产品名称 含量 1 4-雄烯二酮 99% 2 孕烯醇酮 99% 3 5-雄烯二醇 99% 4 黄体酮 99% 5 去氢表雄酮 99% 孕酮 乳酸及其化合物 乳酸 缓冲乳酸 乳酸粉 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳酸钠 乳酸钠粉 乳酸钾 乳酸铵 乳酸钙 乳酸铝 乳酸铁 乳酸镁 乳酸锰 乳酸锌 乳酸甲酯 乳酸乙酯 乳酸异丙酯 乳酸丙酯 乳酸丁酯 乳酸辛酯 乙交酯 丙交酯 聚乙交酯 聚丙交酯 乙交酯/丙交酯共聚物 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳糖醇 乳糖醇混合物 罗格列酮中间体 盐酸吡格列酮 、新氟喹诺酮 3,5-二甲氧基-1-吲酮 5,6-Dimethoxy-1-indanone 多奈哌齐中间体 对甲氧基苯乙腈 4-Methoxyphenylacetonitrile 2,4-噻唑烷二酮 2,4-Thiazolidinedione 5-溴吲哚 5-Bromoindole 5-氰基吲哚 5-Cyanoindole 5-硝基吲哚 5-Nitroindole 5-氟吲哚 5-Fluoroindole 3-吲哚甲酸 Indole-3-carboxylic 对甲氧基苯甲醇(大茴香醇) 4-Methoxybenzyl alcohol 4”-甲基-2-氰基联苯 4”-Methyl-2-cyano-biphenyl 2-吡啶甲醛 2-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 3-吡啶甲醛 3-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 4-吡啶甲醛 4-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 2-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 2-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 3-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 3-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 4-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 4-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 9-芴甲醇 9-Fluorenylmethanol 5,5-二甲基海因 99% 杀毒剂、防腐剂合成原料 1,3-二氯-5.5-二甲基海因 65% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二溴-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 消毒剂及制药工业特殊溴化剂 1-溴-3-氯-5,5-二甲基海因 92-95% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因(DMDMH) 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 氯雷他定、 1-羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 1,5,5-*基海因 98% 医药有机合成中间体 海因 98% 有机合成原料 1-氨基海因 98% 有机合成原料 N-苄基海因 98% 医药中间体 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 98% 制药、感光材料、杀虫剂、氨基酸合成原料 1-氨基海因盐酸盐 98% 治疗尿路感染中间体 1,3-二(1-羟基-戊醛基)-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 化妆品、食品、医疗器械、工农产品消毒 丙酰氯 99% 农药、医药及反应中间体 N-甲基苄胺 98% 医药、染料有机合成原料 2-溴丙酸甲脂 98% 有机合成原料、医药中间体 2-溴丙酸 98% 医药反应中间体 对溴苯酚 99% 有机合成反应中间体 2.4.6-三溴苯胺 99% 医药反应中间体、农业化学及阻燃剂 对溴苯甲醚 对溴苯乙醚 98% 有机全成原料 二苯乙酮 98% 医药有机合成原料 2-溴化苄 98% 有机合成,也是发泡剂的原料 碘苯 98% 有机合成,也是一种通用试剂,可用作折射率标准液 对溴甲苯 99% 有机合成染料 苯乙酸甲酯 99% 有机合成中间体和香料 苯乙酸乙酯 99% 香料和医药原料 2,2-二溴-3氮川丙酰胺 98% 杀菌灭藻剂及工业水系统 a-溴肉桂醛 98% 有机合成原料 2-溴丙酰溴 98% 医药中间体 2,3-二溴丙睛 98% 有机合成原料 2,3-二溴-1-丙醇 98% 有机合成及阻燃剂 2-溴己酸 98% 有机合成中间体 4,4-二溴二苯醚 98% 医药、染料中间体 a-溴乙酸乙酯 98% 医药有机合成中间体 a-溴代异戊酸乙酯 98% 农药、医药反应中间体 2,3-二溴丙酰氯 98% 医药、染料中间体 2,3-二氯丙睛 98% 医药、染料中间体 2-氨基-5-甲基噻唑 99% 治疗类风湿病-美洛西康中间体 肾上腺皮质激素 糖皮质激素 甲状腺素T4 促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 阿黑皮素原(POMC) 促脂解激素(LPH) 生长素(HGH);胰岛素样生长因子(IGF) 催乳素(PRL) 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG);马促性腺激素(PMSG) 人促卵泡激素(hFSH) 降钙素(CT) 黄体生成素(LH) 血管紧张素 (AT) 雌二醇 E2 睾丸酮 孕酮 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; L-丙氨酸、L-缬氨酸、L-亮氨酸、L-异亮氨酸、L-丝氨酸、 L-苏氨酸、L-天门冬氨酸、L-谷氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸、 L-组氨酸、L-半胱氨酸、L-胱氨酸、L-甲硫氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸、 L-酪氨酸、L-色氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-羟脯氨酸、L-鸟氨酸、甘氨酸等; DL-丙氨酸、DL-缬氨酸、DL-亮氨酸、DL-异亮氨酸、DL-丝氨酸、DL-苏氨酸、DL-谷氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸 DL-酪氨酸、DL-色氨酸、DL-甲硫氨酸、DL-苯丙氨酸、DL-天门冬氨酸、DL-精氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸 组氨酸 、异亮氨酸 、亮氨酸 、赖氨酸 、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸 苏氨酸 、色氨酸 、缬氨酸 、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸、丝氨酸、牛磺酸、左旋多巴、聚赖氨酸 甘氨酸  ≥98.5%工业级 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 纸桶0.5mt/1mt集装袋 ≥98.5%饲料级 ≥99%食品级 99%-101.5%医药级 甘氨酸(全封闭) 99%-101.5%医药级(全封闭) 甘氨酸乙酯盐酸盐  ≥98.5% 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 甘氨酸钠  ≥98.5% 25KGS纸桶 甘氨酸铝  ≥98.5% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸盐酸盐 ≥97% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸二钠盐 ≥90% 25KGS纸桶 马尿酸(N-苯甲酰甘氨酸) ≥99% 25KGS复合袋 甘氨酸甲酯盐酸盐 ≥98.5% 20KGS复合袋、纸桶 海因 ≥99.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 ≥98.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 普伐他汀钠 美伐他汀 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 L-Cystine L-Arginine.HCL L-Leucine L-Tyrosine L-Cysteine Hydrochloride onohydrate L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous L-抗坏血酸多聚磷酸酯(LAPP) 甘氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸、牛磺酸等; 木糖醇、木糖醇DC、D-木糖乳糖、乳糖醇、山梨醇 维生素VB1、VC、VE、烟酸、烟酰胺、维生素B(B1、B2、B6、B12) 双甘氨肽、羟苯磺酸钙、肌醇 葡萄糖酸葡醛内酯、无水柠檬酸 琥珀酸一钠、琥珀酸二钠 蛋氨酸硒、(硒、铁、铜、锌、锰等氨基酸螯合物) 青霉素 苄星青霉素 苯唑西林 氯唑西林 阿莫西林 氨苄西林 羧苄西林 呋布西林 哌拉西林 氟氯西林 美西林 美洛西林 阿奇霉素 林可霉素 克林霉素 粘菌素 多粘菌素B 万古霉素 杆菌肽 纳他霉素 红曲红色素 卡茚西林 头孢噻吩 头孢噻啶 头孢氨苄 头孢唑啉 头孢拉定 头孢孟多 头孢呋辛 头孢呋肟酯 头孢噻肟 头孢哌酮 头孢曲松 头孢他定 头孢克洛 头孢唑肟 头孢甲肟 头孢西丁 氨曲南 舒巴坦 克拉维酸 红霉素 麦迪霉素 螺旋霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素 克拉霉素 罗红霉素 交沙霉素 链霉素 卡那霉素 庆大霉素 奈替米星 新霉素 阿米卡星 西索米星 小诺米星 大观霉素 核糖霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素、 柱晶白霉素、利福霉素 氟喹诺酮 辛可宁 秋水仙胺 秋水仙碱 金雀花碱 毛地黄皂苷 毛地黄毒苷 地谷新 芦竹碱 防己苦霉素 奎尼丁硫酸盐 奎宁 奎宁盐酸盐 奎宁硫酸盐 利福平 利血平 番茄苷 藜芦碱 藜芦碱硫酸盐 放线菌素C 放线菌素D 醛固酮 两性霉素B 氨苄青霉素 氨苄青霉素钠 羧苄青霉素二钠 顺式雄酮 抗霉素A 卵白素 皮质甾酮 氯霉素 可的松 乙酸可的松 松胞素A 松胞素B 松胞素C 松胞素D 松胞素E 脱氢异雄甾酮 乙酸脱氢异雄甾酮 7-脱氢胆甾醇 脱氢可的松 乙酸脱氢可的松 脱氧皮质甾酮 乙酸脱氧皮质甾酮 双烯雌酚 二乙酸双烯雌酚 红霉素 β-雌二醇 17β-雌二醇 雌三醇 雌三醇-3-甲醚 雌酮 雌酮-3-甲醚 己烯雌酚四烯雌酮 己雌酚 氢化可的松 脱氢可的松 乙酸氢化可的松 胰岛素 硫酸庆大霉素 硫酸卡那霉素 羊毛甾醇 甲基雄甾烯二醇 甲基睾甾酮 光神霉素 丝裂霉素C 硫酸新霉素 寡霉素 孕三醇 孕烯醇酮 黄体酮 嘌呤霉素二盐酸 超级氨苄青霉素 多黏菌素B β-谷甾醇β 硫酸链霉素 链脲佐菌素 二丙酸己烯雌酚 加溶两性霉素 睾酮 毒毛旋花苷-G 丙酸睾酮 链霉亲和素 缬氨霉素 盐酸万古霉素 盐酸四环素 氨基核苷嘌呤霉素 氯雷他定、*、力肽、盐酸匹格列酮、N(2)-L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺、乙酰谷酰胺、 降糖系列 格列美脲 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 那格列奈 ≥99.0% 1kg/铝桶 依帕司他 ≥99% 1kg/铝塑袋 医药中间体 3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-吡咯-2-酮 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/纸板桶 N-[4-[2-(3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-3-吡咯啉-1-羧酰基)乙基]苯磺酰胺 ≥99% 1kg/铝桶 反式-4-甲基-环己胺 含量≥98% 顺式≤1% 1kg或5kg/氟塑桶 反式异氰酸酯 ≥97.0% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/氟塑桶 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;烷基糖苷类乳化剂、保湿剂,磷酸 酯类温和表面活性剂。*。还有护肤、洁面、浴露、香波 等产品基料、半成品、产品品种包括:乳化剂、表面活性剂、润肤剂、防晒剂、天然提取物、香精香料、精油 美白剂、发用调理剂、杀菌剂、防腐剂、增稠剂、柔软剂、纺织前处理剂、后整理剂 固色剂、消泡剂、硅油、脂肪醇、脂肪酸、工业溶剂 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; Cropepsol 30, 50 水解胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=1000 (Mc) 清亮琥珀色液体 (含量越低,粘度越大) Croda 25kg/桶 CTAB, 十六烷基*基溴化铵,溴化十六烷基*基铵 CTAB 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 天然 樟脑酸 苯基*基溴化铵 间氨基苯甲醚 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 氯化十六烷基吡啶(西吡氯胺CPC) 氯乙啶;醋酸氯乙啶 CTAB 溴化十六烷基*基胺 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr Collasol 1%, 3% 可溶性胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=300,000 (Mw/Mn) 白色锭剂 Croda 25kg/桶 Crotein Q *基季铵化水解胶原蛋白 分子量=12,000 (Mc) 灰白色粉末 Croda 25kg/桶厂家*:胶原蛋白;透明质酸HA;燕麦蛋白 ;羊胎素;鹿胎素,牛初乳粉,红景天,表皮激活因子EGF、α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶;免疫多糖细胞激活剂;氨基酸保湿因子;芦酊(芦丁);人参皂甙;卡波981胶;曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物; 3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)促进皮肤成纤维细胞的剥离增值作用,有利于表皮的新陈代谢,促进胶原蛋白合成。壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)调节油性和粉刺性皮肤的油脂分泌,有利于根本上抑制和消除粉刺,传统美白祛斑产品,竞争性抑制酪氨酸酶,方便使用,极小刺激和过敏作用。二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)抗皱、紧肤、抗衰老保护弹性蛋白,DPHP比维C抑制弹性蛋白酶的活性更强,刺激胶原纤维的收缩,活性明显强于维C,清除自由基,活性基本上与维C相当。曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA)改性后溶于水,稳定不变色,适用于更多的美白祛斑剂型. inositol纤维醇,nicotinate尼克酸,glucosamine氨基葡萄糖,grapeseed葡萄籽提取物,greentea绿茶提取物,siberrian-ginseng人参提取物,lipoicacid硫辛酸,chondrolntin sulphatc硫酸软骨素,谷氨酰胺; 赤 藓 糖 醇.

阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 普伐他丁钠(pravastatin sodium);pravastatinsodium 丙酸倍氯米松(Beclovent) 奥美拉唑(Prilosec) 依那普利(Vasotec) 法莫替丁(Pepcid) 头孢呋新酯(Ceftin) 伊曲康唑(Sporanox) 洛伐他汀(Mevacor) 赖诺普利(Prinivil) 羟氨苄青霉素(Augementin) 他莫昔芬(Vovladex) 亚胺培南-西拉司丁钠(Primaxin) 尼扎替丁(Axid) 环丙氟哌酸(Cipro) 炔雌醚(Ortho-Novum) 氯雷他定(Claritin) 氟康唑(Diflucan) 辛伐他汀(Zocor) 甲红霉素(Biaxin) 普伐他汀(Pravachol) 头孢三嗪(Recefin) 阿齐霉素(Zithromax) 昂丹司琼(Zofran) 舒马曲坦(Imitrex) 西沙必利(Propulsid) 瑞司哌酮(Rispreidal) 盐酸地拉普利(Delapril Hydrochloride)  奥曲肽(Octreotide)   头孢克肟(Cefixime)            舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan)  雷诺格拉斯蒂姆(Lenog-rastim,G-CSF)  非那甾胺(Finasteride)  B型嗜血杆菌组合疫苗(脑膜炎双球菌蛋白结合物) 卡比多巴(Carbidopa)/左旋多巴(Levodopa) 舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan Succinate) 氯雷他定(Loratadine)           盐酸曲匹西龙(Tropiser-on Hydrochloride)  普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 左旋氧氟沙星(Levoflox-acin) 普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 齐多夫定(Zidovudine)  阿伐斯汀(Acrivastine) 新敏乐(Semprex) 兰索拉唑(Lansoprazole) 达克普隆(Take-pron) 阿齐霉素二水合物(Azth-romycin Dihydrate)  西沙必利(Cisapride)           重组人促红细胞生成素(Epoetinbate) 氟罗沙星(Fleroxacin)  环孢菌素(Ciclosporin)  环孢菌素(Ciclosporin)  头孢特伦新戊酯(Cefte-rampivoxil)   盐酸咪唑普利(ImidaprilHydrochloride) 盐酸特比奈酚(Terbina- fine Hydrochloride)  疗霉舒(Lamisil)   更昔洛韦(Ganciclovir)  莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 福美斯坦(Formestane)粉 阿仑膦酸钠(Alendronate Sodium) 双氯芬酸树脂盐(Diclofe-nac Resinate)  盐酸喹高莱(Quinagolide Hydrochloride) 氟伐他丁钠(Fluvastatin Sodium) 盐酸坦索罗辛(Tamsulo- sin Hydrochloride)  含雌二醇和炔诺酮醋酸酯 爱斯加(Estra- gest)  咪伐氯胺(Mivacuriumch-loride)  霉酚酸吗啉乙酯(Mycoph- enolate Mofetil) 醋酸的斯加压素(Desmop-ressin Acetate) 洛沙坦钾(LosartanPota-ssium)  洛沙坦钾-双氢克尿塞(Losartan Potassium-Hydrochlorothiazide) 盐酸芦氟沙星(Rufloxacin Hydrochloride) 环匹罗司(Ciclopirox) 尼扎替丁(Nizatidine)          1,4-丁二磺酸硫代腺苷蛋氨酸(Ademetionine 1,4- butane-di-sulfonate)  帕曲膦酸二钠五水合物 (Pamidronatc Disodium Pentahydrate) D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID         瑞巴匹特(Rebamipide)  伏利波糖(Voglibose)   *(Risperidone)   氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium)       氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium) 非诺贝特(Fenofibrate)  盐酸杜塞酰胺(Dorzolamide Hydrochloride) 司帕沙星(Sparfloxacin)  泰克利玛(Tacrolimus)       盐酸*一水合物 (Ropivacaine Hydroch-loride Monohydrate)  阿卡波糖 普伐他丁 利巴韦林 阿曲汀 甲基睾丸素 罗苏伐他汀 阿昔洛韦 大力补 阿达帕灵 米非司酮 康力龙 苯磺酸阿曲库胺 莫维 A 硝 辛伐他汀 宝丹酮 乌拉地尔 头孢曲松钠 * 炔诺酮 头孢他啶 西尼地平 癸酸诺龙 头胞克肟 西洛他唑 康复龙 头胞克肟 卡洛芬 氧甲氢龙 头孢米诺 辅酶Q10 奥硝唑 头孢特伦 阿维 A 酯 扑热息痛 头孢替坦 乙胺丁醇 盐酸* 头孢匹胺 乙硫异烟胺 利巴韦林 头孢吡肟 表阿霉素 罗苏伐他汀 头孢西丁 孕二烯酮销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 四甲基氯化铵、四乙基溴化铵、四丙基溴化铵、四丁基溴化铵、四丁基硫酸氢铵、苄基三乙基氯化铵、苄基*基氯化铵、十二烷基*基溴化铵、十四烷基*基溴化铵、十六烷基*基溴化铵、甲基三丁基氯化铵75%水溶液、甲基三辛基氯化铵75%水溶液、一甲胺盐酸盐、二甲胺盐酸盐、*胺盐酸盐、三乙胺盐酸盐、间氨基苯甲醚、氯代十二烷、氯代十六烷、氯代正丁烷、溴代十二烷、溴代十四烷、溴代十六烷. 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 四甲基氯化铵 (CH3)4NCl 75-57-0 四甲基溴化铵 (CH3)4NBr 64-20-0 四甲基氢氧化铵 (CH3)4NOH 75-59-2 四甲基氟化铵 (CH3)4NF 373-68-2 四甲基硫酸氢铵 (CH3)4NHSO4 103812-00-6 四甲基醋酸铵 (CH3)4CH3COON 10581-12-1 四甲基碘化铵 (CH3)4NI 四乙基溴化铵 (C2H5)4NBr 71-91-0 四乙基氯化铵 (C2H5)4NCl 56-34-8 四乙基氟化铵 (C2H5)4NF 665-46-3 四乙基硫酸氢铵 (C2H5)4NHSO4 16873-13-5 四乙基氢氧化铵 (C2H5)4NOH 77-98-5 四乙基醋酸铵 (C2H5)4CH3COON 1185-59-7 四乙基碘化铵 (C2H5)4NI 四丙基溴化铵 (C3H7)4NBr 1941-30-6 四丙基氯化铵 (C3H7)4NCl 5810-42-4 四丙基氟化铵 (C3H7)4NF 四丙基硫酸氢铵 (C3H7)4NHSO4 56211-70-2 四丙基碘化铵 (C3H7)4NI 四丁基溴化铵 (C4H9)4NBr 1643-19-2 四丁基氯化铵 (C4H9)4NCl 37451-68-6 四丁基氢氧化铵 (C4H9)4NOH 2052-49-5 四丁基硫酸氢铵 (C4H9)4NHSO4 32503-27-8 四丁基氟化铵 (C4H9)4NF 429-41-4 四丁基醋酸铵 (C4H9)4CH3COON 四丁基碘化铵 (C4H9)4NI 四辛基溴化铵 (C8H17)4NBr 14866-33-2 四苯基溴化膦 ()4PBr 2751-90-8 甲基三苯基溴化膦 ()3CH3PBr 1779-49-3 乙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C2H5PBr 1530-32-1 丙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C3H7PBr 丁基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C4H9PBr 1779-51-7 苄基三苯基氯化膦 1100-88-5 苄基三苯基溴化膦 -CH2BrP-()3 1449-46-3 烯丙基三苯基氯化膦 18480-23-4 烯丙基三苯基溴化膦 CH2=CH-CH2BrP-()3 1560-54-9 十二烷基三苯基溴化膦 C12H25BrP-()3 15510-55-1 十二烷基三苯基氯化膦 C12H25ClP-()3 十四烷基三苯基溴化膦 C14H29BrP-()3 十四烷基三苯基氯化膦 C14H29ClP-()3 十六烷基三苯基溴化膦 C16H33BrP-()3 14866-43-4 十六烷基三苯基氯化膦 C16H33ClP-()3 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr *胺盐酸盐 (CH3)3N.HCl 593-81-7 二甲胺盐酸盐 (CH3)2NH.HCl 506-59-2 一甲胺盐酸盐 CH3NH2·HCl 593-51-1 三乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HCl 554-68-7 二乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)2NH·HCl 660-68-4 一乙胺盐酸盐 C2H5NH2·HCl 557-66-4 2,-二甲胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(CH3)2HCl 4584-46-7 2,-二乙胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(C2H5)2HCl 869-24-9 2, -氯乙胺盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2NH2HCl 870-24-6 2,-溴乙胺盐酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH2HCl 2,-溴乙胺氢溴酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH3HBr 2576-47-8 二乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)2N.HBr 三乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HBr 630-70-4 苄基三乙基氯化铵 CH2(C2H5)3NCl 56-37-1 苄基三乙基溴化铵 -CH2(C2H5)3NBr 5197-95-5 苄基*基氯化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NCl 56-93-9 苄基*基溴化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NBr 5350-41-4 苄基*基氢氧化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NOH 苄基三丁基氯化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NCl 23616-79-7 苄基三丁基溴化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NBr 25316-59-0 N,N二乙基乙醇基氯化铵 甲基三乙基氯化铵 CH3(C2H5)3NCl 甲基三丙基氯化铵 CH3(C3H7)3NCl 甲基三丁基氯化铵 CH3(C4H9)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 丙基*基氯化铵 C3H7(CH3)3NCl 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 丁基*基氯化铵 C4H9(CH3)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵水溶液 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 十二烷基*基溴化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NBr 1119-94-4 十二烷基*基氯化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NCl 112-00-5 十四烷基*溴化铵 C14H29(CH3)3NBr 1119-97-7 十四烷基*基氯化铵 C14H29(CH3)3 NCl 4574-04-3 十六烷基*基溴化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 57-09-0 十六烷基*基氯化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NCl 112-02-7 2,4-二氯苯酚 120-83-2 溴代正丁烷 C4H9Br 109-65-9 溴代十二烷 C12H25Br 143-15-7 溴代十六烷 C16H33Br 112-82-3 溴代十四烷 C14H29Br 112-71-0 溴代十八烷 C18H37Br 112-89-0 1,2-二溴乙烷 BrCH2-CH2Br 106-93-4 溴辛烷 C8H17Br 111-83-1 溴化苄 -CH2Br 100-39-0 氯代正丁烷 C4H9Cl 109-69-3 氯代异丁烷 C4H9Cl 513-36-0 氯代叔丁烷 C4H9Cl 507-20-0 氯代正辛烷 C8H17Cl 111-85-3 氯代十二烷 C12H25Cl 112-52-7 氯代十四烷 C14H29Cl 110220-87-6 氯代十六烷 C16H33Cl 4860-03-1 氯代十八烷 C18H37Cl 3386-33-2 1H-1,2,4三氮唑 288-88-0 对叔丁基氯苄 C4H9--CH2Cl 19692-45-6 对叔丁基氰苄 (CH3)3-C--CH2CN 对甲苯磺酸 CH3--SO3H 104-15-4 苯基*基氯化铵 138-24-9 溴化十六烷基*基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 苯基*基溴化铵 16056-11-4 间氨基苯甲醚 536-90-3 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 621-33-0 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 140-72-7 氯化十六烷基吡啶 123-03-5 (西吡氯胺CPC) 吡啶盐酸盐 5421-92-1 珍珠水解液、速溶珍珠粉、超细珍珠粉(已获得《药品生产企业许可证》)、丝肽粉(丝精)、丝肽液、丝素粉、丝胶粉、蚕丝氨基酸、胎盘提取液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、鱼蛋白粉、人参提取液、人参浸膏、卵蛋白粉、当归液、甘草浸膏、海藻胶(液)、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、灵芝提取液、银杏提取液、绿茶提取液 、芦酊、果酸(a—羟基酸,AHA)、表皮生长因子bFGF、表皮生长因子EGF、注射用A型肉毒素、注射用人胶原蛋白、D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID HOLUME MS40 新型皂基表面活性剂 ENDATION CM 皂基体系肤感改良剂 PLANTON 611C AES/APG复配物 ENDATION U2 新型香波柔顺调理剂 SAG-610 高效的消泡抑泡剂 L34 无磷洗涤助剂 ST 040 高渗透性发泡剂 ENDATION U8 衣物柔顺剂 S60 非离子改性活性体 S31 抑泡增效剂 商品名称 规格 K12A(70%) 多种 AESA(70%) 25kg/桶 AES 100-220kg/桶 海藻提取物 16kg CAB 50kg/桶 芦荟 16kg MES 50kg/桶 红花 16kg SCI-65 79.4kg/桶 银杏 16kg 25UP 20kg/桶 皂角 16kg 肌氨酸纳 50kg/桶 当归 16kg 谷氨酸纳 50kg/桶 白蔹 16kg 咪唑林 50kg/桶 茯苓 16kg 6501 200kg/桶 细辛 5kg CMEA 25kg/件 金缘梅 10kg DC-200 190kg/桶 金缘梅燕馏液 10kg DC-345 190kg/桶 珍珠液 2.5kg DC-3225C 190kg/桶 珍珠层粉 2.5kg/袋 白矿油 170kg/桶 水解蛋白 2.5kg 甘油 250kg/桶 胶原蛋白 2.5kg 丙二醇 200kg/桶 甲硝唑 25kg/桶 硬脂酸 25kg/袋 芦荟粉 1kg 十二酸 25kg/袋 熊果甘 1kg 十四酸 25kg/袋 曲酸脂 0.5kg IPP 50kg/桶 VC磷酸脂 0.5kg IPM 50kg/桶 胎盘提取液 4kg/桶 GTCC 190kg/桶 VB3 25kg 角烷(合成) 160kg/桶 VB6 25kg 霍霍巴油(水/油) 10/18kg/桶 VC 50kg 白凡士林 165kg/桶 VE 5kg/桶 羊毛脂(水/抽) 20/25kg 不变色氩醒 25kg/桶 PEG-400 230kg/桶 物效美白剂 5kg件 橄榄油 50kg/桶 VA酸脂 25kg 月见草油 25kg/桶 VA酸 0.1/1kg 乙氧基二乙二醇 20kg/桶 HS 25kg 甘草酸二钾 1kg/袋 地塞米松 100g/袋 氯霉素 25kg/桶 复合樱敏剂 1kg/袋 红没药醇 5kg/袋 芦荟液 2.5kg/桶 BHT 25kg/袋 乙酯 20kg/件 甲酯 20kg/件 K30 90kg 丙酯 20kg/件 VA64 70kg 16-18醇 25kg/件 S630 50kg 乳化硅油 60kg/桶 氯洁霉素 25kg/桶 T-20 25kg/桶 DC1352 190kg/桶 T-60 25kg/桶 DC1491 190kg/桶 T-80 25kg/桶 DC1785 190kg/桶 A6 50kg/件 DC193 190kg/桶 A25 25kg/件 DC8168 190kg/桶 Brij-72 25kg/件 3196(瓜尔胶) 22.7kg/桶 Brij-721 25kg/件 JR400 25kg/箱 S2 50kg/桶 400KC-A 20kg/箱 S6 25kg/桶 甘宝素 25kg/件 P135 188kg/桶 LM-S 25kg/件 808A 50kg/桶 OCTP 50kg/桶 305 30kg/桶 ZPT 30kg/桶 3101 50kg/桶 3102 AM2001 60kg/桶 AMD 25kg/箱 CD-78 50kg/桶 A100 25kg/袋 TC-90 45.4kg/桶 R930 25kg/袋 硫代 25kg/桶 讯高岭土 25kg/袋 氨水 15kg/箱 腾润土 25kg/袋 单乙醇胺 200kg/桶 滑石粉 25kg/袋 双氧水 30kg/桶 硬脂酸镁 20kg/袋 酸钠 50kg/桶 彩色胶囊 1kg/瓶 稳定剂 25kg/桶 磨砂粒 25kg/袋 对苯二胺 50kg/桶 霍霍巴脂彩球 1kg 对氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 250HHR 25kg/袋 间苯二酚 25kg/桶 C940 20kg/袋 间氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 C941 20kg/袋 邻甲酚 20kg/桶 C934 20kg/袋 1631 50kg/桶 C2020 20kg/袋 TC-429 50kg/桶 DOE120 70kg/桶 磷酸氢二钠 25kg/袋 汉生胶 45.4kg 磷酸二氢钠 25kg/袋 PVA217 20kg/袋 珠光片 25kg/袋 海藻酸钠 25kg/袋 珠光浆 50kg/桶 各种色粉 50kg/袋 PK771 200kg/桶 珠光粉 1kg 三乙醇胺 200kg/桶 K-99 1kg/瓶 柠檬酸 25kg/袋 JM-2 1kg/瓶 Germaben-pius 20kg KOH 25kg/袋 红霉素 25kg/桶 EDTA-2Na 25kg/件 无水乙醇 165kg/件 EDTA-4Na 25kg/件 脱醛乙醇 160kg/件 钛白粉 25kg/件 95%乙醇 165kg/件 纳米钛白粉 5kg/箱 透明质酸 50g/100g SP-60 15kg/件 地蜡 25kg/袋 638增稠剂 20kg/件 石蜡 50kg/袋 氮酮(水/油) 0.5kg/瓶 白蜂蜡 50kg/袋 凯松 1kg/瓶 小烛树蜡 20kg/袋 尿囊素 25kg/件 微晶蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁红 25kg/袋 巴西棕榈蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁黄 25kg/袋 1.3丁二醇 200kg/桶 氧化铁黑 25kg/袋 单甘脂 25kg/箱 平平加 25kg/袋 果酸-60 25kg/桶 A-83 60kg/袋 果酸-90 25kg/桶 拉丝剂 25kg/袋 增溶剂 20kg/桶 珠光皇 25kg/箱 皂基 100kg/桶 AXS 240kg/桶 氧化铝丙二醇 50kg/桶 APG-2000 160kg/桶 SI-900 25kg/桶 氨基硅油 50kg/桶 山梨醇 165kg/桶 薄荷脑 25kg/箱 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 各色彩粒 1kg 硫酸镁 0.5kg/瓶 金箔 100张 硫酸锌 0.5kg/瓶 MAP-K 60 維生素A, C, E、泛醇(D-Panthenol), 沒藥醇(Bisabolol) 及維生素A(Retinol) 柠檬酸、阿维酸 曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;彩色珍珠 胶囊系列;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;NMF-50氨基酸保湿剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物、3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)、壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)、二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)、曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA) 纯品甘草酸   GLYCYRRHIZIC ACID〉98%(UV)   药用抗毒,抗过敏、消炎,化妆品、洁牙等 甘草次酸   18-B-ACID〉97%(HPLC)        药用原料、外用创伤或湿疹等二钾盐    甘草酸二钾盐GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV)     药用原料,主要用于眼疾   甘草酸二钠盐    GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV)     药用或食品级添加剂 樾桔提取物  25%(uv) 牛膀子甙   80%(HPLC) 银杏异黄酮  24% 6% max 5ppm max 1ppm 大豆异黄酮 大豆低聚糖 低聚果糖 低聚异麦芽糖 低聚半乳糖 低聚龙胆糖 麦芽一低聚异麦芽糖醇 海藻糖 壳低聚糖 低聚木糖 甘露低聚糖 甜菊糖 蔗果低聚糖 琼脂低聚糖 大豆肽 三七提取物 黄芪提取物 五味子提取物 高山红景天提取物 月见草提取物 薰衣草精华 氧化苦参碱 苦参碱 绞股蓝 柚皮甙, 辛弗林, 红景天甙, 刺芒柄花素, 淫羊藿甙, 橙皮酊 熊果酸, 染料木素 秋水仙碱 人参皂甙 甘草提取物Licorice Root ExtractGlycyrrhizin 24% 黄芪提取物Astragalus ExtractAstragaloside Ⅳ 0.3% 灵芝提取物Reishi Mushroom ExtractPolysacchrides 10% 柳白皮提取物White Willow bark Extract Salicin 25% 紫杉醇 植物提取物 芦丁、芦酊 褐藻酸双脂钠海藻提取物 Astragalus P.E. 黄芪提取物 Ligustrum lucidum AitP.E 女贞子提取物 Loquat Leaf P.E 枇杷叶提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Citrus Aurantium P.E 枳实提取物 St.John”s wort P.E. 贯叶连翘提取物 Siberian Gingseng P.E. 刺五加提取物 Tribulus Terrestris P.E. 刺蒺藜提取物 Wild Yam P.E. 山药提取物 Hawthorne 山楂果提取物 Heterophylly 太子参提取物 Siberian 甘草浸膏 Bulbus Bolbostemmae P.E. 土贝母提取物 Codonopsis P.E. 党参提取物 Green tea P.E. 绿茶提取物 Grape seed P.E. 葡萄籽提取物 Horsetail P.E. 问荆提取物 Bilberry P.E. 越橘提取物 Tribula Terrestris P.E. 蒺藜籽提取物 Kudzu Root P.E. 葛根提取物 Red Clover P.E. 红车轴草提取物 White WillowBark P.E. 白柳皮提取物 Schisandra P.E. 五味子提取物 Sinlmenine Hydrochloride 盐酸青藤碱 Taxol 紫杉醇 10-Deacetyl Baccation III 10-脱乙酰巴卡丁 其它提取物 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、芦荟提取液、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、海藻液(胶)、芦酊、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、人参粉、人参提取液、当归提取液、当归浸膏、首乌浸膏、甘草浸膏、银杏提取液、黄瓜提取液、大蒜提取液、仙人掌提取液、薏苡仁提取液、红花提取液、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、绿茶提取液、黑芝麻提取液、野菊花提取液、皂角提取液、淫羊藿提取液、益母草提取液、葛根提取液、黄芩提取液、黄柏提取液、透明质酸液、NS去屑止痒剂、 月见草油,当归精油,葡萄籽油,杏仁油,姜精油,桂皮精油,紫苏籽油,八角茴香油,玉米黄色素、紫苏红、甘蓝红、萝卜红、紫甘薯红、葡萄红、蜗牛酶、 葡萄籽提取物 PROANTHOCYANIEINS 〉95% 25KGS /DRUM 水飞蓟素 TOTAL FLAVANOSIDS:75%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 人参皂甙 CONTENT:80% MIN 25KGS /DRUM 银杏黄酮 FLAVANOSIDS 24%MIN TERPEN LACTONE 6%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 茶多酚 POLYPHENOLS 40-98% 25KGS /DRUM 五味子 SCHISANDRINS 9% 25KGS /DRUM 硫酸软骨素 WITH CONTENT 90% 25KGS /DRUM 辣椒红、姜黄色素、甜菜红 红曲红 高粱红 萝卜红 甘蓝红 紫草红 栀子黄 、栀子蓝 、叶绿素铜钠盐 、金樱子棕 *院士、分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室主任吴教授在《战胜癌症》中提到:芦酊对各种癌症患者都有预防和治疗功效,尤其对膀胱癌、肺癌、皮肤癌有特殊疗效。 据中医学临床实验证明:芦酊是新一代防癌、治癌的保健药品,也具有提神解暑等药效功用,在国内外享有很高的声誉。 山东省医学*药物研究所通过实验证明,芦笋提取物芦酊对癌细胞具有抑制“拓扑异构酶”的活性促使癌细胞DNA双链断裂的作用,但由于明显的剂量效应相关性,对于“拓扑异构酶”浓度较低的人体正常细胞不发生作用,这就使芦酊抗癌具有了科学家Z希望的选择性:既可以直接抑制杀灭癌细胞,对正常细胞又没有毒副作用。 科学家进一步研究又证明,芦笋中含有丰富的组织蛋白核酸叶酸、微量元素硒和游离态存在的天门冬酰胺和芦酊,他们能有效地抑制癌细胞生长和癌细胞生物大分子的合成,对人体癌细胞形成生化障碍,从而阻止癌细胞的生长、增殖和浸润。   美国生化学家卡尔·卢茨以及理查德·文赛尔多年研究证明,用芦酊治淋巴腺癌、膀胱癌、肺癌和皮肤癌有*疗效。对其它癌症、白血症等,也有很好效果。芦笋治癌的奥秘,在于含有特别丰富的组织蛋白和芦酊,这些物质能防止癌细胞扩散及抑制癌细胞生长,被生化学家们誉为“使细胞生长正常的”卫士。

产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP 10001 cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP 10002 cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP 10004 cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP 10005 cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP 10006 cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP 10007 cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP 10008 cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP 10009 cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP 10010 cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP 10011 cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP 10012 cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP 10013 cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP 10014 cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP 10015 cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP 10003 cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP 10016 cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha C1 胸腺肽 PEP 10017 cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP 10018 cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Page*/1 联系电话:01086181995;01089124423; 手机:013911873657 Email: waley188@sohu.com 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha –1 胸腺肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Page*/1 β-Ala-His (L-Carnosine) 肌肽 Melanotan Ⅱ Acetate 醋酸美拉诺坦 Terlipressin Acetate 醋酸特利加压素 Triptoelin Acetate 醋酸曲普瑞林 Ala-Gln 力肽 Thymosin α1 Acetate 醋酸胸腺肽α1 Thymopentin Acetate, TP-5 Acetate 醋酸胸腺五肽 Thymopentin, TP-5 胸腺五肽 Octreotide Acetate 醋酸奥曲肽 Oxytocin Acetate 醋酸催产素 Oxytocin Acetate, Veterinary 醋酸催产素兽药级 Sermorelin Acetate 醋酸舍莫瑞林 Somatostatin Acetate 醋酸生长抑素 Angiotensin Acetate 醋酸血管紧张素 Alarelin 阿拉瑞林 Atosiban Acetate 醋酸阿托西班 Calcitonin Acetate, Salmon 醋酸鲑鱼降钙素 Desmopressin Acetate 醋酸去氨加压素 Enfuvirtide Acetate 醋酸恩夫韦地 Eptifibatide Acetate 醋酸埃替非巴肽 Leuprorelin Acetate 醋酸亮丙瑞林阿拉瑞林(Alarelin)   阿托西班(Atosiban)   埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide)   奥曲肽(Octreotide)   催产素(Oxytocin)   恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20)   HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon)   戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin)   戈舍瑞林(Goserelin)   鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin)   肌肽(L-Carnosine)   精氨酸加压素(Argpressin)   赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin)   力肽(Dipeptiven)   L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide)   亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin)   鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin)   曲普瑞林(Triptorelin)   去氨加压素(DDAVP)   人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide)   舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin)   生长抑素(Somatostatin)   特利加压素(Terlipressin)   胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1)   胸腺五肽(TP-5)   Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin)   依降钙素(Elcatonin)   胰泌素(Secretin)    Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides  β-Amyloid (10-20);β-Amyloid (1-11);β-Amyloid (15-21);β-Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide    Gly-Gln Gly-Gln Pro-Phe Pro-Phe H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 SAMe-PTS 97540-22-2 S-腺苷蛋氨酸 S-Adenosylmethione 1.4-Butanedisulfonate 101020-79-5 -- 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Ghrelin ,humen PEP 10019 GLP Peptide Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH),human PEP 10021 GLP Peptide RGD-4C PEP 10023 GLP Peptide [Arg8]Vasopressin PEP 10020 GLP Peptide ACTH (1-39), human PEP 10024 GLP Peptide Angiotensin II, human PEP 10025 GLP Peptide Bombesin PEP 10026 GLP Peptide Bradykinin PEP 10027 GLP Peptide Cecropin A PEP 10028 GLP Peptide Cholecystokinin (1-21) PEP 10029 GLP Peptide Galanin, human PEP 10030 GLP Peptide Gastrin-1, human PEP 10031 GLP Peptide Magainin 2 PEP 10032 GLP Peptide Osteocalcin (7-19), human PEP 10033 GLP Peptide β-Amyloid (2-42) PEP 10022 GLP Peptide 阿拉瑞林(Alarelin)   阿托西班(Atosiban)   埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide)   奥曲肽(Octreotide)   催产素(Oxytocin)   恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20)   HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon)   戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin)   戈舍瑞林(Goserelin)   鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin)   肌肽(L-Carnosine)   精氨酸加压素(Argpressin)   赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin)   力肽(Dipeptiven)   L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide)   亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin)   鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin)   曲普瑞林(Triptorelin)   去氨加压素(DDAVP)   人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide)   舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin)   生长抑素(Somatostatin)   特利加压素(Terlipressin)   胸腺肽α1(Thymosin α1)   胸腺五肽(TP-5)   Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin)   依降钙素(Elcatonin)   胰泌素(Secretin)    Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides  β-Amyloid (10-20);β-Amyloid (1-11);β-Amyloid (15-21);β-Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide    α-促黑素细胞激素(α-MSH)  Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素  ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) 短肽Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨相关肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 缓激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容多肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 血管紧张素肽  Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) 细胞凋亡相关肽  MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment)   血管活性肠多肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 血管紧张素相关肽  Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) α-促黑素细胞激素(α-MSH)  Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素  ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 细胞凋亡肽  MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment)   血管活性肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 生长抑素、催产素、胸腺五肽、依非巴特、胸腺28肽、奥曲肽、亮丙瑞林、依降钙素、鲑鱼降钙素、阿斯巴甜、肌肽亮丙瑞林 Leuprorelin C59H84N16O12 [53714-56-0] 奥曲肽 Octreotide C49H66N10O10S2 [83150-76-9] 胸腺肽a1 Thymosin a1 C129H215N33O55 [62304-98-7] 依降钙素 Elcatonin C148H244N42O47 [60731-46-6] 组氨瑞林 Histrelin C66H86N18O12 [76712-82-8] 力肽 Dipetiven C8H15N3O4 [39537-23-0] 阿托西班 Atosiban C43H67N11O12S2 [90779-69-4] 去氨加压素 Desmopressin C46H64N14O12S2 [16789-98-3] 比瓦尔丁 Bivalirudin [128270-60-0] 曲普瑞林 Triptorelin C64H82N18O13 [57773-63-4] 阿拉瑞林 Alarelin [79561-22-1] 催产素 Oxytocin C44H68N12O12S2 [50-56-6] 梅沙瑞林 Hexarelin C47H58N12O6 生长抑素 Somatostatin C79H108N18O21S2 [51110-01-1] 特利加压素 Terlipressin C52H74N16O15O2 [14636-12-5] 胸腺五肽 Thymopentin C30H49N9O9 [69558-55-0] 美拉诺坦 II Melanotan II C50H69N15O9 [121062-08-6] 舍莫瑞林 Sermorelin C149H246N44O42S [86168-78-7] 鸟氨加压素 Ornipressin C45H63N13O12S2 [3397-23-7] 赖氨加压素 Lypressin C46H65N13O12S2 那法瑞林 Nafarelin [76932-56-4] Argirelin(Hexapeptide-3) 依来多辛 Eledosin C54H86N13O15S [69-25-0] 美拉诺坦 I Melanotan I C78H111N21O19 [75921-69-6] Bombesin [31362-50-2] 苯赖加压素 Felypressin [56-59-7] 戈那瑞林 Gonadorelin C55H75N17O13 [71447-49-9] 鲑降钙素 Calcitonin C145H240N44O48S2 [47931-85-1] 甲状旁腺激素 PTH [9002-64-6] 恩夫伟地 Enfuvirtide(T-20) C204H301N51O64 [159519-65-0] 辛卡利特 Sincalide C49H62N10O16S3 [25126-32-3] 安普利肽 Eptifibatide C35H49N11O9S2 [148031-34-9] 布舍瑞林 Buserelin C60H86N16O13 [57982-77-1] Lecirelin 高舍瑞林 Goserelin C59H84N18O14 [65807-02-5] 谷胱甘肽 Glutatione C10H17N3O6S [70-18-8] 产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品、 α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 1. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH) & Related Peptides 2. Adrenomedullin 3. Allatostatins 4. β-Amyloids 5. Angiotensins 6. Atrial Natriuretic Peptides 7. Bag Cell Peptides 8. Bone Gla Proteins 9. Bradykinins 10. Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide 11. Cholecystokinins(CCK) 12. Casomorphin 13. Dynorphins 14. Enkephalins 15. Endorphin 16. Fibronectin & Extra Cellular Matrix Related Peptides 17. Glucagon & Related Peptides 18. Growth Factor Fragments 19. Leucokinin & Analogs 20. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones(MSH) 21. Melanoma Peptides 22. Neuromedins 23. Neurotensin 24. Parathyroid Hormone & Anologs(PTH) 25. Signal Transduction Reagents 26. Substance P & Analogs 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。

现*胸腺五肽、胸腺素α-1 98% 纯品、 α-干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),IGF-1,干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。 ACE Inhibitors Adipokinetic Hormones Adrenocorticotropic Hormones (ACTH) Adrenomedullins Agouti-Related Proteins Allatostatins Amylins Amyloid Angiotensins Anti-Inflammatory Peptides Antibiotic Peptides Antimicrobial Peptides Apelin Peptides Apoptosis related peptides Atrial Natriuretic Peptides Bag Cell Peptides Big Endothelin & Analogs Bombesins Bone Gla Proteins Bradykinins Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) C-Peptides C-Type Natriuretic Peptides Calcitonin & Calcitonin Gene Related Peptides (CGR... Calpain Inhibitors Cart peptides CARTS Casomorphins Cathepsins and Related Products Chloromethylketones Cholecystokinins (CCK) Conotoxins & Other Toxins Corticotropin Releasing Factors Cortistatins Decorsin Defensins Dynorphins Endomorphins Endorphin Endothelin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors & Analogs Endothelin Receptor Antagonist Endothelin-1 & Analogs Endothelin-2, Endothelin-3 & Analogs Endothelins & Related Peptides Enkephalins ETa Receptor Antagonist ETb Receptor Agonist & Antagonist Exendins Fibronectin and Extra Cellular Matrix Related Pept... FMRF & Analogs Galanins Gastric Inhibitory Peptides Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Gastrins Ghrelins Glucagon & related peptides Glucagons and Glucagon-Like Peptides GnRH Associated Peptides Growth Factor Fragments Growth Hormone & Growth Hormone Releasing Factors ... GTP-Binding Protein GTP-Binding Protein Fragments Guanylins Insect-Neuropeptides Insulin & related peptides Laminin Peptides Leptin Fragment Peptides Leucokinin & Analogs LH-RH & Analogs Mast Cell Degranulating Peptides Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones (MSH) Melanoma peptides Miscellaneous Peptides MMP Substrate MMP Substrates Motilins Neurokinins Neuromedins Neuropeptide Y & Analogs Neuropeptides Neurotensins Opioid Related Peptides Orexins Other Opoid Peptides Oxytocins Pancreastatin & Related Peptides Pancreatic Polypeptides Parathyroid Hormone & Analogs (PTH) Peptides YY Petidase Substrates Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptides (P... Protein Kinase and Related Peptides Renin Substrates & Inhibitors Sarafotoxin Secretin Secretins Signal Transduction Reagents Somatostatin & Analogs Somatostatins Stresscopin Related Peptides Substance P & Analogs Substrate & Enzyme Inhibitors TAT Proteins Thymopoietin & Thymosin Peptides Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormones (TRH) Urocortins Urotensins Vasoactive Intestinal Peptides (VIP) Vasopressins Virus Related Peptides -Amyloids and Related Peptides Endorphins 阿托西班、去氨加压素、埃替非巴肽,生长抑素,亮丙瑞林,埃替非巴肽,去氨加压素,PT-141,MT-II, Fmoc-氨基酸-王树脂(Fmoc-Amino Acid Attached to Wang Resin), 氨基酸-2-氯三苯甲基树脂 (Amino Acid Attached to 2-Chlorotrityl Resin), 甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; 声明:本公司所有产品只做为化学中间体对企业和科研机构以及公司销售。本公司不对个人进行产品销售!我公司按约定质量销售给买方后,购买单位对其购买的产品使用和再加工或再销售负全责。 请购买方按国家规定进行产品的再加工和产品的再销售!



: waley188

食品和饮料中残留检测标准品food and beverage standards.......3

*标样aflatoxins ............3
细菌鉴定bacterial identification .....3
badge/bdfge ...3
单糖碳水化合物carbohydrates – monosaccharides....................4
双糖carbohydrates – disaccharides .4
低聚糖carbohydrates – oligosaccharides..........4
糖醇carbohydrates -sugar alcohols 4
甜味剂carbohydrates – sweeteners .4
食物照射浅霉检测标准品food irradiations.....5
有机酸organic acids.......................5
植物性雌激素phytoestrogens .........5

残留分析标准品residue analysis standards ........7

环境污染分析标准品residue analysis -oekanal.................7
农药残留分析标准品residue analysis -pestanal. ............ 13
兽药残留分析标准品residue analysis -vetranal. ........... 38

通过empa 和bam 认证的标准品certified reference standards by empa and bam...42

滴定基准物质titrimetric substances.............. 42
光谱用阳离子标准液cationic standard solutions for spectroscopy (1 g/l)............ 42
离子交换层析用阴离子标准液anionic standard solutions for ion chromatography (1000

mg/kg)................... 42

痕量分析标准品trace analysis ..43

原子吸收光谱用离子标准液(1 g/l)atomic absorption spectroscopy – ion standard solutions,

single element (1 g/l) .................. 43
原子吸收离子标准液(10 g/l)atomic absorption spectroscopy - ion standard solutions, single

element (10 g/l) . 44
原子吸收离子浓缩液(1 g)atomic absorption spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates (1 g

metal) .................. 44
原子吸收离子浓缩液(10 g)ion standard concentrates (10 g metal)....................... 45
icp 浓缩标准液(1 g )icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates (1 g metal) 45
icp 浓缩标准液icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates, multi element .. 46
离子油溶标准品atomic absorption spectroscopy -fixanala ion standard concentrates (0.1 g

metal) oil soluble ................... 46
icp-oes/icp-ms 标准液(1 g/l)icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy – ion standard solutions, single

element (1 g/l)......................... 46
icp 标准液(多元素)icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy – ion standard solutions, multi element . 47
色谱标准液standard solutions for ion chromatography ............. 47
阳离子标准液cationic standard solutions (1 g/l)....................... 48
阴离子标准液(1 g/l)anionic standard solutions (1 g/l) ............... 48
阴离子标准液(多元素)anionic standard solutions, multi element ........................ 48
标准溶液reagents........................ 48

gmo 标准物质gmo referencematerials.........49

gmo reference materials certified by irmm.. 49
competitors for quantitative gmo detection.... 49
competitors for quantitative gmo detection.... 49

色谱标准物质chromatography standards..........50

烷类gc standards – alkanes.......... 50
烯烃类gc standards – alkenes...... 51
芳香烃类gc standards – aromatic hydrocarbons...................... 51
氯化烃类gc standards -chlorinated hydrocarbons.................... 52
环烃类gc standards -cyclic hydrocarbons..... 52
脂肪酸类gc standards -fatty acids................ 53
gc standards -water soluble fatty acid mixes.. 53
脂肪酸甲酯gc standards -fatty acid methyl esters ................... 53
脂肪酸甲酯混合物物gc standards -fatty acid methyl ester mixes...................... 54
不饱合脂肪酸甲酯gc standards -polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl ester mixes (pufa)........

酮类gc standards – ketones ..........54
内酯类gc standards – lactones......54
萜烯类gc standards – terpenes......55

gpc 标准品gpc standards ......... 57
gpc standards......57

符合欧洲和美国药典的标准品reference solutions according to european and united states
pharmacopoeias .......... 64

gc reference solutions and standards ...............64
gc reference solutions according to usp .........64
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 1 .......64
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 2 .......64
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 3 .......65

色度标准物质color reference solutions.............66

color reference solutions according to ph. eur.66
color reference solutions according to usp....66
color reference solutions according to apha..66

标准品food and beverage standards

*混样aflatoxin mix each ampoule contains 1 g b1, 1 g g1, 0.3
g g2 in benzene:acetonitrile (98:2)
g b2, and 0.3 s46300-u 5 x 1 ml
*混样aflatoxin mix each ampoule contains 1
g g2 in methanol
g b1, 1 g g1, 0.3 g b2, and 0.3 s46303 5 ml
黄曲霉素b1 aflatoxin b1 solution, 3 g/ml in benzene:acetonitrile (98:2) 1162-65-8 s46323-u 1

黄曲霉素b2 aflatoxin b2 solution, 3 g/ml in benzene:acetonitrile (98:2) 7220-81-7 s46324-u 1

黄曲霉素g1 aflatoxin g1 solution, 3 g/ml in benzene:acetonitrile (98:2) 1165-39-5 s46325-u 1

黄曲霉素g2 aflatoxin g2 solution, 3 g/ml in benzene:acetonitrile (98:2) 7241-98-7 s46326-u 1

黄曲霉素m1 aflatoxin m1 solution, 10 g/ml in acetonitrile 6795-23-9 s46319-u 1 ml
黄曲霉素m2 aflatoxin m2 solution, 1 g/ml in acetonitrile 6885-57-0 s46910-u 1 ml
黄曲霉素混样测试盒aflatoxin mix
each ampoule contains 1
g g2 in methanol
g b1, 1 g g1, 0.3 g b2, and 0.3 s46304-u 5 x 1 ml

苯甲酸benzoic acid neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 96% 65-85-0 s47849 1 g
苯甲酸钠sodium benzoate neat, standard for food & bev. 532-32-1 s47850 1 g
羟苯甲酯methyl paraben neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 96% 99-76-3 s47889 1 g
山梨酸sorbic acid neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 96% 110-44-1 s47845 1 g
山梨酸钾potassium sorbate neat, standard for food & bev. 590-00-1 s47848 1 g


丁基化羟基甲苯3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (bht) neat, standard for food & bev.,

purity: > 95% 1f28-37-0 s 47168 500 mg
防硬化剂测试盒phenolic antioxidants kit:
sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate
neat, standard for food & bev. s 47192 3 x 1 g
细菌鉴定bacterial identification

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
醇类标样alcohols mix, c1 - c5 solution, 0.1% each of ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-

methyl-1-propanol, 1pentanol,
and 3-methyl-1-butanol in water
s 46980-u 100 ml
bacterial acid methyl
ester cp
solution, 10 mg/ml various c11 - c20 bacterial acid methyl esters in methyl caproate s

47080-u 1 ml
non-volatile acid
standard mix
solution, 1 meq each of pyruvic acid, lactic acid, oxalacetic acid, oxalic acid, methyl
malonic acid, malonic acid, fumaric acid, and succinic acid in water
s 46985-u 100 ml



bisphenol a (2,3-dihydroxypropyl)
glycidyl ether
双酚a,(3-氯-2 羟丙基)(2,1
bisphenol a (3-chloro-2hydroxypropyl)
双酚a,(3-氯-2-羟丙基甘酸)醚bisphenol a (3-chloro-2hydroxypropyl)
glycidyl ether
双酚a,二甘氨酸醚bisphenol a diglycidyl ether
双酚a,双(2,3-二羟丙基)醚bisphenol a bis(2,3dihydroxypropyl)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; ~97% (hplc)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; >98.0% (hplc)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; ~95% (hplc)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; >97.0% (gc)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; >97.0% (hplc)

双酚a,双(3-氯-2 羟基)醚bisphenol a bis(3-chloro-2hydroxy-
propyl) ether
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; >99.0% (hplc)
4809-35-2 f15136 250 mg, 1g
双酚f,二甘氨酸醚bisphenol f diglycidyl ether purum p.a. qualitative
standard; mixture of 3
2095-03-6 f15144 500 mg
isomers ortho-ortho, ortho-
para, para-para; ~97% (gc)
total assay of the 3 isomers
双酚f,双(2,3-二羟丙基)醚bisphenol f bis(2,3dihydroxypropyl)
purum p.a. qualitative
standard; mixture of 3
isomers ortho-ortho, ortho72406-
26-9 f15142 250 mg
para, para-para; >97.0%
(hplc) total assay of the 3
双酚f,双(3-氯-2-羟丙基)醚bisphenol f bis(3-chloro-2hydroxy-
propyl) ether
p.a. qualitative standard;
mixture of 3 isomers ortho-
ortho, ortho-para, para-para;
~95% (hplc) total assay of
the 3 isomers
f15139 250 mg

单糖碳水化合物carbohydrates – monosaccharides

单糖测试盒monosaccharides kit contains d-(+)-galactose, d-(+)-glucose (mixed isomers),
d-(+)-mannose (mixed isomers), d-psicose (mixed isomers),
d-(-)-ribose, d-(+)-xylose, d-(-)-arabinose, neat, standard for
food & bev.
s47267 7 x 100
苹果酸d-malic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 636-61-3 s46940-u 100 mg
d-(+)-glucose (mixed
neat, standard for food & bev.
d-(+) xylose neat, standard for food & bev.
异丁酸isobutyric acid neat, standard for food & bev. 79-31-2 s46935-u 500 mg

双糖carbohydrates – disaccharides

麦芽糖maltose neat, standard for food & bev. 6363-53-7 s47288 500 mg
disaccharides kit
neat, standard for food & bev.
contains a-lactose monohydrate, maltose, sucrose, isomaltose
(mixed isomers), neat, standard for food & bev.
neat, standard for food & bev.

低聚糖carbohydrates – oligosaccharides

contains maltohexaose (dp6), maltopentaose (dp5), maltotetraose (dp4),
stachyose (dp4), maltotriose (dp3), d-(+)-melezitose (dp3), d-(+)raffinose
(dp3), isomaltotriose (dp3), maltoheptaose (dp7), neat,
standard for food & bev.
s47265 set
isomaltotriose neat, standard for food & bev. 3371-50-4 s47884 100 mg
maltoheptaose neat, standard for food & bev. 34620-78-5 s47872 100 mg
maltohexaose neat, standard for food & bev. 34620-77-4 s47873 100 mg
maltopentaose neat, standard for food & bev. 34620-76-3 s47876 100 mg
maltotetraose neat, standard for food & bev. 34612-38-9 s47877 100 mg

: waley188

糖醇carbohydrates -sugar alcohols

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
sugar contains dulcitol (galacitol), iso-erythritol, glycerol, maltitol, d-mannitol, ribitol

s47266 8 x 500 mg
alcohols kit (adonitol), d-sorbitol, d-(+)-arbitol, neat, standard for food & bev.

甜味剂carbohydrates – sweeteners

阿斯巴甜aspartame neat, standard for food & bev. 22839-47-0 s47135 500 mg
木糖醇xylitol neat, standard for food & bev. 87-99-0 s47844 1 g
葡萄糖d-(+)-glucose neat, standard for food & bev. 50-99-7 s47829 1 g
山梨醇d-sorbitol neat, standard for food & bev. 50-70-4 s47841 1 g
糖精saccharin, hemicalcium neat, standard for food & bev. 6381-91-5 s47840 1 g
糖精(钠盐) sodium saccharin neat, standard for food & bev. 82385-42-0 s47839 1 g

糖蜜素sodium cyclamate neat, standard for food & bev. 139-05-9 s47827 1 g

乙酰磺胺酸钾acesulfame k neat, standard for food & bev. 55589-62-3 s47134 1000 mg

食物照射浅霉检测标准品food irradiations

1,7-hexadecadiene ~ 95% (gc), standard for food analysis 125110-62-5 f52206 5 mg, 25 mg
1,7-tetradecadiene ~ 95% (gc), standard for food analysis 150767-46-7 f87141 5 mg, 25 mg
2-dodecylcyclobutanone > 95% (gc), standard for food analysis 35493-46-0 f44197 5 mg, 25 mg
dl-o-tyrosine ~ 98% (nt), standard for food analysis 2370-61-8 f93851 100 mg
dl-m-tyrosine > 98.0% (nt), standard for food analysis 775-06-4 f93853 100 mg


开放毒霉素patulin solution, 100 mg/ml in chloroform 149-29-1 s46914-u 1 ml
脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇deoxynivalenol solution, 200 mg/ml in ethyl acetate: methanol (95:5)

51481-10-8 s46911 1 ml
玉米烯酮zearalenone solution, 50 mg/ml acetonitrile 17924-92-4 s46916-u 1 ml
赭曲霉素a ochratoxin a solution, 50 mg/ml in benzene:acetic acid (99:1) 303-47-9 s46912 1 ml
赭曲霉素b ochratoxin b solution, 50 mg/ml in benzene:acetic acid (99:1) 4825-86-9 s46913-u 1


有机酸organic acids

丙二酸malonic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 141-82-2 s46938-u 500 mg
奎尼酸(-) quinic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 77-95-2 s46944-u 500 mg
柠檬酸citric acid neat, standard for food & bev. 77-92-9 s46933 500 mg
乳酸l (+)-lactic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 79-33-4 s46937 100 mg
顺丁烯二酸maleic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 110-16-7 s46939-u 500 mg
乙酸acetic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 64-19-7 s46928 500 mg
有机酸测试盒organic acid kit contains acetic acid, l-ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, butyric

acid, citric
acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, isobutyric acid, dl-isocitric acid, l-(-)
lactic acid, maleic acid, d-malic acid, malonic acid, oxalic acid,
s47264 21 x 500 mg
phytic acid, propionic acid, (-)quinic acid, shikimic acid, succinic
acid, d-tartaric acid, adipic acid, neat, standard for food & bev.

中文品名英文品名desc-riptioncas no. 订货号包装
3",4",7-三羟异黄酮3",4",7-trihydroxyisoflavone >99.0% 485-63-2 f 91953 1 mg, 5 mg
4", 7-二甲氧基异黄酮4",7-dimethoxyisoflavone ~98% 1157-39-7 f 38763 1 mg, 5 mg
4,5,7 三羟黄酮醇kaempferol >96% 520-18-3 f 60010 25 mg, 100 mg
4",5,7-三羟异黄酮4",5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone >98.0% 485-63-2 f 91955 25 mg, 100 mg
4",6,7-*氧基异黄酮4",6,7-trimethoxyisoflavone >99.0% 798-61-8 f 92182 1 mg, 5 mg
4",6,7-三羟异黄酮4",6,7-trihydroxyisoflavone ~98% 17817-31-1 f 91956 1 mg, 5 mg
5,7,4-三羟异黄酮-4",7-二甲基醚genistein 4",7-dimethyl ether ~95% 34086-51-6 f 48754 1 mg, 5

5,7-二羟黄酮chrysin ~98% 480-40-0 f 27214 100 mg, 1 g
葛根素puerarin >99.0% 3681-99-0 f 82435 1 mg, 5 mg
黄豆苷daidzin ~97% 552-66-9 f 30408 1 mg, 5 mg
黄豆苷原daidzein >98.0% 486-66-8 f 30405 5 mg, 25 mg
鸡豆黄素a biochanin a >97.0% 491-80-5 f 14385 100 mg, 1 g
鸡豆黄素配糖物sissostrin ~95% 5928-26-7 f 85447 1 mg
基黄烷酮pinostrobin >99.0% 480-37-5 f 80614 5 mg, 25 mg
金合欢素acacetin >99.0% 480-44-4 f 00017 25 mg, 100 mg
栎精quercetin dihydrate ~99% 6151-25-3 f 83370 25 g, 100 g
芒柄花苷ononin >99.0% 486-62-4 f 75375 1 mg, 5 mg
牛尿酚equol >99.0% 531-95-3 f 45405 1 mg, 5 mg
漆树黄酮fisetin >99.0% 528-48-3 f 46340 5 mg, 100 mg
中文品名英文品名desc-riptioncas no. 订货号包装
芹甙元apigenin ~98% 520-36-5 f 10798 25 mg, 100 mg
染料木苷genistin >99.0% 529-59-9 f 48756 1 mg, 5 mg
樱黄素prunetin >99.0% 552-59-0 f 82415 5 mg, 25 mg
玉米烯酮zearalenone >98.0% 17924-92-4 f 96093 5 mg, 25 mg


2-胆甾烷5-a-cholestane 10 mg/ml in chloroform 481-21-0 s47124 1 ml
菜油固醇campesterol 100 mg/ml in chloroform 474-62-4 s47126 1 ml
胆固醇cholesterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 57-88-5 s47127-u 1 ml
胆甾烷醇5-b-cholestan-3-ol 100 mg/ml in chloroform 516-92-7 s47125-u 1 ml
豆甾醇stigmasterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 83-48-0 s47132 1 ml
二氢胆固醇dihydrocholesterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 80-97-7 s47129 1 ml
麦角固醇ergosterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 57-87-4 s47130-u 1 ml
-谷甾醇b-sitosterol 100 mg/ml in chloroform 83-46-5 s47133 1 ml


醋酸维生素e dl-a-tocopherol acetate neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 90% 7695-91-2

s 47786 100 mg
核黄素b2 riboflavin (b2) neat, standard for food & bev. 83-88-5 s 47861 1 g
琥珀酸维生素e dl-a-tocopherol succinate neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 4345-

03-3 s 47782 100 mg
抗坏血酸ascorbic acid neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 96% 50-81-7 s 47863 1 g
维生素a(醋酸盐) retinol acetate neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 96% 127-47-9 s

46958 100 mg
维生素a(棕榈酸盐) retinol palmitate neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 90% 79-81-2 s

46959-u 100 mg
维生素b folic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 75708-92-8 s 47866 500 mg
维生素b1 thiamine hydrochloride (b1) neat, standard for food & bev. 67-03-8 s 47858 1 g
维生素b12 cyanocobalamin (b12) neat, standard for food & bev. 68-19-9 s 47869 100 mg
维生素b3 d-pantothenic acid (hemicalcium) neat, standard for food & bev. 137-08-6 s 47867 1

维生素b6 pyridoxine hydrochloride (b6) neat, standard for food & bev. 59-56-0 s 47862 1 g
维生素d2 ergocalciferol (d2) neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 50-14-6 s 47768

100 mg
维生素d3 cholecalciferol (d3) neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 67-97-0 s 47763

100 mg
维生素h d-biotin neat, standard for food & bev. 58-85-5 s 47868 100 mg
维生素k1 phylloquinone (k1) neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 84-80-0 s 47773

100 mg
维生素k2 menaquinone (k2) neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 84-81-1 s 47774 100

维生素k3 menadione (k3) neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 58-27-5 s 47775 1000

烟碱nicotinamide (niacinamide) neat, standard for food & bev. 98-92-0 s 47865-u 1 g
烟碱nicotinic acid neat, standard for food & bev. 59-67-6 s 47864 1 g
-维生素e dl-a-tocopherol neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 97% 10191-41-0 s 47783

100 mg
-维生素e rac-b-tocopherol neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 148-03-8 s 46401-u 1

-维生素e d-tocopherol neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 90% 119-13-1 s 47784 100 mg
-维生素e g-tocopherol neat, standard for food & bev., purity: > 95% 54-28-4 s 47785 25 mg

残留分析标准品residue analysis standards

oekanal. -环境污染分析标准品
pestanal. -农药残余分析标准品
vetranal. -兽药残余分析标准品

环境污染分析标准品residue analysis - oekanal.

中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
1,1,1,2-四氯乙烷1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, min. 99 % c2h2cl4 630-20-6 r 46254 5 ml
1,1,2,2-四氯乙烷1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, min. 99 % c2h2cl4 79-34-5 r 46259 5 ml
1,1,2-三氯乙烷1,1,2-trichloroethane, min. 99 % c2h3cl3 79-00-5 r 46262 5 ml
1,1-二氯乙烷1,1-dichloroethane c2h4cl2 75-34-3 r 36967 250 mg
1,1-二氯乙烯1,1-dichloroethene, min. 99 % c2h2cl2 75-35-4 r 46250 5 ml
1,2,3,4-四氯化萘1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene pollutant c10h12 119-64-2 r 37884 100 mg
1,2,3,5-四氯苯1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene c6h2cl4 634-90-2 r 36928 250 mg
1,2,3-*基苯1,2,3-trimethylbenzene c9h12 526-73-8 r 45935 250 mg
1,2,3-三氯丙烷1,2,3-trichloropropane, min. 99 % c3h5cl3 96-18-4 r 46269 5 ml
1,2-苯并芴溶液1,2-benzofluorene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36961 2 ml, 10 ml
1,2-二甲基萘1,2-dimethylnaphthalene c12h12 573-98-8 r 36943 250 mg
1,2-二氯丙烷1,2-dichloropropane r 46252 5 ml
1,2-二氯乙烷1,2-dichloroethane, min. 99 % c2h4cl2 107-06-2 r 46246 5 ml
1,2-二氢化萘1,2-dihydronaphthalene pollutant c10h10 447-53-0 r 45778 250 mg
1,2-二硝基苯1,2-dinitrobenzene c6h4n2o4 528-29-0 r 45965 250 mg
1,2-二溴-1-氯乙烷1,2-dibrom-1-chloroethane c2h3br2cl 598-20-9 r 35975 1 g
1,3,5-三溴苯1,3,5-tribromobenzene c6h3br3 626-39-1 r 36917 250 mg
1,3-二甲基萘1,3-dimethylnaphthalene c12h12 575-41-7 r 36914 250 mg
1,3-二硝基苯1,3-dinitrobenzene c6h4n2o4 99-65-0 r 45966 250 mg
1,3-茚满二酮1,3-indanedione pollutant c9h6o2 606-23-5 r 45790 250 mg
1,4-二甲基萘1,4-dimethylnaphthalene pollutant c12h12 571-58-4 r 37883 100 mg
1,4-二硝基苯1,4-dinitrobenzene c6h4n2o4 100-25-4 r 45967 250 mg
1,6-二甲基萘1,6-dimethylnaphthalene pollutant c12h12 575-43-9 r 45785 100 mg
1,8-二甲基萘1,8-dimethylnaphthalene pollutant c12h12 569-41-5 r 45786 100 mg
1-甲萘1-methylnaphthalene pollutant c11h10 90-12-0 r 45795 250 mg
1-氯-2-e 氯甲苯2-chlorobenzotrichloride c7h4cl4 2136-84-2 r 45934 250 mg
1-氯-4-三氯甲基苯4-chlorobenzotrichloride c7h4cl4 5216-25-1 r 45997 250 mg
1-氯丙烷1-chloropropane, min. 99 % c3h7cl 540-54-5 r 46244 5 ml
1-萘胺1-naphthylamine c10h9n 134-32-7 r 34390 250 mg
1-溴-2-丙醇1-bromo-2-propanol c3h7bro 19686-73-8 r 36921 250 mg
2,2,2-三氯乙醇2,2,2-trichloroethanol c2h3cl3o 115-20-8 r 36940 250 mg
2,3,4-三氯苯胺2,3,4-trichloroaniline c6h4cl3n 634-67-3 r 45937 250 mg
2,3,6-三氯甲苯2,3,6-trichlorotoluene c7h5cl3 2077-46-5 r 45931 250 mg
2,3,6-三硝基苯酚2,3,6-trinitrophenol (with 0.3-0.4 ml h2o/g) c6h3n3o7 603-10-1 r 45939 250

2,3-苯并芴benz[b]flurene pollutant c17h12 243-17-4 r 45769 100 mg
2,3-二氨基甲苯2,3-diaminotoluene c7h10n2 2687-25-4 r 45923 250 mg
2,3-二氯甲苯2,3-dichlorotoluene c7h6cl2 32768-54-0 r 45948 250 mg
2,3-二硝基甲苯2,3-dinitrotoluene c7h6n2o4 602-01-7 r 45968 250 mg
2,4,5-*基苯胺2,4,5-trimethylaniline c9h13n 137-17-7 r 46127 100 mg
2,4,6-三氯硝基萘2,4,6-trichloronitrobenzene c6h2cl3no2 18708-70-8 r 45936 250 mg
2,4,6-三溴苯酚2,4,6-tribromophenol c6h3br3o 118-79-6 r 36918 250 mg
中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
2,4-二氨基-6-甲基2,4-diamino-6-methylphenol dihydrochloride c7h14cl2n2o 81028-94-6 r 36930

250 mg
2,4-二氨基甲苯2,4-diaminotoluene c7h10n2 95-80-7 r 45922 250 mg
2,4-二氯甲苯2,4-dichlorotoluene c7h6cl2 95-73-8 r 45972 250 mg
2,4-二硝基苯胺2,4-dinitroaniline c6h5n3o4 97-02-9 r 45963 250 mg
2,4-二硝基苯甲酸2,4-dinitrobenzoic acid c7h4n2o6 610-30-0 r 45917 250 mg
2,4-二硝基苯甲酸2,4-dinitrodiphenylamine c12h9n3o4 961-68-2 r 45950 250 mg
2,4-二硝基甲苯2,4-dinitrotoluene c7h6n2o4 121-14-2 r 45969 250 mg
2,4-diaminoanisole sulfate hydrate c7h10n2o x
h2so4 x h2o
123333-56-2 r 46089 250 mg
2,4-三氯甲苯2,4-dichlorobenzyl chloride c7h5cl3 94-99-5 r 36912 250 mg
2,5-二氯甲苯2,5-dichlorotoluene c7h6cl2 19398-61-9 r 45973 250 mg
2,5-硫酸二胺基甲2,5-diaminotoluene sulfate c7h12n2o4s 615-50-9 r 45920 250 mg

2,6-二氨基甲苯2,6-diaminotoluene c7h10n2 823-40-5 r 45921 250 mg
2,6-二甲基萘2,6-dimethylnaphthalene pollutant c12h12 581-42-0 r 37882 100 mg
2,6-二氯甲苯2,6-dichlorotoluene c7h6cl2 118-69-4 r 45974 250 mg
2,6-二硝基苯胺2,6-dinitroaniline c6h5n3o4 606-22-4 r 45919 250 mg
2,6-二硝基苯甲酸2,6-dinitrophenol (with 0,2 ml h2o/g) c6h4n2o5 573-56-8 r 45918 250 mg
2,6-二硝基甲苯2,6-dinitrotoluene c7h6n2o4 606-20-2 r 45970 250 mg
2,6-三氯甲苯2,6-dichlorobenzyl chloride c7h5cl3 2014-83-7 r 45932 250 mg
2-氨基-3-硝基苯2-amino-3-nitrophenol c6h6n2o3 603-85-0 r 45947 250 mg
2-氨基-4-硝基苯2-amino-4-nitrophenol c6h6n2o3 99-57-0 r 45978 250 mg
2-氨基-4-硝基苯2-amino-5-nitrophenol c6h6n2o3 121-88-0 r 45977 250 mg
2-癸酮2-decanone, min. 99 % c10h20o 693-54-9 r 46198 5 ml
2-己酮2-hexanone, min. 99 % c6h12o 591-78-6 r 46205 5 ml
2-甲按基苯胺2-anisidine c7h9no 90-04-0 r 46072 250 mg
2-甲蒽2-methylanthracene pollutant c15h12 613-12-7 r 45792 100 mg
2-甲基-3-硝基苯胺2-methyl-3-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 603-83-8 r 45982 250 mg
2-甲基-4-硝基苯胺2-methyl-4-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 99-52-5 r 45952 250 mg
2-甲基-5-硝基苯胺2-methyl-5-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 99-55-8 r 45984 250 mg
2-甲基-6-硝基苯胺2-methyl-6-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 570-24-1 r 45953 250 mg
2-甲萘2-methylnaphthalene pollutant c11h10 91-57-6 r 45796 250 mg
2-氯-4 硝基苯2-chloro-4-nitrotoluene c7h6clno2 121-86-8 r 45999 250 mg
2-氯丙烷2-chloropropane, min. 99 % c3h7cl 75-29-6 r 46245 5 ml
2-氯硝基苯2-chloronitrobenzene c6h4clno2 88-73-3 r 45926 250 mg
2-萘胺2-naphthylamine c10h9n 91-59-8 r 46081 100 mg
2-十一酮2-undecanone, min. 99 % c11h22o 112-12-9 r 46219 5 ml
2-硝基苯胺2-nitroaniline c6h6n2o2 88-74-4 r 45988 250 mg
2-硝基茴香醚2-nitroanisole c7h7no3 91-93-6 r 36915 250 mg
2-硝基甲苯2-nitrotoluene c7h7no2 88-72-2 r 45985 250 mg
2-硝基-间二甲苯2-nitro-m-xylene c8h9no2 81-20-9 r 45991 250 mg
2-辛酮2-octanone, min. 99 % c8h16o 111-13-7 r 46213 5 ml
2-溴苯酚2-bromophenol c6h5bro 95-56-7 r 36942 250 mg
3,3"-二甲基联苯胺3,3"-dimethylbenzidine c14h16n2o2 119-93-7 r 46101 100 mg
3,3"-二甲氧基联苯3,3"-dimethoxybenzidine c16h16n2 119-90-4 r 46098 100 mg

3,3"-二氯对基联苯3,3"-dichlorobenzidine dihydrochloride c12h10cl2n2 x 2
91-94-1 r 46093 100 mg
3,4-二氨基甲苯3,4-diaminotoluene c7h10n2 496-72-0 r 45956 250 mg
3,4-二氯甲苯3,4-dichlorotoluene c7h6cl2 95-75-0 r 45975 250 mg
3,4-二硝基苯甲酸3,4-dinitrobenzoic acid c7h4n2o6 528-45-0 r 45930 250 mg
3,4-三氯甲苯3,4-dichlorobenzyl chloride c7h5cl3 102-47-6 r 36913 250 mg
3,5-二硝基苯胺3,5-dinitroaniline c6h5n3o4 618-87-1 r 45964 250 mg
3,5-二硝基苯甲酸3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid c7h4n2o6 99-34-3 r 45971 250 mg
3,6-二甲菲3,6-dimethylphenanthrene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36966 2 ml, 10 ml
中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
3-氨基对甲苯甲醚p-cresidine c8h11on 120-71-8 r 46111 250 mg
3-庚酮3-heptanone, min. 99 % c7h14o 106-35-4 r 46203 5 ml
3-己酮3-hexanone, min. 99 % c6h12o 589-38-8 r 46206 5 ml
3-甲基胆蒽3-methylcholanthrene pollutant c21h16 56-49-5 r 45794 100 mg
3-氯-4-氯苯胺3-chloro-4-fluoroaniline c6h5clfn 367-21-5 r 45958 250 mg
3-氯硝基苯3-chloronitrobenzene c6h4clno2 121-73-3 r 45957 250 mg
3-硝基苯胺3-nitroaniline c6h6n2o2 99-09-2 r 45989 250 mg
3-硝基茴香醚3-nitroanisole c7h7no3 555-03-3 r 36909 250 mg
3-硝基甲苯3-nitrotoluene c7h7no2 99-08-1 r 45986 250 mg
3-硝基-临二甲苯3-nitro-o-xylene c8h9no2 83-41-0 r 45944 250 mg
3-辛酮3-octanone, min. 99 % c8h16o 106-68-3 r 46214 5 ml
3-溴苯酚3-bromophenol c6h5bro 591-20-8 r 36920 250 mg
diamino-3,3"-dimethyldiphenylmethane c15h18n2 838-88-0 r 46106 100 mg
diamino-3,3"-dichlorodiphenylmethane c13h12cl2n2 101-14-4 r 46118 100 mg
4,4"-二氨基二甲苯4,4"-diaminodiphenylmethane c13h14n2 101-77-9 r 46092 250 mg
4,4"-二氨基联苯醚4,4"-oxydianiline c12h12n2o 101-80-4 r 46117 250 mg
4,4"-硫代二苯胺4,4"-thiodianiline c12h12ns 134-65-1 r 46126 250 mg
4-氨基-2-硝基苯4-amino-2-nitrophenol c6h6n2o3 119-34-6 r 45946 250 mg
4-氨基联苯4-aminobiphenyl c12h11n 92-67-1 r 46073 250 mg
4-氨基偶氮苯4-aminoazobenzene c12h11n2 60-09-3 r 46130 250 mg
4-庚酮4-heptanone, min. 99 % c7h14o 123-19-3 r 46204 5 ml
4-甲基-2-硝基苯胺4-methyl-2-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 89-62-3 r 45951 250 mg
4-甲基-3-硝基苯胺4-methyl-3-nitroaniline c7h8n2o2 119-32-4 r 45929 250 mg
4-氯-2-甲基苯胺4-chloro-2-methylaniline c7h8cln 95-69-2 r 46282 250 mg
4-氯-2 硝基甲苯4-chloro-2-nitrotoluene c7h6clno2 89-59-8 r 45998 250 mg
4-氯硝基苯4-chloronitrobenzene c6h4clno2 100-00-5 r 45925 250 mg
4-硝基苯胺4-nitroaniline c6h6n2o2 100-01-6 r 45990 250 mg
4-硝基茴香醚4-nitroanisole c7h7no3 100-17-4 r 36916 250 mg
4-硝基甲苯4-nitrotoluene c7h7no2 99-99-0 r 45987 250 mg
4-硝基-间二甲苯4-nitro-m-xylene c8h9no2 89-87-2 r 45942 250 mg
4-硝基-临二甲苯4-nitro-o-xylene c8h9no2 9-951-4 r 45943 250 mg
4-溴联苯4-bromobiphenyl c12h9br 92-66-0 r 36919 250 mg
5-硝基-间二甲苯5-nitro-m-xylene c8h9no2 99-12-7 r 45941 250 mg
7,12-二甲基苯并蒽7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene pollutant c20h16 57-97-6 r 45780 100 mg
7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene solution r 36980 1 ml, 10 ml
9,10-二苯蒽9,10-diphenylanthracene pollutant c26h18 1499-10-1 r 45788 250 mg
9,10-二甲基蒽9,10-dimethylanthracene pollutant c16h14 781-43-1 r 45779 100 mg
9,10-二氢化蒽9,10-dihydroanthracene pollutant c14h12 613-31-0 r 37881 100 mg
9-苯基蒽9-phenylanthracene pollutant c20h14 602-55-1 r 45799 250 mg
9-甲蒽9-methylanthracene pollutant c15h12 779-02-2 r 45793 250 mg
n-壬烷n-nonane, min. 99 % c9h20 111-84-2 r 46172 5 ml
氨基苯甲酸异丙胺anthranilic acid iso-propylamid c10h14n2o 30391-89-0 r 36941 250 mg
奥azulene pollutant c10h8 275-51-4 r 37879 50 mg
苯benzene, min. 99 % c6h6 71-43-2 r 46186 5 ml
苯并茈[a]溶液benzo[a]pyrene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36952 2 ml, 10 ml
苯并茈[e]溶液benzo[e]pyrene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36962 2 ml, 10 ml
苯并茈[g,h,i]溶液benzo[g,h,i]perylene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36953 2 ml, 10 ml
苯并蒽benz[b]anthracene pollutant c18h12 92-24-0 r 45767 100 mg
苯并蒽-7,12-二酮benz[a]anthracene-7,12-dione pollutant c18h10o2 2498-66-0 r 45768 250 mg
苯并蒽溶液benzo[a]anthracene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36956 2 ml, 10 ml
苯并芴triphenylene pollutant c18h12 217-59-4 r 45804 100 mg

中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
苯并荧蒽[k]溶液benzo[k]fluoranthene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36954 2 ml, 10 ml
苯并荧蒽溶液benzo[b]fluoranthene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36955 2 ml, 10 ml
苯乙类styrene c8h8 100-42-5 r 45993 250 mg
吡啶pyridin r 46704 5 ml
表氯醇epichlorhydrin, min. 99 % c3h5clo 106-89-8 r 46253 5 ml
丙胺n-propylamine c3h9n 107-10-8 r 46407 250 mg
丙腈propionitrile c3h5n 107-12-0 r 45976 250 mg
丙酸甲酯methyl propionate min. 99 % c4h8o2 554-12-1 r 46236 5 ml
茈perylene pollutant c20h12 198-55-0 r 45798 250 mg
茈pyrene solution, 100 ng/μl in cyclohexane r 36944 2 ml, 10 ml
丁腈butyronitrile c4h7n 109-74-0 r 45992 250 mg
丁酸甲酯methyl butyrate, min. 99 % c5h10o2 623-42-7 r 46220 5 ml
丁酮butanone, min. 99 % c4h8o 78-93-3 r 46196 5 ml
对苯二酸二甲酯dimethyl terephthalate c10h10o4 120-61-6 r 36910 250 mg
对二氨基联苯benzidine c12h12n2 92-87-5 r 46080 250 mg
对二甲苯p-xylene, min. 99 % c8h10 106-42-3 r 46195 5 ml
对甲苯胺p-toluidine c7h9n 106-49-0 r 45981 250 mg
对甲酚p-cresol c7h8o 106-44-5 r 36924 250 mg
对三联苯p-terphenyl pollutant c18h14 92-94-4 r 45802 250 mg
苊acenaphthene solution, r 36959 2 ml, 10
100 ng/μl in cyclohexane ml
苊acenaphthylene solution, 100 ng/μl in r 36958 2 ml
蒽anthracene c14h10 120-12-7 r 46051 250 mg
蒽嵌蒽anthanthrene solution, 100 ng/μl in toluene r 36960 2 ml
蒽溶液anthracene solution, 100 ng/μl in cyclohexane r 36957 2 ml, 10 ml
二苯并蒽[a,c]溶液dibenz[a,c]anthracene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36964 2 ml, 10 ml
二苯并蒽[a,h]溶液dibenz[a,h]anthracene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36950 2 ml, 10 ml
二甲基萘dimethylnaphthalene mixture of isomers pollutant c12h12 28804-88-8 r 45787 250 mg
二氯甲苯benzotrichloride c7h5cl3 98-07-7 r 36911 250 mg
二氯甲烷dichloromethane, min. 99 % ch2cl2 75-09-2 r 46251 5 ml
二溴氯甲烷dibromochloromethane chbr2cl 124-48-1 r 36971 250 mg
二乙酮diethyl ketone, min. 99 % c5h10o 96-22-0 r 46202 5 ml
反式-1,2-二氯乙烷trans-1,2-dichloroethene c2h2cl2 15-660-5 r 36969 250 mg
菲phenanthrene solution, 100 ng/μl in
r 36945 2 ml, 10 ml
庚酸甲酯methyl enanthate, min. 99 % c8h16o2 106-73-0 r 46227 5 ml
庚烷n-heptane, min. 99 % c7h16 142-82-5 r 46164 5 ml
癸酸甲酯methyl caprate, min. 99 % c11h22o2 110-42-9 r 46221 5 ml
癸烷n-decane, min. 99 % c10h22 124-18-5 r 46154 5 ml
环己酮cyclohexanone, min. 99 % c6h10o 108-94-1 r 46197 5 ml
环己烷cyclohexane, min. 99 % c6h12 110-82-7 r 46152 5 ml
环戊烷cyclopentane, min. 99 % c5h10 287-92-3 r 46153 5 ml
*b1 aflatoxine b1 solution, 5 ng/μl in methanol r 36975 2 ml
*b2 aflatoxine b2 solution, 5 ng/μl in methanol r 46422 2 ml
*g1 aflatoxine g1 solution, 5 ng/μl in methanol r 46418 2 ml
*g2 aflatoxine g2 solution, 5 ng/μl in methanol r 46423 2 ml
*m1 aflatoxine m1 solution, 0,5 ng/μl in methanol mycotoxine c17h12o7 6795-23-9 r

36976 2 ml, 10 ml
黄曲霉素毒混合液aflatoxine mix 4 solution, each 2 ng/μl in
r 46421 1 ml
己酸甲酸methyl hexanoate, min. 99 % c7h14o2 106-70-7 r 46228 5 ml
甲基toluene, min. 99 % c7h8 108-88-3 r 46188 5 ml
甲基丙酮methyl propyl ketone, min. 99 % c5h10o 107-87-9 r 46211 5 ml
甲基环己烷methylcyclohexane, min. 99 % c7h14 108-87-2 r 46171 5 ml
甲基异丙酮methyl iso-propyl ketone, min. 99 % c5h10o 563-80-4 r 46212 5 ml
中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
甲基异丁酮methyl iso-butyl ketone, min. 99 % c6h12o 108-10-1 r 46210 5 ml
假枯烯pseudocumene c9h12 95-63-6 r 45996 250 mg
间二甲苯m-xylene, min. 99 % c8h10 108-38-3 r 46194 5 ml
间甲苯胺m-toluidine c7h9n 108-44-1 r 45980 250 mg
间甲酚m-cresol c7h8o 108-39-4 r 36923 250 mg
间联三苯m-terphenyl pollutant c18h14 92-06-8 r 45801 250 mg
苦酸picric acid solution 100 ng/μl in acetonitrile r 46209 2 ml, 10 ml
邻苯二甲酸苯基丁benzyl butyl phthalate c19h20o4 85-68-7 r 36927 250 mg

邻苯二甲酸单甲酯monomethyl phthalate c9h8o4 4376-18-5 r 36926 250 mg
邻苯二甲酸二环己dicyclohexyl phthalate c20h26o4 84-61-7 r 36908 250 mg

邻苯二甲酸双苯酯bis(1-octyl) phthalate c24h38o4 117-84-0 r 36938 250 mg
邻苯二甲酸双癸酯bis-decyl phthalate c28h46o4 84-77-5 r 36933 250 mg
邻苯二甲酸双甲乙bis-methylglycol phthalate c14h18o6 117-82-8 r 36934 250 mg
临按基偶氮甲苯o-aminoazotoluene c14h15n3 97-56-3 r 46085 250 mg
临苯二甲酸二烯丙diallyl phthalate c14h14o4 131-17-9 r 36925 250 mg

临二甲苯o-xylene, min. 99 % c8h10 95-47-6 r 46189 5 ml
临甲苯胺o-toluidine c7h9n 95-53-4 r 45979 250 mg
临甲酚o-cresol c7h8o 95-48-7 r 36922 250 mg
临三联苯o-terphenyl pollutant c18h14 84-15-1 r 45800 250 mg
硫芴dibenzothiophene pollutant c12h8s 132-65-0 r 45776 250 mg
氯苯chlorobenzene c6h5cl 108-90-7 r 46029 1 g
氯联苯2-pcb (ballschmiter ) pollutant c12h9cl 2051-60-7 r 35586 100 mg
氯联苯2,2"-pcb (ballschmiter no 4) pollutant c12h8cl2 13029-08-8 r 36753 10 mg
(ballschmiter no 209)
pollutant c12cl10 2051-24-3 r 35587 100 mg
氯联苯2,2",3,4,4",5"-pcb (ballschmiter 38) pollutant c12h4cl6 35065-28-2 r 35494 10 mg
氯联苯2,2",3,4,4",5,5"-pcb (ballschmiter 80) pollutant c12h3cl7 35065-29-3 r 35495 10 mg
氯联苯2,2",4,4",5,5"-pcb (ballschmiter 53) pollutant c12h4cl6 35065-27-1 r 35602 10 mg
氯联苯2,2",4,5,5"-pcb (ballschmiter 01) pollutant c12h5cl5 37680-73-2 r 35603 10 mg
氯联苯2,2",5,5"-pcb (ballschmiter no 52) pollutant c12h6cl4 35693-99-3 r 35599 10 mg
氯联苯2,3-pcb (ballschmiter no 5) pollutant c12h8cl2 16605-91-7 r 35588 100 mg
氯联苯2,4-pcb (ballschmiter no 7) pollutant c12h8cl2 34883-43-7 r 35589 100 mg
氯联苯2,4,4"-pcb (ballschmiter no 28) pollutant c12h7cl3 7012-37-5 r 35601 10 mg
氯联苯2,4,5-pcb (ballschmiter no 29) pollutant c12h7cl3 15862-07-4 r 35590 100 mg
氯联苯2,4",5-pcb (ballschmiter no 31) c12h7cl3 16606-02-3 r 36679 10 mg
氯联苯2,5-pcb (ballschmiter no 9) pollutant c12h8cl2 34883-39-1 r 35591 100 mg
氯联苯3-pcb (ballschmiter no 2) pollutant c12h9cl 2051-61-8 r 35592 100 mg
氯联苯3,3",4,4"-pcb (ballschmiter no 77) pollutant c12h6cl4 32598-13-3 r 35496 10 mg
氯联苯3,4-pcb (ballschmiter 2) pollutant c12h8cl2 2974-92-7 r 35593 100 mg
氯联苯3,5-pcb (ballschmiter 4) pollutant c12h8cl2 34883-41-5 r 35595 100 mg
氯联苯4-pcb (ballschmiter no 3) pollutant c12h9cl 2051-62-9 r 35596 100 mg
氯联苯4,4"-pcb (ballschmiter 5) pollutant c12h8cl2 2050-68-2 r 35597 100 mg
氯联苯2,2",3,4,4",5"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane pollutant r 36903 2 ml
氯联苯2,2",3,4,4",5,5"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in isopollutant
r 36905 2 ml
氯联苯2,2",4,4",5,5"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane pollutant r 36904 2 ml
氯联苯2,2",4,5,5"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane pollutant r 36902 2 ml
氯联苯2,2",5,5"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane pollutant r 36901 2 ml
氯联苯2,4,4"-pcb solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane pollutant r 36900 2 ml
氯联苯pcb-set, 6 single solutions, 2,4,4"-pcb,
2,2",5,5"-pcb, 2,2",4,5,5"-pcb, 2,2",3,4,4"5-pcb,
r 36907 1 each
2,2",4,4",5,5"-pcb, 2,2",3,4,4",5,5"-pcb, each 10
ng/μl in 10 ml iso-octane (6 pack box)
氯联苯pcb standard solution 7 in iso-octane r 36989 2 ml, 10 ml
中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装ml
氯联苯pcb standard solution 6 r 36906 2 ml, 10
ballschmiter no. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180 in ml
萘溶液naphthalene solution, 100 ng/μl in cyclohexane r 36946 2 ml, 10 ml
氰苯benzonitrile c7h5n 100-47-0 r 45961 250 mg
屈chrysene c18h12 218-01-4 r 35754 100 mg
三氯甲烷trichloromethane, min. 99 % chcl3 67-66-3 r 46268 5 ml
三氯乙烯trichloroethene, min. 99 % c2hcl3 79-01-6 r 46267 5 ml
麝香酮musk ketone solution, 100 ng/μl in acetonitrile r 46377 2 ml
十八碳烷n-octadecane, min. 99 % c18h38 593-45-3 r 46173 5 ml
十二氯化苯并菲dodecahydrotriphenylene pollutant c18h24 1610-39-5 r 45783 250 mg
十二烷n-dodecane, min. 99 % c12h26 112-40-3 r 46155 5 ml
十环烯decacyclene pollutant c36h18 191-48-0 r 45771 250 mg
十六烷n-hexadecane, min. 99 % c16h34 544-76-3 r 46169 5 ml
十六烷*基溴化hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide c19h42brn 57-09-0 r 36932 1 g

十氯化萘decahydronaphthalene, mixture of cis and trans
pollutant c10h18 91-17-8 r 37880 100 mg
十氯化萘cis-decahydronaphthalene pollutant c10h18 493-01-6 r 45773 250 mg
十氯化萘trans-decahydronaphthalene pollutant c10h18 493-02-7 r 45774 250 mg
十七烷n-heptadecane, min. 99 % c17h36 629-78-7 r 46156 5 ml
十三烷n-tridecane, min. 99 % c13h28 629-50-5 r 46181 5 ml
十四酸甲酯methyl myristate, min. 99 % c15h30o2 124-10-7 r 46230 5 ml
十四烷n-tetradecane, min. 99 % c14h30 629-59-4 r 46180 5 ml
十五烷n-pentadecane, min. 99 % c15h32 629-62-9 r 46178 5 ml
十一烷n-undecane, min. 99 % c11h24 1120-21-4 r 46185 5 ml
顺式-1,2-二氯乙烷cis-1,2-dichloroethene c2h2cl2 156-59-2 r 36968 250 mg
*carbon tetrachloride, min. 99 % ccl4 56-23-5 r 46243 5 ml
四氯乙烷tetrachloroethene, min. 99 % c2cl4 127-18-4 r 46260 5 ml
四十烷tetracontane c40h82 4181-95-7 r 46409 100 mg
碳酸氢氨胍1-aminoguanidinium hydrogen carbonate c2h8n4o3 2582-30-1 r 45959 250 mg
戊腈valeronitrile c5h9n 110-59-8 r 45927 250 mg
戊省pentacene pollutant c22h14 135-48-8 r 45797 100 mg
戊酸甲酯methyl valerate, min. 99 % c6h12o2 624-24-8 r 46242 5 ml
戊烷n-pentane, min. 99 % c5h12 109-66-0 r 46179 5 ml
芴fluorene solution, 100 ng/μl in cyclohexane r 36948 2 ml, 10 ml
硝基苯nitrobenzene c6h5no2 98-95-3 r 45308 250 mg
硝酸氨胍1-aminoguanidinium nitrate solution, 100 ng/μl
in acetonitrile
r 46375 2 ml
辛酸甲酯methyl caprylate, min. 99 % c9h18o2 111-11-5 r 46222 5 ml
辛烷n-octane, min. 99 % c8h18 111-65-9 r 46177 5 ml
溴二氯甲烷bromodichloromethane chbrcl2 75-27-4 r 36970 250 mg
溴仿bromoform chbr3 75-25-2 r 36972 250 mg
溴氯甲烷bromochloromethane ch2brcl 74-97-5 r 36973 250 mg
氧芴dibenzofuran pollutant c12h8o 132-64-9 r 45775 250 mg
乙醇ethanol r 46139 5 ml
乙基苯ethylbenzene, min. 99 % c8h10 100-41-4 r 46187 5 ml
乙腈acetonitrile c2h3n 75-05-8 r 45983 5 ml
乙腈acrylonitrile c3h3n 107-13-1 r 45960 5 ml
乙烷n-hexane, min. 99 % c6h14 110-54-3 r 46170 5 ml
异丙胺iso-propylamine, anhydrous c3h9n 75-31-0 r 45945 1 g
茚indene pollutant c9h8 95-13-6 r 45791 250 mg
茚满indane pollutant c9h10 496-11-7 r 45789 250 mg
荧蒽fluoranthene c16h10 206-44-0 r 45504 250 mg
荧蒽fluoranthene solution, 100 ng/μl in cyclohexane r 36949 2 ml, 10 ml

中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
硬脂酸甲酯methyl stearate, min. 99 % c19h38o2 112-61-8 r 46237 1 g
硬脂酯硬脂酰酯stearyl stearate c36h72o2 2778-96-3 r 46408 100 mg
月桂酸甲酯methyl laurate, min. 99 % c13h26o2 111-82-0 r 46229 5 ml
晕苯溶液coronene solution, 100 ng/μl in toluene r 36963 2 ml, 10
棕榈酸甲酯methyl palmitate, min. 99 % c17h34o2 112-39-0 r 46235 1 g
diinde,2,3-c,d-1",2",3"-l,m]perylene solution,
10 ng/μl in toluene
inde,2,3-c,d]pyrene solution, 100 ng/μl in
musk mosken solution, 100 ng/μl in acetonitrile
r 36965
r 36947
r 46376
2 ml, 10 ml
2 ml, 10 ml
2 ml
musk xylol solution, 100 ng/μl in acetonitrile r 46383 2 ml
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons 16
solution in cyclohexane
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons 6 solution,
trinkwv method in cyclohexane
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons 16 solution
in acetonitrile
r 36991
r 36990
r 36979
2 ml
2 ml
2 ml, 10 ml

: waley188

农药残留分析标准品residue analysis -pestanal.

中文品名英文品名applications formula cas no. 订货号包装
??嗪酮bromopyrazon 除草剂c10h8brn3o 3042-840
r 45358 250 mg
杀真菌剂/ 除草剂/
c3hcl7 594-89-8 r 36556 250 mg
solution, 100 ng/μl in methanol 代谢产物 r45905 2 ml, 10 ml
1,2,3,4-四氯苯1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene 代谢产物c6h2cl4 634-66-2 r 46014 100 mg
solution, 100 ng/μl in methanol r45906 2 ml, 10 ml
1,2,3-三氯-4-硝基苯2,3,4-trichloronitrobenzene 代谢产物c6h2cl3no2
3 r 36561 250 mg
1,2,3-三氯苯1,2,3-trichlorobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl3 87-61-6 r 36742 1 g
1,2,4,5-四氯苯1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene 代谢产物c6h2cl4 95-94-3 r 34379 250 mg
1,2,4-三氯-5-硝基苯2,4,5-trichloronitrobenzene 代谢产物c6h2cl3no2 89-69-0 r 36562 250 mg
1,2,4-三氯苯1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl3 120-82-1 r 36627 1 g
1,2-二氯-4-硝基苯3,4-dichloronitrobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl2no2 99-54-7 r 35831 1 g
1,2-二氯丙烷1,2-dichloropropane 杀线虫剂c3h6cl2 78-87-5 r 45438 250 mg
1,3,5-三氯苯1,3,5-trichlorobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl3 108-70-3 r 36555 250 mg
1,3,5-三嗪sebuthylazin solution, 100 ng/μl
in acetonitrile 除草剂 r45901 2 ml, 10 ml
1,3-二氯-5-硝基苯3,5-dichloronitrobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl2no2 618-62-2 r 36573 250 mg
1,3-二氯丙烷1,3-dichloropropane 杀线虫剂c3h6cl2 142-28-9 r 45439 250 mg
1,4-二氯-2-硝基苯2,5-dichloronitrobenzene 代谢产物c6h3cl2no2 89-61-2 r 36572 250 mg
1-萘基乙酰胺1-naphthylacetamide 除草剂c12h11no 86-86-2 r 36732 1 g
1-溴-3-氯丙烷1-bromo-3-chloropropane 代谢产物c3h6brcl 109-70-6 r 36578 1 g
2,2"-联吡啶2,2"-bipyridine 除草剂c10h8n2 366-18-7 r 36759 1 g
2,3,4,5,6-四氯硝基苯tecnazene 杀真菌剂c6hcl4no2 117-18-0 r 45672 250 mg
solution, 10 ng/μl in iso-octane 代谢产物 r36896 2 ml
2,3,4,6-四氯酚2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol 代谢产物c6h2cl4o 58-90-2 r 36539 100 mg
solution, 100 ng/μl in methanol 代谢产物 r45907 2 ml, 10 ml
2,3,4-三氯苯酚2,3,4-trichlorophenol 代谢产物c6h3cl3o 1595066-
0 r 33393 50 mg
2,3,4-三氯茴香醚2,3,4-trichloroanisole 代谢产物c7h5cl3o 5413580-
7 r 36624 1 g
2,3,5,6-四氯苯胺2,3,5,6-tetrachloroaniline 代谢产物c6h3cl4n 3481-207
r 34476 250 mg
2,3,5,6-四氯酚2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 代谢产物c6h2cl4o 935-95-5 r 36518 10 mg
solution, 100 ng/μl in methanol 代谢产物 r45908 2 ml, 10 ml
2,3,6-三氯苯酚2,3,6-trichlorophenol 代谢产物c6h3cl3o 933-75-5 r 36745 250 mg
2,3,6-三氯酚2,3,5-trichlorophenol 代谢产物c6h3cl3o 933-78-8 r 46128 100 mg
氯乙酸甲酯methyl chloroacetate derivative c3h5clo2 96-34-4 r 36546 1 g
马拉硫磷malathion 杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂c10h19o6ps2 121-75-5 r 36143 100 mg
马拉硫磷malathion solution, 100 ng/μl in
cyclohexane 杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂 r45870 2 ml, 10 ml
杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂/ 软
c10h19o7ps 1634-782
r 36142 100 mg
吗菌灵,十二环吗啉dodemorph, mixture of cis and
trans isomers 杀真菌剂c18h35593-777
r 45465 250 mg
吗啉morpholine 杀真菌剂c4h910-91-8 r 45592 250 mg
麦草氟异丙酯flamprop-m-isopropyl 除草剂c19h19clfno3
8 r 45752 250 mg
麦草畏dicamba 除草剂c8h6cl2o3
r 45430 250 mg
麦草畏dicamba solution, 100 ng/μl in
acetonitrile 除草剂 r45843 2 ml, 10 ml
fuberidazole 杀真菌剂c11h8n2o 3878-191
r 45515 250 mg
麦锈灵benodanil 杀真菌剂c13h10i531001-
7 r 45338 250 mg
茅草枯dalapon-sodium 除草剂c3h3cl2nao2 127-20-8 r 45417 250 mg
茅草枯酸dalapon 除草剂c3h4cl2o2 75-99-0 r 35562 250 mg
猛杀威promecarb 杀虫剂c12h17no2
r 45634 250 mg
咪草酸imazamethabenz-methyl, mixture
of isomers 除草剂c16h20n2o3
8 r 34350 100 mg
咪鲜胺prochloraz 杀真菌剂c15h16cl3n3o2
5 r 45631 250 mg
咪鲜胺prochloraz solution, 100 ng/μl in
acetonitrile 杀真菌剂 r46359 2 ml, 10 ml
醚苯磺隆triasulfuron r33383 100 mg
醚磺隆cinosulfuron 除草剂c15h19n5o7s 9459391-
6 r 37893 100 mg
密草通secbumeton 除草剂c10h19n5o 2625945-
0 r 45658 250 mg
嘧啶磷pirimiphos-ethyl 杀虫剂c13h24n3o3ps 2350541-
1 r 45628 250 mg
嘧菌环胺cyprodinil min. 99 % 杀真菌剂c14h15n3
2 r 34389 250 mg
嘧霉胺pyrimethanil 杀真菌剂c12h13n3
0 r 46039 250 mg
杀真菌剂/ 除草剂/
c5h10n2s2 533-74-4 r 45419 250 mg
灭草呋喃,乙氧呋草黄ethofumesate 除草剂c13h18o5s 2622579-
6 r 45479 250 mg
灭草喹imazaquin 除草剂c17h17n3o3
7 r 37878 100 mg
灭草灵swep 除草剂c8h7cl2no2
r 45666 250 mg
灭草隆monuron 除草剂c9h11cln2o 150-68-5 r 36174 100 mg
灭草猛,灭草敌vernolate 杀虫剂c10h21nos 1929-777
r 45704 250 mg
灭草烟imazapyr 除草剂c13h15n3o3
1 r 37877 100 mg
杀虫剂/ 软体动物
c11h15no2s 2032-657
r 36152 100 mg
灭多威methomyl 杀虫剂c5h10n2o2s 1675277-
5 r 36159 100 mg
灭多威methomyl solution, 100 ng/μl in
acetonitrile r46440 2 ml, 10 ml
灭害威aminocarb 杀虫剂c11h16n2o2
r 45322 250 mg
灭菌丹,灭草丹folpet 杀真菌剂c9h4cl3no2s 133-07-3 r 45512 250 mg
灭菌磷ditalimfos 杀真菌剂c12h14no4ps 5131-248
r 45461 250 mg
灭螨猛chinomethionate 杀螨剂/ 杀真菌剂c10h6n2os2 2439-1-2 r 45372 250 mg
灭线磷ethoprophos 杀虫剂/ 杀线虫剂c8h19o2ps2
4 r 45306 250 mg
灭蚜磷mecarbam 杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂c10h20no5ps2
r 36515 100 mg
灭蚜磷mecarbam solution, 100 ng/μl in
acetonitrile r36857 2 ml

bromoxynil-heptanoate solution,
10 ng/μl, in iso-octane
diphenyl phthalate
atrazin-desisopropyl solution, 100
ng/μl in methanol
atrazin-desethyl solution, 100
ng/μl in methanol
4,4"-ddt solution, 100 ng/μl in
solution, 100 ng/μl in methanol
fluroxypyr-1-methylheptyl ester
fenoxaprop, racemate
d-hch solution, 100 ng/μl in
iso-chloridazon solution, 10 ng/μl
in cyclohexane
fenthionsulfoxide solution, 100
ng/μl in acetonitrile
propazine-2-hydroxy solution, 10
ng/μl in methanol
bromoxynil-methyl solution, 10
ng/μl, in iso-octane
2,3-d solution, 100 ng/μl in
3,4-d solution, 100 ng/μl in
mcpa-butoxyethylester solution,
10 ng/μl in iso-octane
pestizide standard 17 solution,
mecoprop-2-octyl ester
mecoprop-1-octyl ester
2,4-d-methyl ester
杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂
s-hydr-oprene c17h30o2
8 r 46426 250 mg
ammonium solution, 100 ng/μl in
r46442 2 ml, 10 ml
spiroxamine mixture of diastereo
isomers c18h35no2
8 r 46443 100 mg
prodiamine solution, 10 ng/μl in
cyclohexane r46454 2 ml, 10 ml
chlorphoxim 杀螨剂/ 杀虫剂c12h14cln2o3ps 1481620-7 r 45392 250 mg

兽药残留分析标准品residue analysis -vetranal.

中文品名英文品名applicationsformula cas no. 订货号包装
b-雌二醇17b-estradiol, hemihydrate hormone c18h24o2 x 0.5 h2o 50-28-2 r46550 250 mg
a-雌二醇17a-estradiol, hemihydrate hormone c18h24o2 x 0.5 h2o 57-91-0 r46542 100 mg
b-雌二酯17-乙酸17b-estradiol 17-acetate hormone c20h26o3 1743-60-8 r46551 100 mg
a-乙炔雌二醇17a-ethinylestradiol hormone c20h24o2 57-63-6 r46263 250 mg
17b-雌二醇-3-甲醚17b-estradiol 3-methyl ether hormone c19h26o2 1474-53-9 r46555 250 mg
17a-甲基睾甾酮17a-methyltestosterone hormone c20h30o2 58-18-4 r46444 250 mg
17a-羟基孕酮17a-hydroxyprogesterone hormone c21h30o3 68-96-2 r46337 250 mg
17-安息香酸睾丸激素testosterone 17-benzoate hormone c26h32o3 2088-71-3 r46926 250 mg
17-安息香酸雄烯醇酮androstanolone 17-benzoate hormone c26h34o3 1057-07-4 r46025 250 mg
17-丙酸-b-雌二酯17b-estradiol 17-propionate hormone c21h28o3 3758-34-7 r46556 250 mg
17-丙酸睾丸激素testosterone 17-propionate hormone c22h32o3 57-85-2 r46925 250 mg
17-戊酸-b-雌二酯17b-estradiol 17-valerate hormone c23h32o3 979-32-8 r46557 250 mg
17-戊酸倍他米松betamethasone 17-valerate hormone c27h37fo6 2152-44-5 r46074 250 mg
17-乙酸-17a-羟基孕17a-hydroxyprogesterone 17-acetate hormone c23h32o4 302-23-8 r46338 250 mg

17 乙酸-19-诺塞甾19-norethisterone 17-acetate c22h28o3 51-98-9 r46527 100 mg
17-乙酸勃地酮boldenone 17-acetate hormone c21h28o3 2363-59-9 r46091 100 mg
17-乙酸睾丸激素testosterone 17-acetate hormone c21h30o3 1045-69-8 r46924 250 mg
19-诺塞睾甾酮19-norethisterone hormone c20h26o2 68-22-4 r46525 250 mg
19-去甲睾酮nandrolone hormone c18h26o2 434-22-0 r46476 250 mg
21-羟基孕酮21-hydroxyprogesterone hormone c21h30o3 64-85-7 r46346 250 mg
21-乙酸-21-羟基孕酮21-hydroxyprogesterone 21-acetate hormone c23h32o4 56-47-3 r46347 250 mg
21-乙酸氢化可的松hydrocortisone 21-acetate hormone c23h32o6 50-03-3 r46329 250 mg
21-乙酸肾上腺酮corticosterone 21-acetate hormone c23h32o5 1173-26-8 r46149 100 mg
3,17-二丙酸-b-雌二酯17b-estradiol 3,17-dipropionate hormone c24h32o4 113-38-2 r46554 250 mg
3,17-二乙酸-b-雌二酯17b-estradiol 3,17-diacetate hormone c22h28o4 3434-88-6 r46553 100 mg
3-安息香酸-b-雌二酯17b-estradiol 3-benzoate hormone c25h28o3 50-50-0 r46552 250 mg
3-乙酸雄甾酮androsterone 3-acetate hormone c21h32o3 1164-95-0 r46042 100 mg
阿莫西林amoxicillin, trihydrate antibiotic c16h19n3o5s x 3 h2o 61336-70-7 r46060 250 mg
氨苯砜dapsone c12h12n2o2s 80-08-0 r46158 250 mg
氨比西林ampicillin, trihydrate antibiotic c16h19n3o4s x 3 h2o 7177-48-2 r46061 250 mg
氨丙啉,安普罗铵amprolium hydrochloride c14h20cl2n4 137-88-2 r46062 250 mg
半硫酸舒喘宁salbutamol hemisulfate c13h21no3 x 0.5 h2so4 51022-70-9 r46732 250 mg
苯甲异唑青霉素oxacillin sodium salt, hydrate antibiotic c19h18n3nao5s x h2o 7240-38-2 r46589

100 mg
苯酰磺胺sulfabenzamide c13h12n2o3s 127-71-9 r46762 250 mg
吡喹酮praziquan c19h24n2o2 55268-74-1 r46648 250 mg
苄星青霉素benzathine penicillin g, tetrahydrate antibiotic c48h56n6o8s2 x 4 h2o 1538-09-6

r46610 250 mg
别丁bithionol c12h6cl4o2s 97-18-7 r46083 250 mg
槟榔碱arecoline hydrobromide c8h14brno2 300-08-3 r46063 250 mg
丙基硫脲嘧啶6-propyl-2-thiouracil c7h10n2os 51-52-5 r46698 250 mg
丙酰丙嗪propionylpromazine hydrochloride c20h24cln2os 7681-67-6 r46689 100 mg
勃地酮,去氢??酮boldenone hormone c19h26o2 846-48-0 r46090 250 mg
雌激素酮estrone hormone c18h22o2 53-16-7 r46573 250 mg
雌三醇estriol hormone c18h24o3 50-27-1 r46565 100 mg
中文品名英文品名applicationsformula cas no. 订货号包装
醋酸氟美松dexamethasone 21-acetate hormone c24h31fo6 1177-87-3 r46166 250 mg
醋酸甲羟孕酮medroxyprogesterone 17-acetate hormone c24h34o4 71-58-9 r46412 250 mg
醋酸双烯雌酚dienestrol diacetate hormone c22h22o4 84-19-5 r46191 250 mg
冬眠硫磷chlorpromazine hydrochloride phenothiazine c17h19cl2n2s 69-09-0 r46125 250 mg
对氨基苯胂酸4-arsanilic acid c6h8asno3 98-50-0 r46059 250 mg
多粘菌素b polymyxin b 2,5-sulfate,
antibiotic c55-56h96-98n16o13 x 2.5
so4 x 5 h2o
1405-20-5 r46639 100 mg
二吡喃酮dipyrone, hydrate c13h16n3nao4s x h2o 5907-38-0 r46232 250 mg
二甲硫咪唑dimetridazole imidazole c5h7n3o2 551-92-8 r46224 250 mg
吩噻嗪phenothiazine c12h9ns 92-84-2 r46624 250 mg
呋吗唑酮furaltadone c13h16n4o6 139-91-3 r46289 250 mg
呋吗唑酮furazolidone c8h7n3o5 67-45-8 r46297 250 mg
呋喃妥因nitrofurantoin nitrofurane c8h6n4o5 67-20-9 r46502 250 mg
氟美松dexamethasone hormone c22h29fo5 50-02-2 r46165 250 mg
杆菌肽bacitracin a antibiotic c66h103n17o16s 6625-11-2 r46084 250 mg
睾丸激素testosterone hormone c19h28o2 58-22-0 r46923 250 mg
红霉素a erythromycin a, dihydrate antibiotic c37h67no13 x 2 h2o 59319-72-1 r46256 250 mg
sulfonamide c13h13n3o5s x h2o 6101-17-3 r46900 250 mg
还原尿睾酮etiocholanolone hormone c19h30o2 53-42-9 r46280 100 mg
黄体酮progesterone hormone c21h30o2 57-83-0 r46665 250 mg
磺胺sulfanilamide sulfonamide c6h8n2o2s 63-74-1 r46874 250 mg
磺胺二甲嘧啶sulfadimidine sulfonamide c12h14n4o2s 57-68-1 r46802 250 mg
磺胺二甲氧基嘧啶sulfadimethoxine sulfonamide c12h14n4o4s 122-11-2 r46794 250 mg
磺胺二甲异嘧啶sulfisomidine sulfonamide c12h14n4o2s 515-64-0 r46908 250 mg
磺胺二甲唑sulfamoxole sulfonamide c11h13n3o3s 729-99-7 r46866 250 mg
磺胺胍sulfaguanidine, monohydrate sulfonamide c7h10n4o2s x h2o 6190-55-2 r46818 250 mg
磺胺甲基硫代二嗪sulfamethizole sulfonamide c9h10n4o2s2 144-82-1 r46842 250 mg
磺胺甲基嘧啶sulfamerazine sulfonamide c11h12n4o2s 127-79-7 r46826 250 mg
磺胺甲基异恶唑sulfamethoxazole sulfonamide c10h11n3o3s 723-46-6 r46850 250 mg
磺胺甲氧嘧啶sulfameter sulfonamide c11h12n4o3s 651-06-9 r46834 250 mg
磺胺甲氧嗪sulfamethoxypyridazine sulfonamide c11h12n4o3s 80-35-3 r46858 250 mg
磺胺氯哒酮sulfachlorpyridazine sulfonamide c10h9cln4o2s 80-32-0 r46778 250 mg
磺胺嘧啶sulfadiazine c10h10n4o2s 68-35-9 r35033 100 mg
磺胺嘧啶sulfapyridine sulfonamide c11h11n3o2s 144-83-2 r46890 250 mg
磺胺噻唑sulfathiazole sulfonamide c9h9n3o2s2 72-14-0 r46902 250 mg
磺胺硝苯sulfanitran sulfonamide c14h13n3o5s 122-16-7 r46882 250 mg
磺胺异嘧唑sulfisoxazole sulfonamide c11h13n3o3s 127-69-5 r46916 250 mg
灰黄霉素griseofulvin c17h17clo6 126-07-8 r46309 250 mg
甲苯咪唑mebendazol c16h13n3o3 31431-39-7 r46404 250 mg
甲苯噻嗪xylazine hydrochloride c12h17cln2s 23076-35-9 r46995 100 mg
甲地孕酮megestrol 17-acetate hormone c24h32o4 595-33-5 r46420 100 mg
甲基硫脲嘧啶6-methyl-2-thiouracil thiouracil c5h6n2os 56-04-2 r46453 250 mg
甲基强的松6a-methylprednisolone hormone c22h30o5 83-43-2 r46436 100 mg
甲硫咪唑methimazole c4h6n2s 60-56-0 r46429 250 mg
甲噻嘧啶moran tartrate c16h22n2o6s 26155-31-7 r46473 250 mg
甲糖宁tolbutamide sulfonamide c12h18n2o3s 64-77-7 r46968 250 mg
甲氧苄氨嘧啶trimethoprim diaminopyridine c14h18n4o3 738-70-5 r46984 250 mg
甲孕酮medroxyprogesterone hormone c22h32o3 520-85-4 r46411 100 mg
洁霉素lincomycin hydrochloride, hydrate antibiotic c18h35cln2o6s x h2o 7179-49-9 r46387 250

结晶氯化紫罗兰crystal violet chloride c25h30cln3 548-62-9 r46364 250 mg
金叶树苷monensin sodium salt, hydrate antibiotic c36h61nao11 x h2o 22373-78-0 r46468 100 mg
咔唑carbazole phenothiazine c12h9n 86-74-8 r46100 250 mg
孔雀石绿malachite green oxalate c26h27n2o6 2437-29-8 r46396 250 mg
拉沙里菌素lasalocid a sodium salt c34h53nao8 25999-20-6 r46372 250 mg
利福霉素rifamycin amp antibiotic c43h58n4o12 13292-46-1 r46713 100 mg

中文品名英文品名applicationsformula cas no. 订货号包装
链霉素streptomycin sesquisulfate antibiotic (c21h39n7o12)3 x 3
3810-74-0 r46754 250 mg
两性霉素b amphotericin b, trihydrate antibiotic c47h72no17 x 3 h2o 1397-89-3 r46006 100 mg
邻氯青霉素cloxacillin sodium salt, hydrate antibiotic c19h17cln3nao5s x
7081-44-9 r46140 250 mg
硫脲嘧啶2-thiouracil thiouracil c4h4n2os 141-90-2 r46952 250 mg
硫酸卡那徽素kanamycin a disulfate, dihydrate antibiotic c18h40n4o19s2 x 2 h2o r46356 250 mg
硫酸庆大霉素gentamycin 2,5-sulfate, hexahydrate antibiotic 1405-41-0 r46305 250 mg
六氯乙烷hexachloroethane c2cl6 67-72-1 r46313 250 mg
六水利福霉素钠rifamycin sv sodium salt,
antibiotic c37h46nnao12 x 6 h2o 14897-39-3 r46721 100 mg
氯化孕酮chlormadinone 17-acetate hormone c23h29clo4 302-22-7 r46116 100 mg
氯霉素chloramphenicol antibiotic c11h12cl2n2o5 56-75-7 r46110 250 mg
氯四环素chlortetracycline hydrochloride antibiotic c22h24cl2n2o8 64-72-2 r46133 250 mg
螺旋霉素spiramycin (i) antibiotic c43h74n2o14 8025-81-8 r46745 100 mg
马萘雌甾酮equilenin hormone c18h18o2 517-09-9 r46239 100 mg
马萘雌甾酮equilin hormone c18h20o2 474-86-2 r46247 100 mg
霉菌素nystatin a1, trihydrate antibiotic c47h75no17 x 3 h2o 34786-70-4 r46535 250 mg
灭滴灵metronidazole imidazole c6h9n3o3 443-48-1 r46461 250 mg
萘普生naproxen c14h14o3 22204-53-1 r46482 250 mg
普鲁卡因procaine hydrochloride c13h21cln2o2 51-05-8 r46608 250 mg
青霉素g penicillin g potassium salt antibiotic c16h17kn2o4s 113-98-4 r46609 250 mg
青霉素v penicillin v potassium salt antibiotic c16h17kn2o5s 132-98-9 r46616 250 mg
氢化波尼松prednisolone hormone c21h28o5 50-24-8 r46656 250 mg
氢化可的松hydrocortisone hormone c21h30o5 50-23-7 r46328 250 mg
驱虫净levamisole hydrochloride imidazole c11h13cln2s 16595-80-5 r46944 250 mg
去甲金霉素demeclocycline hydrochloride,
antibiotic c21h22cln2o8 x 0.5 h2o
64-73-3 r46161 100 mg
炔雌醇甲醚mestranol hormone c21h26o2 72-33-3 r46264 250 mg
肾上腺酮corticosterone hormone c21h30o4 50-22-6 r46148 100 mg
舒喘宁salbutamol c13h21no3 18559-94-9 r46725 100 mg
双氯青霉素钠dicloxacillin sodium salt, hydrate antibiotic c19h16cl2n3nao5s x h2o
13412-64-1 r46182 100 mg
双羟萘酸喹嘧啶pyran pamoate c34h30n2o6s 22204-24-6 r46702 250 mg
双烯雌酚dienestrol hormone c18h18o2 84-17-3 r46190 250 mg
四环素tetracycline hydrochloride antibiotic c22h25cln2o8 64-75-5 r46935 250 mg
四咪唑(驱虫净) tetramisole hydrochloride imidazole c11h13cln2s 5086-74-8 r46945 250 mg
泰乐菌素tylosin hemitartrate, dihydrate antibiotic c48h80no20 x 2 h2o 57607-40-6 r46992 250

酞磺胺噻唑n4-phthalylsulfathiazole sulfonamide c17h13n3o5s2 85-73-4 r46901 250 mg
土霉素oxytetracycline hydrochloride antibiotic c22h25cln2o9 2058-46-0 r46598 250 mg
五水柠檬本酸哌嗪piperazine citrate, pentahydrate c24h46n6o14 x 5 h2o 144-29-6 r46632 250 mg
硝胺nitromide c7h5n3o5 121-81-3 r46518 250 mg
新霉素b neomycin b trisulfate sesquihydrate c23h52n6o25s3 x 1.5 h2o
r46486 250 mg
新生霉素novobiocin sodium salt c31h35n2o11na 1476-53-5 r46531 250 mg
雄烯醇酮androstanolone hormone c19h30o2 521-18-6 r46024 250 mg
雄甾酮androsterone hormone c19h30o2 53-41-8 r46041 250 mg
雄甾烯二酮androstenedione hormone c19h26o2 63-05-8 r46033 250 mg
盐霉素salinomycin sv sodium salt, 2,5hydrate
antibiotic c42h69nao11 x 2.5 h2o 55721-31-8 r46729 100 mg
盐酸丙嗪promazine hydrochloride c17h21cln2s 53-60-1 r46674 250 mg
盐酸三氟丙嗪triflupromazine hydrochloride phenothiazine c18h12clf3n2s 1098-60-8 r46976 250

乙胺嗪diethylcarbamazine citrate c16h29n3o8 1642-54-2 r46200 250 mg
乙嘧啶pyrimethamine c12h13cln4 58-14-0 r46706 250 mg
乙炔基睾丸酮ethisterone hormone c21h28o2 434-03-7 r46272 250 mg
乙酸脱氢皮质醇prednisolone 21-acetate hormone c23h30o6 52-21-1 r46657 250 mg
乙烯雌酚diethylstilbestrol hormone c18h20o2 56-53-1 r46207 250 mg
乙酰磺胺钠盐sulfacetamide c8h10n2o3s 144-80-9 r46770 250 mg
已雌酚hexestrol hormone c18h22o2 84-16-2 r46320 250 mg

中文品名英文品名applicationsformula cas no. 订货号包装
异丙嗪,普鲁米近promethazine hydrochloride c17h21cln2s 58-33-3 r46682 250 mg
周效磺胺sulfadoxine c12h14n4o4s 2447-57-6 r46810 250 mg
竹桃霉素oleandomycin phosphate, dihydrate antibiotic c35h64no16p x 2 h2o 7060-74-4 r46582

250 mg
柱晶白霉素leucomycin, hydrate antibiotic 1392-21-8 r46380 250 mg
壮观霉素spectinomycin dihydrochloride,
antibiotic c14h26cl2n2o7 x 5 h2o 22189-32-8 r46738 250 mg
chloramphenicol palmitate antibiotic c27h42cl2n2o6 530-43-8 r46109 250 mg
diaveridine diaminopyridine c13h16n4o2 5355-16-8 r46174 100 mg
fenbendazole c15h13n3o2s 43210-67-9 r35032 100 mg
nandrolone 17-propionate hormone c21h30o3 7207-92-3 r46477 100 mg
nifuroxazide nitrofurane c12h9n3o5 965-52-6 r46494 250 mg
nitrofurazon solution, 100 ng/μl, in
r46208 2 ml, 10 ml
roxarsone c6h6asno6 121-19-7 r46724 250 mg
tiamulin fumarate antibiotic c32h51no8s 55297-96-6 r46959 100 mg

通过empa 和bam 认证的标准品certified reference standards by
empa and bam

f 可以提供以下三套标准品,通过了empa 瑞士联邦实验室和德国联邦实验室的认证:

empa 瑞士联邦实验室
bam 德国联邦实验室

滴定基准物质titrimetric substances

中文品名英文品名assay cas no. 订货号包装
苯二甲酸氢钾potassiumhydrogenphthalate 99.5% 877-24-7 f 60357 50 g
苯甲酸基准benzoic acid 99.5% 65-85-0 f 12353 25 g
草酸钠基准sodium oxalate 99.5% 62-76-0 f 71804 25 g
碘酸钾基准potassiumiodate 99.5% 7758-05-6 f 60386 50 g
氯化钠基准sodium chloride 99.5% 7647-14-5 f 71387 25 g
三氯化二砷基准arsenic trioxide 99.5% 1327-53-3 f 17971 10 g
三羟甲基氨基甲烷基准tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane 99.5% 77-86-1 f 93440 50 g
碳酸钙基准calcium carbonate 99.5% 471-34-1 f 21067 25 g
碳酸钠基准sodium carbonate 99.5% 497-19-8 f 71363 50 g
硝酸铝基准lead nitrate 99.5% 10099-74-8 f 15194 25 g

光谱用阳离子标准液cationic standard solutions for spectroscopy (1 g/l)

中文品名英文品名certified constituents produced from medium 订货号包装
钙离子calcium ca(ii) caco3 0.5 m hno3 f 21062 50 ml
镉离子cadmium cd(ii) cd(no3)2 0.5 m hno3 f 20896 50 ml
铬离子chromium cr(vi) k2cro4 h2o f 27014 50 ml
汞离子mercury hg(ii) hg(no3)2 · h2o 2 m hno3 f 83348 50 ml
钴离子cobalt co(ii) co(no3)2 · 6h2o 0.05 m hno3 f 27571 50 ml
铝离子aluminum al(iii) alcl3 · 6h2o 0.05 m hno3 f 06159 50 ml
镁离子magnesium mg(ii) mg(no3)2 · 6h2o 0.5 m hno3 f 63038 50 ml
镍离子nickel ni(ii) ni(no3)2 · 6h2o 0.05 m hno3 f 72226 50 ml
铅离子lead pb(ii) pb(no3)2 0.5 m hno3 f 15283 50 ml
砷离子arsenic as(iii) as2o3 naoh/ ~0.05 m hno3 f 11078 50 ml
铁离子iron fe(iii) fe(no3)3 · 9h2o 0.05 m hno3 f 44907 50 ml
铜离子copper cu(ii) cu(no3)2 · 3h2o 0.05 m hno3 f 61155 50 ml
锌离子zinc zn(ii) zn(no3)2 0.5 m hno3 f 96460 50 ml

离子交换层析用阴离子标准液anionic standard solutions for ion chromatography (1000 mg/kg)

中文品名英文品名produced from medium 订货号包装
氟离子液fluoride naf h2o f 80373 100 ml
磷酸离子液phosphate nah2po4 h2o f 81193 100 ml
硫酸离子液sulfate na2so4 h2o f 80218 100 ml
氯离子液chloride nacl h2o f 87603 100 ml
硝酸离子液nitrate nano3 h2o f 86576 100 ml
溴离子液bromide nabr h2o f 87969 100 ml

痕量分析标准品trace analysis

原子吸收光谱用离子标准液(1 g/l)atomic absorption spectroscopy –ion standard solutions,

element (1 g/l)

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
钯离子palladium ~ 1 m hno3 f 76035 100 ml
钡离子barium h2o f 11722 100 ml, 500 ml
钡离子barium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 11723 100 ml, 500 ml
铋离子bismuth ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 95375 100 ml, 500 ml
铂离子platinum ~ 2 m hcl f 80964 100 ml
锇离子osmium ~ 1 m hcl f 75612 100 ml
钒离子vanadium ~ 0.05 m nh4oh f 94693 100 ml, 500 ml
钒离子vanadium ~ 0.5 m h2so4 f 94695 100 ml, 500 ml
钒离子vanadium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 94694 100 ml, 500 ml
钙离子calcium ~ 0.5 m hcl f 21049 100 ml, 500 ml
钙离子calcium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 21058 100 ml, 500 ml
锆离子zirconium ~ 2 m hcl f 96568 100 ml, 500 ml
镉离子cadmium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 20895 100 ml, 500 ml
铬离子(六价) chromium(vi) h2o f 27068 100 ml, 500 ml
铬离子(三价) chromium(iii) ~ 0.05 m hno3 f 27067 100 ml, 500 ml
汞离子mercury ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 83357 100 ml, 500 ml
钴离子cobalt ~ 0.05 m hno3 f 60785 100 ml, 500 ml
硅离子silicium ~ 1 m hno3 + 2% hf f 85351 100 ml, 500 ml
镓离子gallium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 48341 100 ml
钾离子potassium h2o f 60032 100 ml, 500 ml
钾离子potassium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 60029 100 ml, 500 ml
金离子gold ~1 m hcl f 50766 100 ml
钪离子scandium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 84615 100 ml, 500 ml
铼离子rhenium ~ 1 m hno3 f 83672 100 ml
铑离子rhodium ~ 1 m hcl f 83722 100 ml
锂离子lithium h2o f 62372 100 ml, 500 ml
锂离子lithium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 62373 100 ml, 500 ml
钌离子ruthenium ~ 1 m hcl f 84033 100 ml, 500 ml
镥离子lutetium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 62701 100 ml
铝离子aluminum 0.05 m hcl, stab. with 0.4% hcho f 06154 100 ml, 500 ml
铝离子aluminum ~0.5 m hno3 f 06155 100 ml, 500 ml
镁离子magnesium ~ 0.05 m hcl, stab. with 0.04%
f 63046 100 ml, 500 ml
镁离子magnesium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 63044 100 ml, 500 ml
锰离子manganese ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 63534 100 ml, 500 ml
钼离子molybdenum ~ 0.5 nh4oh f 69859 100 ml, 500 ml
钼离子molybdenum ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 69876 100 ml, 500 ml
钠离子sodium h2o f 71177 100 ml, 500 ml
钠离子sodium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 71173 100 ml, 500 ml
镍离子nickel ~ 0.05 m hno3 f 72223 100 ml, 500 ml
硼离子boron h2o f 15579 100 ml, 500 ml

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
铍离子beryllium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 14205 100 ml, 500 ml
铅离子lead ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 15314 100 ml, 500 ml
铷离子rubidium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 83955 100 ml, 500 ml
铯离子cesium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 20958 100 ml, 500 ml
铯离子cesium h2o f 20952 100 ml, 500 ml
砷离子arsenic ~ 0.05 m hno3 + naoh f 11082 100 ml, 500 ml
铈离子cer ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 22236 100 ml, 500 ml
锶离子strontium h2o f 85891 100 ml, 500 ml
铊离子thallium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 88203 100 ml, 500 ml
钛离子titanium ~ 2 m hcl f 89475 100 ml, 500 ml
钽离子tantalum ~ 2 m hf f 86275 100 ml
锑离子antimony ~ 5 m hcl f 10773 100 ml, 500 ml
铁离子iron ~ 0.05 m hno3 f 44903 100 ml, 500 ml
铜离子copper ~ 0.05 m hno3 f 61147 100 ml, 500 ml
硒离子selenium. ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 84896 100 ml, 500 ml
锡离子tin ~ 5 m hcl f 96524 100 ml, 500 ml
锌离子zinc ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 96457 100 ml, 500 ml
铱离子iridium ~1 m hcl f 58195 100 ml
钇离子yttrium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 95802 100 ml, 500 ml
铟离子indium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 57081 100 ml
银离子silver ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 85137 100 ml, 500 ml
锗离子germanium ~ 1 m hcl f 48843 100 ml, 500 ml

原子吸收离子标准液(10 g/l)atomic absorption spectroscopy - ion standard solutions, single
element (10 g/l)

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
钙离子calcium ~0.5 m hno3 f 02457 100 ml, 500 ml
钾离子potassium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 02498 100 ml, 500 ml
镁离子magnesium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 02398 100 ml, 500 ml
钠离子sodium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 02397 100 ml, 500 ml
铁离子iron ~0.5 m hno3 f 02583 100 ml, 500 ml
锌离子zinc ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 02584 100 ml, 500 ml

: waley188

原子吸收离子浓缩液(1 g)atomic absorption spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates (1 g


中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
钡离子barium h2o f02784 1 piece
钒离子vanadium naohaq f03797 1 piece
钙离子calcium hclaq f02672 1 piece
锆离子zirconium hclaq f02763 1 piece
镉离子cadmium h2o f02786 1 piece
铬离子(无价) chromium(vi) h2o f02673 1 piece
汞离子mercury h2o f02587 1 piece
钴离子cobalt h2so4aq f02683 1 piece
硅离子silicon h2o f03793 1 piece
钾离子potassium h2o f02682 1 piece
金离子gold hclaq f02681 1 piece
锂离子lithium h2o f02685 1 piece
磷酸根phosphate h2o f03366 1 piece
铝离子aluminum h2o f02781 1 piece
镁离子magnesium h2o f02656 1 piece
锰离子manganese h2o f02654 1 piece
钼离子molybdenum h2o f02653 1 piece
钠离子sodium h2o f02589 1 piece

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
镍离子nickel h2o f02588 1 piece
铅离子lead h2o f02785 1 piece
铯离子cesium h2o f02787 1 piece
砷离子arsenic h2o f02783 1 piece
锶离子strontium h2o f03794 1 piece
钛离子titanium* h2o f03796 1 piece
锑离子antimony * hclaq f02782 1 piece
铁离子iron* hclaq f02679 1 piece
铜离子copper hclaq f02684 1 piece
钨离子tungsten naohaq f03799 1 piece
硒离子selenium h2o f02687 1 piece
锡离子tin hclaq f02762 1 piece
锌离子zinc h2o f02761 1 piece
银离子silver hno3aq f02688 1 piece

*the ready-to-use solution should be acidified with 100 ml hcl conc.

原子吸收离子浓缩液(10 g)ion standard concentrates (10 g metal)

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
钡离子barium, fixanala h2o r38825 1 piece
钙离子calcium h2o f 03379 1 piece
镉离子cadmium hclaq f 03356 1 piece
铬离子chromium(vi) h2o f 03377 1 piece
汞离子mercury, fixanala h2o r38915 1 piece
钴离子cobalt h2so4aq f 03374 1 piece
钾离子potassium h2o f 03375 1 piece
磷酸根phosphate h2o f 03367 1 piece
硫酸根sulfate h2o f 03364 1 piece
铝离子aluminum h2o f 03382 1 piece
铝离子lead h2o f 03399 1 piece
氯离子chloride h2o f 03378 1 piece
镁离子magnesium h2o f 03371 1 piece
锰离子manganese h2o f 03357 1 piece
钠离子sodium h2o f 03370 1 piece
镍离子nickel (ni(so4)2·7h2o) h2o f 03368 1 piece
镍离子nickel (nicl2·6h2o) h2o f 03369 1 piece
砷离子arsenic, fixanala h2o, naoh r38820 1 piece
锑离子antimony* hclaq f 03381 1 piece
铁离子iron* h2o f 03376 1 piece
铜离子copper (cucl2·2h2o) hclaq f 03372 1 piece
铜离子copper (cuso4·5h2o) h2o f 03373 1 piece
锌离子zinc (znso4·7h2o) h2o f 03362 1 piece
锌离子zinc (zncl2) hclaq f 03363 1 piece
溴离子bromide, fixanala h2o r38835 1 piece

*the ready-to-use solution should be acidified either with h2so4 or hcl

icp 浓缩标准液(1 g )icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates (1 g metal)

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
barium, fixanala
bismuth, fixanala
platinum, fixanala
calcium, fixanala
zirconium, fixanala
cadmium, fixanala
chromium(iii), fixanala
gallium, fixanala
中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
金离子gold, fixanala ~4 m hcl r38523 1 piece
钪离子scandium, fixanala ~1 m hcl r38508 1 piece
镧离子lanthanum, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38541 1 piece
镁离子magnesium ~0.5 m hno3 f 02778 1 piece
锰离子manganese, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38528 1 piece
钠离子sodium ~0.5 m hno3 f 02797 1 piece
镍离子nickel, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38529 1 piece
硼离子boron h2o f 02769 1 piece
铅离子aluminum, fixanala ~1 m hcl r38512 1 piece
铅离子lead, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38516 1 piece
锶离子strontium, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38531 1 piece
钛离子titanium, fixanala ~7.5 m hcl r38533 1 piece
锑离子antimony, fixanala ~6 m hcl r38513 1 piece
铁离子iron ~0.5 m hno3 f 02772 1 piece
铜离子copper ~0.5 m hno3 f 02777 1 piece
锡离子tin, fixanala ~6 m hcl r38538 1 piece
锌离子zinc ~0.5 m hno3 f 02696 1 piece
钇离子yttrium, fixanala ~3 m hcl r38536 1 piece
铟离子indium, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38524 1 piece
银离子silver, fixanala ~0.5 m hno3 r38530 1 piece

icp 浓缩标准液icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy - ion standard concentrates, multi element

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
icp 多元素标准液multielement cd, cr, cu, fe, mn, ni, pb, sb, sn, zn strd conc.,1 mg each

~0.5 m hno3aq f 02794 1 piece
icp 多元素标准液fixanala, cd, cr, cu, fe, mn, ni, pb, sb, sn, zn, 1 mg each ~6 m hcl r38503

1 piece
fixanala, al, cd, co, cr, cu, fe, mn, ni, pb, sb, sn, zn, 10 mg each ~6 m hcl r38510 1 piece

离子油溶标准品atomic absorption spectroscopy -fixanala ion standard concentrates (0.1 g
metal) oil soluble

中文品名英文品名produced from 订货号包装
钡油溶标准organo-barium barium ethylhexoate r38666 1 piece
钒油溶标准organo-vanadium bi-[1-phenylbutanedionato(1,3)-oxovanadium(v)] in 1,2-

dichloroethane r38663 1 piece
钙油溶标准organo-calcium calcium ethylhexoate r38652 1 piece
镉油溶标准organo-cadmium cadmium ethylhexoate r38651 1 piece
铬油溶标准organo-chromium chromium(iii) ethylhexoate r38653 1 piece
汞油溶标准organo-mercury mercury ethylhexoate r38665 1 piece
钴油溶标准organo-cobalt cobalt ethylhexoate r38656 1 piece
钾油溶标准organo-potassium potassium ethylhexoate r38655 1 piece
镧油溶标准organo-lanthanum lanthanum ethylhexoate r38667 1 piece
镁油溶标准organo-magnesium magnesium ethylhexoate r38659 1 piece
锰油溶标准organo-manganese manganese ethylhexoate r38660 1 piece
钼油溶标准organo-molybdenum molybdenum ethylhexoate r38668 1 piece
钠油溶标准organo-sodium sodium ethylhexoate r38661 1 piece
镍油溶标准organo-nickel nickel ethylhexoate r38662 1 piece
铅油溶标准organo-lead lead ethylhexoate r38650 1 piece
铁油溶标准organo-iron iron (iii) ethylhexoate r38654 1 piece
锌油溶标准organo-zinc zinc ethylhexoate r 38664 1 piece

each product is dissolved in petroleum

icp-oes/icp-ms 标准液(1 g/l)icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy – ion standard solutions, single
element (1 g/l)

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装

h2o~ 0.5 m hno3~ 2 m hcl
中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
钒vanadium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17052 100 ml
钙calcium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17062 100 ml
锆zirconium ~ 2 m hcl f 17044 100 ml
镉cadmium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17061 100 ml
铬chromium h2o f 17059 100 ml
钴cobalt ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17057 100 ml
镓gallium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17067 100 ml
钾potassium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17072 100 ml
锂lithium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17073 100 ml
铝aluminum ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17042 100 ml
镁magnesium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17074 100 ml
锰manganese ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17075 100 ml
钼molybdenum ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17039 100 ml
钠sodium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17038 100 ml
镍nickel ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17054 100 ml
铍beryllium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17033 100 ml
铅lead ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17043 100 ml
铷rubidium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17064 100 ml
铯cesium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17069 100 ml
锶strontium h2o f 17048 100 ml
铊thallium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17051 100 ml
钛titanium ~ 2 m hcl f 17046 100 ml
铁iron ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17066 100 ml
铜copper ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17068 100 ml
锡tin ~ 5 m hcl f 17065 100 ml
锌zinc ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17053 100 ml
铟indium ~ 0.5 m hno3 f 17071 100 ml

icp 标准液(多元素)icp-oes/icp-ms spectroscopy – ion standard solutions, multi element

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装
multielement atomic spectroscopy standard solution i
100 mg/kg: k, pb, sb
50 mg/kg: al, b, cr, li, mo, na, ni, tl
10 mg/kg: ag, ba, ca, cd, co, cu, fe, mg, mn, sr, zn
multielement atomic spectroscopy standard solution ii
50 mg/kg: ge, sn, v, zr
10 mg/kg: be, ti
multielement atomic spectroscopy standard solution v
100 mg/kg: ca, fe, k, na
10 mg/kg: ag, al, ba, be, sb, cd, cs, cr, co, cu, ga, in, li, mg, mn,
mo, ni, pb, rb, sr, tl, v, zn
multielement atomic spectroscopy standard solution vi
10 mg/kg: ca, fe, k
multielement atomic spectroscopy standard solution vii
10 mg/kg: au, ge, pt, sn, ti, zr
multielement standard solution iii
2000 mg/kg: ca
1000 mg/kg: na
400 mg/kg: mg
200 mg/kg: rb
multielement standard solution iv
100 mg/kg: b, fe, se, tl, zn
40 mg/kg: al, as, ba, pb, v
20 mg/kg: cr, cu, ni
10 mg/kg: be, cd, co, mn
multielement icp-ms tuning solution i
10 mg/kg: be, ce, co, in, mg, ni, pb, sb
~ 1m hno3 / for icp-oes
~ 0.5 m hcl / for icp-oes
~ 5 m hno3 / for icp-ms
~ 5 m hno3 / for icp-ms
~ 1 m hcl / for icp-ms
~ 5 m hno3 / for icp-oes,
for analysis of drinking and
waste water
~ 5 m hno3 / for icp-oes,
for analysis of drinking and
waste water
~ 5 m hno3 / for icp-ms

色谱标准液standard solutions for ion chromatography
阳离子标准液cationic standard solutions (1 g/l)

中文品名英文品名medium cas no. 订货号包装
钡barium water 10022-31-8 f 11719 100 ml
钙calcium nitric solution, 0.001m 10124-37-5 f 21041 100 ml
镉cadmium nitric solution, 0.001m 10325-94-7 f 20892 100 ml
钴cobalt nitric solution, 0.001m 10141-05-6 f 27570 100 ml
钾potassium water 7757-79-1 f 60037 100 ml
锂lithium water 7790-69-4 f 62369 100 ml
镁magnesium nitric solution, 0.001m 10377-60-3 f 63041 100 ml
锰manganese nitric solution, 0.001m 10377-66-9 f 63533 100 ml
钠sodium water 7631-99-4 f 71167 100 ml
镍nickel nitric solution, 0.001m 13138-45-9 f 72224 100 ml
铍beryllium nitric solution, 0.001m f 14203 100 ml
铅lead nitric solution, 0.001m 10099-74-8 f 15316 100 ml
铯cesium water 7647-17-8 f 20951 100 ml
锶strontium water 10042-76-9 f 85889 100 ml
铜copper nitric solution, 0.001m 3251-23-8 f 61151 100 ml
锌zinc nitric solution, 0.001m 7779-88-6 f 96456 100 ml

阴离子标准液(1 g/l)anionic standard solutions (1 g/l)

中文品名英文品名medium cas no. 订货号包装
氟化物fluoride water 7681-49-4 f 47070 100 ml
铬酸盐chromate water 7789-00-6 f 27072 100 ml
磷酸盐phosphate water 7778-77-0 f 79409 100 ml
硫酸盐sulfate water 7757-82-6 f 86126 100 ml
氯化物chloride water 7647-14-5 f 24889 100 ml
氰化物cyanide water 151-50-8 f 28491 100 ml
硝酸盐nitrate water 7631-99-4 f 72547 100 ml
溴化物bromide water 7647-15-6 f 17355 100 ml

阴离子标准液(多元素)anionic standard solutions, multi element

中文品名英文品名medium 订货号包装

中文品名英文品名medium cas no. 订货号包装
sodium hydroxide solution, eluant, 50-52% water 1310-73-2 f72064 500 ml

tetrabutylammonium hydroxide, ~40% water 2052-49-5 f86854 100 ml, 500 ml, 2.5 l
gmo 标准物质gmo reference materials
gmo reference materials certified by irmm

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
soya bean powder, irmm-410s-0 0 % (nominal, < 0.1 %) genetically modified soya bean f83063 1

soya bean powder, irmm-410s-2 0.5 % genetically modified soya bean f81751 1 g
soya bean powder, irmm-410s-3 1.0 % genetically modified soya bean f76913 1 g
soya bean powder, irmm-410s-4 2.0 % genetically modified soya bean f78767 1 g
soya bean powder, irmm-410s-5 5.0 % genetically modified soya bean f93109 1 g
irmm-413-0 for 0 % mon 810 0 % (nominal) genetically modified mon 810 maize f77119 1 g
irmm-413-1 for 0.1 % mon 810 0.1 % genetically modified mon 810 maize f74411 1 g
irmm-413-2 for 0.5 % mon 810 0.5 % genetically modified mon 810 maize f79521 1 g
irmm-413-3 for 1 % mon 810 1.0 % genetically modified mon 810 maize f71981 1 g
irmm-413-4 for 2 % mon 810 2.0 % genetically modified mon 810 maize f79112 1 g
irmm-413-5 for 5 % mon 810 5.0 % genetically modified mon 810 maize f76182 1 g
irmm-413-set for 0 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 %, 1 %, 2 % and f78761 1 set 5 % mon 810

competitors for quantitative gmo detection

methods based on co-amplification of competitors (internal standards) together with target

dna using pcr have been developed to quantify
dna from genetically modified organisms in food samples. these quantitative pcr (qcpcr)

methods have been successfully evaluated in a ring
study organized by the swiss federal office of public health (bern).
f is offering a set of competitors for quantification of roundup readytm soya, maize bt176

and any genetically modified crop containing
cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter.

competitors for quantitative gmo detection

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
crrs dna competitor for the quantification of genetically modified roundup
readytm soya bean material
f 29246 ~100 assays
cp35s dna competitor for the quantification of genetically modified foodstuff
containing cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter
f 29247 ~100 assays
ccry(bt176) dna competitor for the quantification of genetically modified maize bt-176 f

29248 ~100 assays
csl dna competitor for the quantification of soya bean lectin gene f 29249 ~100 assays
chgmp dna competitor for the quantification of maize high mobility group gene f 29251 ~100

色谱标准物质chromatography standards
gas chromatography standards 气相色谱标准物质
thanks to our continuous and consistent focus on high quality, f has become the preferred
supplier for these 英文品名s. f and s offer a continually expanding portfolio of more than

400 gc
standards for various applications. the 英文品名range includes alkanes, alkenes, cyclic and
aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids and fatty acid methyl esters (fame), chlorinated

and terpenes. the purity of these reference substances usually exceeds 99.0%. gc standards

food analysis are listed in the section food and beverage standards.

烷类gc standards – alkanes

1-苯庚烷1-phenylheptane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 1078-71-3 f78638 1 ml, 5 ml
1-苯癸烷1-phenyldecane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 104-72-3 f78366 500 mg
2,2-二甲基丁烷2,2-dimethylbutane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 75-83-2 f39730 5 ml, 10 ml
2,3-二甲基丁烷2,3-dimethylbutane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 79-29-8 f39760 5 ml, 10 ml
2,3-二甲基戊烷2,3-dimethylpentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 565-59-3 f41085 1 ml, 5 ml
2-甲基丁烷2-methylbutane puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 78-78-4 f59060 5 ml, 10ml, 50 ml
2-甲基戊烷2-methylpentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 107-83-5 f68310 5 ml, 10ml, 50 ml
3,4-二甲基已烷3,4-dimethylhexane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 583-48-2 f40512 5 ml, 10 ml, 100

3-甲基戊烷3-methylpentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 96-14-0 f68320 5 ml, 10ml, 50 ml
4,4"-二按基二苯甲烷4,4"-diaminodiphenylmethane puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 101-77-9 f32948 1

g, 5 g
二十八烷octacosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-02-4 f74684 250 mg, 1 g
二十二烷docosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 629-97-0 f43942 1 g, 5 g
二十九烷nonacosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-03-5 f74156 250 mg, 1 g
二十三烷tricosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 638-67-5 f91447 1 g, 5 g
二十四烷tetracosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 646-31-1 f87089 1 g, 5 g
二十碳烷eicosane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 112-95-8 f44818 1 g, 5 g
二十五烷pentacosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 629-99-2 f76493 250 mg, 1 g
二十一烷heneicosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 629-94-7 f51523 1 g, 5 g
庚烷heptane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 142-82-5 f51730 5 ml, 10ml, 50 ml
癸烷decane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 124-18-5 f30540 5 ml, 25 ml
廿七碳烷heptacosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 593-49-7 f51559 250 mg, 1 g
壬烷nonane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 111-84-2 f74250 5 ml
三十二烷dotriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 544-85-4 f44253 250 mg, 1 g
三十九烷nonatriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 7194-86-7 f74321 250 mg, 1 g
三十六烷hexatriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-06-8 f52919 250 mg, 1 g
三十七烷heptatriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 7194-84-5 f51848 250 mg, 1 g
三十三烷tritriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-05-7 f93435 250 mg, 1 g
三十四烷tetratriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 14167-59-0 f88152 250 mg
三十四烷tetratriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 14167-59-0 f88152 1 g
三十烷triacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 638-68-6 f90270 250 mg, 1 g
三十五烷pentatriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-07-9 f76968 250 mg, 1 g
三十一烷hentriacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-04-6 f51529 250 mg, 1 g
十八烷octadecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 593-45-3 f74691 1 g, 5 g
十二烷dodecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 112-40-3 f44010 5 ml, 25 ml
十九烷nonadecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 629-92-5 f74158 5 g
十六烷hexadecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 544-76-3 f52209 5 ml, 25 ml
十七烷heptadecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 629-78-7 f51578 1 ml, 5 ml
十三烷tridecane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 629-50-5 f91490 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
十四烷tetradecane olefine free puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 629-59-4 f87139 5 ml, 25 ml
十五烷pentadecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 629-62-9 f76509 5 ml, 25 ml
十一烷undecane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 1120-21-4 f94000 5 ml, 25 ml

四十八烷octatetracontane puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) 7098-26-2 f74892 100 mg
四十二烷dotetracontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 7098-20-6 f44250 100 mg, 500 mg
四十六烷hexatetracontane puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 7098-24-0 f52913 250 mg, 1 g
四十四烷tetratetracontane puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) 7098-22-8 f88144 250 mg, 1 g
四十烷tetracontane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 4181-95-7 f87086 250 mg, 1g
四十一烷hentetracontane puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 7194-87-8 f51531 250 mg, 1 g
五十二烷dopentacontane p.a.; ~95% (gc) 7719-79-1 f44249 250 mg, 1 g
五十六烷hexapentacontane purum p.a.; >97.0% (gc) 7719-82-6 f52908 100 mg, 500 mg
五十四烷tetrapentacontane puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 5856-66-6 f87992 100 mg, 500 mg
戊烷pentane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 109-66-0 f76870 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
辛烷octane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 111-65-9 f74820 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
异辛烷isooctane puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 540-84-1 f59030 5 ml, 10ml, 50 ml
正廿六碳烷hexacosane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 630-01-3 f52183 250 mg, 1 g
正乙烷hexane puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 110-54-3 f52750 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
植烷phytane puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) 638-36-8 f80165 50 mg

烯烃类gc standards – alkenes

1-癸烯1-decene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 872-05-9 f30649 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
2,4,4-*基-2-戊烯2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 107-40-4 f92678 1 ml,

5 ml
2,4,-*基-1-戊烯2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 107-39-1 f92670 5 ml,

25 ml
2-甲基-1-丁烯2-methyl-1-butene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 563-46-2 f66030 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
2-甲基-1-戊烯2-methyl-1-pentene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 763-29-1 f68450 5 ml, 25 ml
2-甲基-2-丁烯2-methyl-2-butene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 513-35-9 f66050 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
3,3-二甲基-1-丁烯3,3-dimethyl-1-butene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 558-37-2 f39833 1 ml, 5 ml
3-甲基-1-丁烯3-methyl-1-butene puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 563-45-1 f66070 vial a 10 ml
4-甲基-1-戊烯4-methyl-1-pentene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 691-37-2 f68510 5 ml, 25ml
己烯1-hexene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 592-41-6 f52930 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
壬烯1-nonene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 124-11-8 f74323 1 ml, 5 ml
三十烯1-tridecene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 2437-56-1 f91578 1 ml, 5 ml
十八烯1-octadecene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 112-88-9 f74738 1 ml, 5 ml
十二烯1-dodecene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 112-41-4 f44146 1 ml, 5 ml
十九烯1-nonadecene puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 18435-45-5 f74230 1 g, 5 g
十六烯1-hexadecene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 629-73-2 f52276 1 ml, 5 ml
十四烯1-tetradecene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 1120-36-1 f87187 1 ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
十五烯1-pentadecene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 13360-61-7 f76570 1 ml, 5 ml
十一烯1-undecene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 821-95-4 f94138 1 ml, 5 ml
戊烯1-pentene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 109-67-1 f76969 1 ml, 5 ml, 50 ml
辛烯1-octene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 111-66-0 f74900 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
异戊二烯isoprene , stab. puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc);
stab. with ~0.02% 4-tert-butylcatechol
78-79-5 f59240 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
正庚烷1-heptene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 592-76-7 f51856 1 ml, 5 ml

芳香烃类gc standards – aromatic hydrocarbons

1,3,5-*基苯mesitylene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 108-67-8 f 63908 1 ml, 5 ml
1,4-二乙苯1,4-diethylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 105-05-5 f 32018 1 ml, 5 ml
1,4-二异丙苯1,4-diisopropylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 100-18-5 f 38353 1 ml, 5 ml
2,4-二氨基甲苯2,4-diaminotoluene puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 95-80-7 f 33359 1 g, 5 g
4,4’-亚甲基-(2-甲苯胺) 4,4"-methylene-bis(2methylaniline)
puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 838-88-0 f 66687 1 g, 5 g
苯benzene puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 71-43-2 f 12540 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
丙基苯propylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 103-65-1 f 82118 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
丁基苯sec-butylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 135-98-8 f 19620 5 ml, 10 ml
丁基苯butylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 104-51-8 f 19600 5 l

对二甲苯p-xylene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 106-42-3 f 95680 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
对伞花烃p-cymene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 99-87-6 f 30039 1 ml, 5 ml
己基苯hexylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 1077-16-3 f 53158 1 ml, 5 ml
甲苯toluene puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 108-88-3 f 89680 5 ml, 25 ml
假枯烯pseudocumene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 95-63-6 f 82540 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
间二甲苯m-xylene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 108-38-3 f 95670 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
间伞花烃m-cymene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 535-77-3 f 30037 250 mg, 1 g
邻二甲苯o-xylene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 95-47-6 f 95660 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
壬基苯nonylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 1081-77-2 f 74408 1 ml, 5 ml
十八烷基苯octadecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 4445-07-2 f 74753 500 mg
十二烷基苯dodecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 123-01-3 f 44178 500 mg
十九烷基苯nonadecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 29136-19-4 f 74238 500 mg
十六烷基苯hexadecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 1459-09-2 f 52298 500 mg
十七烷基苯heptadecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 14752-75-1 f 51668 500 mg
十三烷基苯tridecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 123-02-4 f 91598 500 mg
十四烷基苯tetradecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 1459-10-5 f 87204 500 mg
十五烷基苯pentadecylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 2131-18-2 f 76588 500 mg
舒丁基苯tert-butylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 98-06-6 f 19640 5 ml, 10 ml
戊基苯pentylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 538-68-1 f 77078 1 ml, 5 ml
辛基苯octylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 2189-60-8 f 75008 1 ml, 5 ml
乙苯ethylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 100-41-4 f 03079 5 ml, 10 ml
异丙基苯cumene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 98-82-8 f 28220 5 ml, 25 ml
异丁基苯isobutylbenzene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 538-93-2 f 58498 1 ml, 5 ml
a-甲基苯乙烯a-methylstyrene monomer puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc); stab.
with ~0.0025% 4-tert-butylcatechol
98-83-9 f 69168 1 ml, 5 ml
氯化烃类gc standards -chlorinated hydrocarbons
1,1,1,2-四氯乙烷1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 630-20-6 f02664 1 ml
1,1,1-三氯乙烷1,1,1-trichloroethane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 71-55-6 f02669 1 ml, 5 ml
1,1,2,2,-四氯乙烷1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) 79-34-5 f02579 1 ml, 5

1,1,2-三氯乙烷1,1,2-trichloroethane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 79-00-5 f02668 1 ml, 5 ml
1,1-二氯乙酮1,1-dichloroacetone puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) 513-88-2 f35037 1 ml, 5 ml
1,1-二氯乙烯1,1-dichloroethene puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc); stab. 75-35-4 f02574 1 ml, 5 ml
1,2,3-三氯丙烷1,2,3-trichloropropane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 96-18-4 f02657 1 ml
1,2-二氯丙烷1,2-dichloropropane puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 78-87-5 f02577 1 ml
1,2-二氯乙烷1,2-dichloroethane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 107-06-2 f02562 1 ml, 5 ml
1-氯丙烷1-chloropropane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 540-54-5 f02488 1 ml, 5 ml
1-氯戊烷1-chloropentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 543-59-9 f25769 1 ml
1-氯已烷1-chlorohexane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 544-10-5 f24771 1 ml
2-氯丙烷2-chloropropane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 75-29-6 f02489 1 ml, 5 ml
4,4’-亚甲基-双(2-氯苯胺4,4"-methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) 101-14-4

f66681 250 mg, 1 g
4-氯-2-甲基苯胺4-chloro-2-methylaniline puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 95-69-2 f25078 1 g
表氯醇(+/-)-epichlorohydrin puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 106-89-8 f02578 1 ml
二氯甲dichloromethane puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc); stab. 75-09-2 f02575 1 ml, 5 ml
二氯乙腈dichloroacetonitrile puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 3018-12-0 f36085 1 ml, 5 ml
氯仿chloroform puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc); stab. 67-66-3 f02487 1 ml, 5 ml
三氯乙烷trichloroethylene puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 79-01-6 f02667 1 ml, 5 ml
*carbon tetrachloride puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 56-23-5 f02671 1 ml, 5 ml
四氯乙烯tetrachloroethylene puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 127-18-4 f02666 1 ml, 5 ml

环烃类gc standards -cyclic hydrocarbons
1,4-环己二烯1,4-cyclohexadiene puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc); 628-41-1 f28908 1 ml, 5 ml
stab with ~0 2% 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-
stab. with ~0.2% 2,6-di-tert-butyl-pcresol
4-己烯基-1-环己烯4-vinyl-1-cyclohexene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 100-40-3 f 94950 5 ml, 25

环己胺cyclohexane puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) 110-82-7 f 28920 5 ml, 10 ml,
50 ml
环己酮cyclohexanone puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) 108-94-1 f 2482 1 ml
环戊烷cyclopentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 287-92-3 f 29680 5 ml, 10 ml,
50 ml
环辛烷cyclooctane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 292-64-8 f 29598 1 ml, 5 ml
环辛烯cyclooctene puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 931-88-4 f 29648 1 ml, 5 ml
甲基环己烷methylcyclohexane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 108-87-2 f 66294 1 ml, 5 ml
甲基环戊烷methylcyclopentane puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) 96-37-7 f 66490 5 ml, 10 ml,
50 ml

脂肪酸类gc standards -fatty acids

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formulacas no. 订货号包装
11-二十碳烯酸11-eicosenoic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c20h38o2 5561-99-9 f 44878 100 mg,

500 mg
11-十八碳烯酸11-octadecenoic acid puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c18h34o2 506-17-2 f 74746 100 mg,

500 mg
15-廿四碳烯酸15-tetracosenoic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c24h46o2 506-37-6 f 87117 100

mg, 500 mg
二十碳三烯酸cis,cis,cis-11,14,17-eicosatrienoic acid puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c20h34o2 17046

-59-2 f 44874 100 mg, 500 mg
二十碳五烯酸cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c20h30o2 10417-

94-4 f 44864 100 mg, 500 mg
反油酸elaidic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c18h34o2 112-79-8 f 45089 1 g, 5 g
己酸caproic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c6h12o2 142-62-1 f 21529 5 ml
芥子酸erucic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c22h42o2 112-86-7 f 45629 250 mg, 1 g, 5 g
廿二碳烷酸behenic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c22h44o2 112-85-6 f 11909 5 g
肉豆蔻酸myristic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c14h28o2 544-63-8 f 70079 5 g
十八酸stearic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% c18h36o2 57-11-4 f 85679 5 g
十八烯酸,油酸oleic acid , natural puriss. p.a.; natural; ~99% (gc) c18h34o2 112-80-1 f 75090

5 ml, 25 ml
辛酸caprylic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c8h16o2 124-07-2 f 21639 5 ml
亚麻酸linolenic acid puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c18h30o2 463-40-1 f 62160 1 ml, 5 ml
亚油酸linoleic acid puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c18h32o2 60-33-3 f 62230 5 ml, 25 ml
羊蜡酸capric acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c10h20o2 334-48-5 f 21409 5 g
月桂酸lauric acid puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c12h24o2 143-07-7 f 61609 5 g
棕榈酸palmitic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c16h32o2 57-10-3 f 76119 5 g
棕榈油酸palmitoleic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c16h30o2 373-49-9 f 76169 1 g
-亚麻酸g-linolenic acid puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c18h30o2 506-26-3 f 62174 100 mg, 500 mg
puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c22h34o2 24880-45-3 f 43962 100 mg, 500 mg
gc standards -water soluble fatty acid mixes

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
wsfa-2 mix solution, 0.1% each of c2, c3, c4, ic4, c5, ic5 acids in water s47056 5 ml
wsfa-4 mix solution, 0.1% each of c2, c3, c4, ic4, c5, ic5 acids, 2-methyl c4, c5 and ic5

acids in water s47058 5 ml

脂肪酸甲酯gc standards -fatty acid methyl esters

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formulacas no. 订货号包装
methyl ricinoleate
methyl octacosanoate
methyl docosanoate
methyl tetracosanoate
methyl heineicosanoate
methyl myrisaidate
methyl ricinelaidate
methyl linolelaidate
methyl elaidate
methyl decanoate
puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc)
c19h36o3 41989-07-5
c29h58o2 55682-92-3
c23h46o2 929-77-1
c25h50o2 2442-49-1
c22h44o2 6064-90-0
c15h28o2 72025-18-4
c19h36o3 67529-83-3
c19h34o2 2566-97-4
c19h36o2 2462-84-2
c11h22o2 110-42-9
中文品名英文品名desc-ription formulacas no. 订货号包装
花生酸甲酯methyl eicosanoate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c21h42o2 1120-28-1 f10941 1 g, 5 g
己酸甲酯methyl caproate puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) c7h14o2 106-70-7 f21599 1 ml, 5 ml
肉豆蔻酸甲酯methyl myristate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c15h30o2 124-10-7 f70129 1 ml, 5 ml
十六烯酸甲酯methyl palmiaidate puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c17h32o2 10030-74-7 f76117 100

十五烷酸甲酯methyl pentadecanoate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c16h32o2 7132-64-1 f76560 1 ml,

5 ml, 25 ml
西玛津methyl cis-13-docosenoate puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c23h44o2 1120-34-9 f45659 1 ml, 5 ml
辛酸甲酯methyl caprylate puriss. p.a.; >99.8% (gc) c9h18o2 111-11-5 f21719 1 ml, 5 ml
亚麻酸甲酯methyl linolenate puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c19h32o2 301-00-8 f62200 1 ml, 5 ml
亚油酸甲酯methyl linoleate puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c19h34o2 112-63-0 f62280 5 ml
岩芹酸甲酯methyl petroselate puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c19h36o2 2777-58-4 f77405 100 mg
硬脂酸甲酯methyl stearate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c19h38o2 112-61-8 f85769 1 g, 5 g
油酸甲酯methyl oleate, natural puriss. p.a.; natural; ~99% (gc) c19h36o2 112-62-9 f75160 1

ml, 5 ml
月桂酸甲酯methyl laurate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c13h26o2 111-82-0 f61689 1 ml, 5 ml
正十四酸甲酯methyl myristoleate puriss. p.a.; ~99% (gc) c15h28o2 56219-06-8 f70121 100 mg,

500 mg
棕榈酸甲酯methyl palmitate puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c17h34o2 112-39-0 f76159 1 g, 5 g
棕榈油酸甲酯methyl palmitoleate puriss. p.a.; >99.0% (gc) c17h32o2 1120-25-8 f76176 1 g

脂肪酸甲酯混合物物gc standards -fatty acid methyl ester mixes

: waley188

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
37 component fame mix solution, 10 mg/ml total, various c4 - c22 fatty acid methyl esters in

s47885-u 1 ml
methylene chloride

grain fatty acid methyl ester mix solution, 10 mg/ml total, various c8 - c22 fatty acid

methyl esters in s47801 1 ml
methylene chloride

不饱合脂肪酸甲酯gc standards -polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl ester mixes (pufa)

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
pufa , marine source neat, various c14 - c22 fatty acid methyl esters from natural

extract s47033 100 mg
pufa no.2, animal source neat, various c14 - c22 fatty acid methyl esters from natural

extract s47015-u 100 mg
pufa no.3, from menhaden oil neat, various c14 - c22 fatty acid methyl esters from natural

extract s47085-u 100 mg

酮类gc standards – ketones

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formula cas no. 订货号包装
2-丁酮2-butanone puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) c4h8o 78-93-3 f 02469 1 ml, 5 ml
2-庚酮2-heptanone puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) c7h14o 110-43-0 f 02476 1 ml
2-癸酮2-decanone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c10h20o 693-54-9 f 68228 1 ml, 5 ml
2-己酮2-hexanone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c6h12o 591-78-6 f 02473 1 ml, 5 ml
2-辛酮2-octanone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c8h16o 111-13-7 f 02479 1 ml, 5 ml
3-氨基苯乙酮3-aminoacetophenone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c8h9no 99-03-6 f 06629 1 g
3-庚酮3-heptanone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c7h14o 106-35-4 f 02477 1 ml, 5 ml
3-戊酮3-pentanone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c5h10o 96-22-0 f 02471 1 ml
4-氨基苯乙酮4-aminoacetophenone puriss. p.a.; >99.5% (gc) c8h9no 99-92-3 f 06638 1 g
4-甲基-2-戊酮4-methyl-2-pentanone puriss. p.a.; >99.7% (gc) c6h12o 108-10-1 f 02474 1 ml, 5

环己酮cyclohexanone puriss. p.a.; >99.9% (gc) c6h10o 108-94-1 f 02482 1 ml

内酯类gc standards – lactones

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formula cas no. 订货号包装
(±) γ-丁基γ-丁内酯(+/-)-4-dodecanolide purum p.a.; >98.0% (gc) c12h22o2 2305-05-7 f 00553

1 ml, 5 ml
γ-丁基-γ-丁内酯(+/-)-4-heptanolide purum p.a.; >98.0% (gc) c7h12o2 105-21-5 f 00501 1 ml,

5 ml
δ-己基-δ-戊内酯(+/-)-5-dodecanolide purum p.a.; >98.0% (gc) c12h22o2 713-95-1 f 00552 1

ml, 5 ml
苯基-5-戊内酯(+/-)-5-decanolide purum p.a.; >98.0% (gc) c10h18o2 705-86-2 f 00306 1 ml, 5 ml

萜烯类gc standards – terpenes

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formulacas no. 订货号包装
(-)-新薄荷醇(-)-neomenthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 20747-49-3

f72139 1 ml, 5 ml
(+/-)-新薄荷(+/-)-neomenthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.5% (gc) c10h20o 3623-51-6 f72135 5 g
1,2-环氯化柠檬(+)-trans-limonene 1,2epoxide
puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16o 6909-30-4 f62136 1 ml, 5 ml
γ-萜品烯g-terpinene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc) c10h16 99-85-4 f86476 1 ml, 5 ml
桉树脑1,4-cineole puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc) c10h18o 470-67-7 f27393 1 ml, 5 ml
桉油精eucalyptol puriss. p.a. ; >99.7% (gc) c10h18o 470-82-6 f29210 1 ml
冰片(-)-borneol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 464-45-9 f15598 1 g,

5 g, 25, g
薄荷醇(+)-menthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 15356-60-2 f63658 1

g, 10 g, 50 g
薄荷呋喃(+)-menthofuran puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h14o 17957-94-7

f63661 1 ml, 5 ml
薄荷酮(+)-menthone puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 3391-87-5 f63675 1

ml, 5 ml
长叶薄荷酮(+)-pulegone puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16o 89-82-7 f82569 1

ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
橙花醇乙酸酯neryl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) c12h20o2 141-12-8 f46015 1 ml
醋酸冰片酯(+)-bornyl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h20o2 20347-

65-3 f45853 1 ml, 5 ml
丁醚脲(-)-trans-myrtanyl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h20o2

90934-53-5 f46004 1 ml, 5 ml
恶草酸(-)-(1r,2r,5s)-neomenthyl puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h22o2

146502-80-9 f46007 250 mg, 1 g, 5
acetate g
二羟基茉莉dihydrojasmone purum p.a. ; >98.0% (gc) c11h18o 1128-08-1 f00138 1 ml
反式桃金娘烯醇(+)-trans-myrtanol puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o

132203-71-5 f70117 1 ml, 5 ml
葑醇(+)-fenchol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 2217-02-9 f46198 1 g,

5 g
葑酮(+)-fenchone puriss. p.a. ; >99.5% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16o 4695-62-9 f46208 1

ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
贡蒿萜酮(-)-carvone puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h14o 6485-40-1 f22060

1 ml, 5 ml
茴香脑anethole puriss. p.a. ; >99.5% (gc) c10h12o 104-46-1 f10368 1 ml, 5 ml
佳味酚甲醚4-allylanisole puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) c10h12o 140-67-0 f05818 1 ml, 5 ml
甲醇(-)-menthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 2216-51-5 f63660 1 g,

100 g, 500 g
蒈烯(+)-3-carene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 498-15-7 f21986 5 ml,

25 ml
马鞭草烯酮(-)-verbenone puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h14o 80-57-9

f94882 1 ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
孟酮(-)-menthone puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 14073-97-3 f63677 1

ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
柠檬油精s(-)-limonene puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 5989-54-8 f62128

1 ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
柠檬油精r(+)-limonene puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 5989-27-5 f62118

1 ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
蒎-2-醇cis-pinan-2-ol puriss. p.a. standard ; >99.0% (gc) c10h18o 4948-28-1 f80602 1 g, 5 g
puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o2 53312-42-8 f80598 250 mg, 1 g
蒎烷(1r)-(+)-cis-pinane puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18 4795-86-2

f80593 1 ml, 5 ml
蒎烷(1s)-(-)-trans-pinane puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18 10281-53-5

f80595 1 ml, 5 ml
皮蝇磷(-)-bornyl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h20o2 5655-61-8

f45855 1 ml, 5 ml
神圣亚麻醇(+)-santolina alcohol puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 35671-

15-9 f84500 1 ml
水合萜品trans-terpin puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) c10h20o2 565-50-4 f09828 1 g
顺式桃金娘烯醇(-)-cis-myrtanol puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 51152-

12-6 f70154 1 ml, 10 ml
松萜(+)-sabinene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 2009-00-9 f84085 1 ml
桃金娘烯醇(-)-myrtenol puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16o 19894-97-4

f70158 1 ml, 5 ml
桃金娘烯醛(-)-myrtenal puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h14o 564-94-3

f70119 1 ml, 5 ml
萜品醇(-)-a-terpineol puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 10482-56-1 f86482

1 ml, 5 ml
萜品烯-4-醇(+)-terpinen-4-ol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 2438-10

-0 f86477 1 ml, 5 ml
香芹孟烯醇(+)-p-menth-1-ene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18 1195-31-9

f63655 1 ml, 5 ml
香芹酮(+)-carvone puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h14o 2244-16-8 f22070 1

ml, 25 ml, 100 ml
新薄荷醇(+)-neomenthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 2216-52-6

f72134 1 ml, 5 ml
新枞酸neoabietic acid, standard puriss. p.a. standard ; ~99% (gc) c20h30o2 471-77-2 f72066

50 mg
一氯孟烷(1r)-(-)-menthyl chloride puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h19cl

16052-42-9 f63682 1 ml, 10 ml
乙酸孟酯(+)-(1s)-menthyl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h22o2

5157-89-1 f45987 1 ml, 5 ml
neomenthyl acetate
puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h22o2 2552-91-2 f46008 1 g, 5 g
乙酸熏衣草酯(+/-)-lavandulol acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) c12h20o2 50373-59-6 f61736 5

ml, 25 ml

中文品名英文品名desc-ription formulacas no. 订货号包装
乙酸酯(-)-(1r)-menthyl acetate puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c12h22o2 2623

-23-6 f45985 1 ml, 5 ml
异薄荷醇(+)-isomenthol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 23283-97-8

f58929 1 g, 50 g, 250 g
异薄勒醇(+)-isopulegol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 104870-56-6

f59765 1 ml, 5 ml
异蒲勒醇(-)-isopulegol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18o 89-79-2 f59770

1 ml, 5 ml, 25 ml
愈创醇(-)-guajol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (hplc) c15h26o 489-86-1 f29242 250 mg
紫苏子醇(+)-perillyl alcohol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16o 57717-

97-2 f77303 1 ml, 5 ml
a-松萜(+)-a-pinene puriss. p.a. ; >99.5% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 7785-70-8 f80605 1

ml, 5 ml
a-松萜(-)-a-pinene puriss. p.a. ; >99.5% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 7785-26-4 f80599 1

ml, 5 ml
a-松萜(-)-a-pinene puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 7785-26-4 f80606 5

ml, 25 ml, 100 ml
-细辛醚a-asarone puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc) c12h16o3 2883-98-9 f11107 1 g, 5 g
b-松萜(+)-b-pinene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 19902-08-0 f80607 1

ml, 5 ml
b-松萜(-)-b-pinene puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h16 18172-67-3 f80609 1

ml, 5 ml
b-香茅醇(-)-b-citronellol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 7540-51-4

f27483 1 ml, 5 ml
-香茅醇(+)-b-citronellene puriss. p.a. ; ~99% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h18 2436-90-0

f27475 1 ml, 5 ml
-香茅醇(+)-b-citronellol puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc, sum of enantiomers) c10h20o 1117-61-9

f27478 1 ml, 5 ml
(+)-rose oxide puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) mixture of isomers
c10h18o 16409-43-1 f83915 1 ml, 10 ml
(-)-rose oxide puriss. p.a. ; >99.0% (gc) mixture of isomers
c10h18o 16409-43-1 f83917 1 ml, 10 ml

gpc 标准品gpc standards

f offers a broad range of gpc standards for various applications, e.g.:

calibration of gpc/sec columns using the polymer you are investigating
investigation of polymer degradation and its mechanism
determination of physical properties of monodisperse polymers as a function of molecular

weight and/or tacticity

our gpc standards are provided with a certificate of analysis stating all relevant measuring

parameters, e.g., the molecular weight values mn,
mw and the polydispersity d.
polystyrenes, polyethylene oxides and dextrans are also available as certified polymers

according to din (deutsche industrie norm).
gpc standards

中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 580, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tert-butylp-
25038-44-2 f 81261 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 2"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81262 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 5"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81263 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 14"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81264 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 20"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81254 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 30"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81256 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 36"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81265 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 66"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81266 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 160"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81267 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 200"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81257 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 300"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81258 500 mg
1,4-聚丁二烯标准品1,4-polybutadiene standard 800"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
25038-44-2 f 81259 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 700, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tert-butyl-pcresol
9003-31-0 f 81441 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 2"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tert-butylp-
9003-31-0 f 81442 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 5"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tert-butylp-
9003-31-0 f 81443 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 8"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tert-butylp-
9003-31-0 f 81444 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 10"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81445 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 20"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81446 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 30"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81447 250 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 50"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81448 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 70"000 , stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81449 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 100"000,stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81451 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 150"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81452 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 200"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81453 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 300"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81454 500 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 400"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81461 250 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 600"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81463 250 mg
1,4-聚异戊二烯1,4-polyisoprene standard 800"000, stab. with ~0.1% 2,6-di-tertbutyl-
9003-31-0 f 81455 500 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 2"500 25014-31-7 f 81513 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 7"000 25014-31-7 f 81514 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 10"000 25014-31-7 f 81516 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 14"000 25014-31-7 f 81517 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 20"000 25014-31-7 f 81518 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 50"000 25014-31-7 f 81519 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 100"000 25014-31-7 f 81520 250 mg

中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 160"000 25014-31-7 f 81522 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 300"000 25014-31-7 f 81523 250 mg
pams 聚a-甲基苯乙烯poly(a-methylstyrene) standard 700"000 25014-31-7 f 81524 250 mg
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 500 9003-53-6 f 81401 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 1"000 9003-53-6 f 81402 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 2"000 9003-53-6 f 81403 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 3"000 9003-53-6 f 81404 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 5"000 9003-53-6 f 81405 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 10"000 9003-53-6 f 81406 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 20"000 9003-53-6 f 81407 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 30"000 9003-53-6 f 81408 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 70"000 9003-53-6 f 81409 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 100"000 9003-53-6 f 81410 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 150"000 9003-53-6 f 81411 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 200"000 9003-53-6 f 81412 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 300"000 9003-53-6 f 81413 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 500"000 9003-53-6 f 81414 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 700"000 9003-53-6 f 81415 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 1"000"000 9003-53-6 f 81416 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 2"000"000 9003-53-6 f 81417 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 4"000"000 9003-53-6 f 81418 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 8"000"000 9003-53-6 f 81419 250 mg, 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 400 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00926 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 2"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00927 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 3"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00928 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 10"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00945 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 20"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00946 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 33"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00947 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 70"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00948 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 130"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00949 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 250"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00951 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 650"000 certified acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00952 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 1"000"000 certi-fied acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00953 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard 2"200"000 certi-fied acc. to din 9003-53-6 f 00954 1g
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard readycal set mp 400-2"000"000, 12 samples f 81434 set
聚苯乙烯标准品polystyrene standard set mp 400-2"000"000, 12 samples f 81421 set
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 460 25322-69-4 f 81526 500 mg
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 810 25322-69-4 f 81527 500 mg
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 1"150 25322-69-4 f 81528 500 mg
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 2"150 25322-69-4 f 81530 500 mg
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 3"250 25322-69-4 f 81531 500 mg
聚丙二醇标准品polypropylene glycol standard 5"300 25322-69-4 f 81533 500 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 995 9003-04-7 f 81116 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 1"250 9003-04-7 f 81117 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 1"770 9003-04-7 f 81118 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 2"925 9003-04-7 f 81119 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 4"100 9003-04-7 f 81120 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 4"500 9003-04-7 f 81121 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 7"500 9003-04-7 f 81122 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 16"000 9003-04-7 f 81123 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 28"000 9003-04-7 f 81124 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 35"000 9003-04-7 f 81126 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 62"900 9003-04-7 f 81129 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 90"500 9003-04-7 f 81131 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 130"500 9003-04-7 f 81133 250 mg
中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 193"800 9003-04-7 f 81135 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 272"900 9003-04-7 f 81137 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 333"000 9003-04-7 f 81139 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 467"000 9003-04-7 f 81141 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 585"400 9003-04-7 f 81143 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 782"200 9003-04-7 f 81145 250 mg
聚丙烯酸钠标准品polyacrylic acid sodium salt standard 1"100"000 9003-04-7 f 81147 250 mg
聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 210 9080-79-9 f 81604 250 mg
聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 1"400 9080-79-9 f 81605 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 4"300 9080-79-9 f 81606 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 6"800 9080-79-9 f 81607 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 13"000 9080-79-9 f 81608 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 17"000 9080-79-9 f 81609 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 32"000 9080-79-9 f 81610 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 49"000 9080-79-9 f 81611 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 77"000 9080-79-9 f 81612 250

聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 150"000 9080-79-9 f 81614

250 mg
聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 350"000 9080-79-9 f 81615

250 mg
聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 990"000 9080-79-9 f 81616

250 mg
聚对苯乙烯磺酸钠poly(styrenesulfonic acid sodium salt) standard 2"600"000 9080-79-9 f 81617

250 mg, 1g
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 64"000 25014-15-7 f 81633 100 mg
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 79"000 25014-15-7 f 81635 100 mg
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 115"000 25014-15-7 f 81637 100 mg
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 135"000 25014-15-7 f 81639 100 mg
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 287"000 25014-15-7 f 81641 100 mg
聚二乙烯吡啶poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 1"260"000 25014-15-7 f 81643 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 311 9016-00-6 f 81153 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 1"850 9016-00-6 f 81154 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 3"320 9016-00-6 f 81155 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 4"400 9016-00-6 f 81156 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 16"000 9016-00-6 f 81158 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 25"800 9016-00-6 f 81159 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 35"900 9016-00-6 f 81161 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 47"500 9016-00-6 f 81163 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 53"500 9016-00-6 f 81164 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 71"000 9016-00-6 f 81165 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 89"800 9016-00-6 f 81166 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 158"000 9016-00-6 f 81167 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 173"000 9016-00-6 f 81168 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 197"000 9016-00-6 f 81169 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 303"000 9016-00-6 f 81171 100 mg
聚二中基硅氧烷polydimethylsiloxane 7"100 9016-00-6 f 81157 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 2"000 9003-63-8 f 81464 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 4"000 9003-63-8 f 81456 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 10"000 9003-63-8 f 81457 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 20"000 9003-63-8 f 81458 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 40"000 9003-63-8 f 81459 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 90"000 9003-63-8 f 81471 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 200"000 9003-63-8 f 81472 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 300"000 9003-63-8 f 81473 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 500"000 9003-63-8 f 81474 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸丁酯标准品poly(butyl methacrylate) standard 800"000 9003-63-8 f 81475 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 600 9011-14-7 f 81488 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 2"000 9011-14-7 f 81489 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 5"000 9011-14-7 f 81496 500 mg
中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 8"000 9011-14-7 f 81512 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 10"000 9011-14-7 f 81497 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 20"000 9011-14-7 f 81498 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 30"000 9011-14-7 f 81499 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 50"000 9011-14-7 f 81501 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 75"000 9011-14-7 f 81502 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 100"000 9011-14-7 f 81503 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 150"000 9011-14-7 f 81504 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 200"000 9011-14-7 f 81508 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 300"000 9011-14-7 f 81509 500 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 500"000 9011-14-7 f 81510 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 800"000 9011-14-7 f 81511 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standard 2"480"000 9011-14-7 f 03558 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯poly(methyl methacrylate) standardreadycal set, 12 samples f 81506 set
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 1"270 25086-62-8 f 02351 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 4"030 25086-62-8 f 02353 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 5"880 25086-62-8 f 02354 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 7"750 25086-62-8 f 02355 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 15"200 25086-62-8 f 02356 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 31"100 25086-62-8 f 02357 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 54"400 25086-62-8 f 02358 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 75"100 25086-62-8 f 02359 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 129"000 25086-62-8 f 02360 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 236"000 25086-62-8 f 02361 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 483"000 25086-62-8 f 02363 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸钠poly(methacrylic acid sodium salt) standard 790"000 25086-62-8 f 00971 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 2"500 25189-00-8 f 81469 250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 5"000 25189-00-8 f 81476 250

聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 10"000 25189-00-8 f 81477 250

聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 20"000 25189-00-8 f 81478 250

聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 30"000 25189-00-8 f 81479 250

聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 70"000 25189-00-8 f 81481 250

聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 100"000 25189-00-8 f 81482

250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 200"000 25189-00-8 f 81483

250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 300"000 25189-00-8 f 81484

250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 500"000 25189-00-8 f 81485

250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯标准品poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) standard 700"000 25189-00-8 f 81486

250 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard1"800 9003-42-3 f 81585 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard4"700 9003-42-3 f 81587 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard7"500 9003-42-3 f 81589 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard45"000 9003-42-3 f 81591 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard142"000 9003-42-3 f 81593 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard165"000 9003-42-3 f 81595 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard275"000 9003-42-3 f 81597 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard300"000 9003-42-3 f 81599 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard345"000 9003-42-3 f 81601 100 mg
聚甲基丙烯酸乙酯标准品poly(ethyl methacrylate) standard500"000 9003-42-3 f 81603 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 10"000 9002-86-2 f 81424 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 36"000 9002-86-2 f 81425 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 75"000 9002-86-2 f 81427 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 100"000 9002-86-2 f 81428 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 130"000 9002-86-2 f 81429 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(vinyl chloride) standard 200"000 9002-86-2 f 81431 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 1"500 25014-15-7 f 81620 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 2"900 25014-15-7 f 81622 100 mg
中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 6"500 25014-15-7 f 81624 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 12"000 25014-15-7 f 81626 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 21"000 25014-15-7 f 81628 100 mg
聚氯乙烯标准品poly(2-vinylpyridine) standard 47"000 25014-15-7 f 81631 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 326 25037-45-0 f 02453 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 1"590 25037-45-0 f 02454 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 3"860 25037-45-0 f 02455 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 6"800 25037-45-0 f 02456 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 10"400 25037-45-0 f 02461 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 20"200 25037-45-0 f 02458 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 30"600 25037-45-0 f 02459 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 50"000 25037-45-0 f 02466 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 127"000 25037-45-0 f 02467 100 mg
聚碳酸酯标准品polycarbonate standard 195"000 25037-45-0 f 02468 100 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 55"000 25322-68-3 f 81200 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 108"000 25322-68-3 f 81201 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 116"000 25322-68-3 f 81202 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 132"000 25322-68-3 f 81203 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 182"000 25322-68-3 f 81204 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 218"000 25322-68-3 f 81206 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 237"000 25322-68-3 f 81207 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 246"000 25322-68-3 f 81208 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 288"000 25322-68-3 f 81209 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 438"000 25322-68-3 f 81211 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 463"000 25322-68-3 f 81212 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 511"000 25322-68-3 f 81213 500 mg
聚氧乙烯标准品polyethylene oxide standard 205"000 25322-68-3 f 81205 500 mg
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 200 25322-68-3 f 81282 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 300 25322-68-3 f 81283 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 400 25322-68-3 f 81284 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 600 25322-68-3 f 81286 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 1"000 25322-68-3 f 81288 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 1"500 25322-68-3 f 81289 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 2"000 25322-68-3 f 81290 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 3"000 25322-68-3 f 81291 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 4"000 25322-68-3 f 81292 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 6"000 25322-68-3 f 81293 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 8"000 25322-68-3 f 81294 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 12"000 25322-68-3 f 81296 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 17"500 25322-68-3 f 81297 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 20"000 25322-68-3 f 81298 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 35"000 25322-68-3 f 81299 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 330 certi-fied acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03461 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 420 certi-fied acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03462 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 600 certi-fied acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03463 1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 1"000 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03464 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 2"000 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03465 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 3"100 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03466 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 4"400 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03467 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 6"200 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03468 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 8"600 certified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03469 1

聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 12"000 cer-tified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03471

1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 23"000 cer-tified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03472

1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard 40"000 cer-tified acc. to din 25322-68-3 f 03473

1 g
聚乙二醇标准品polyethylene glycol standard set mp 400-40"000, 10 samples f 81396 set
中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 1"000 9002-88-4 f 81219 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 2"000 9002-88-4 f 81223 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 17"000 9002-88-4 f 81224 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 21"000 9002-88-4 f 81226 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 27"000 9002-88-4 f 81229 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 30"000 9002-88-4 f 81232 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 37"000 9002-88-4 f 81234 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 60"000 9002-88-4 f 81236 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 77"000 9002-88-4 f 81238 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 85"000 9002-88-4 f 81241 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 92"000 9002-88-4 f 81244 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 116"000 9002-88-4 f 81246 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 153"000 9002-88-4 f 81248 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 169"000 9002-88-4 f 81250 100 mg
聚乙烯标准品polyethylene standard 183"000 9002-88-4 f 81252 100 mg
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 7"200 9002-89-5 f 81368 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 35"000 9002-89-5 f 81369 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 55"000 9002-89-5 f 81372 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 82"000 9002-89-5 f 81373 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 122"400 9002-89-5 f 81374 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 137"100 9002-89-5 f 81371 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 170"500 9002-89-5 f 81375 250 mg, 1g
聚乙烯醇标准品polyvinyl alcohol standard 200"000 9002-89-5 f 81376 250 mg, 1g
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 390, 9003-27-4 f 81564 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 680, 9003-27-4 f 81565 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 2"500 9003-27-4 f 81566 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 4"400 9003-27-4 f 81567 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 10"000 9003-27-4 f 81568 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 24"000 9003-27-4 f 81569 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 34"000 9003-27-4 f 81571 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 43"000 9003-27-4 f 81573 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 73"000 9003-27-4 f 81574 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 86"000 9003-27-4 f 81576 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 134"000 9003-27-4 f 81577 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 302"000 9003-27-4 f 81579 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 583"000 9003-27-4 f 81581 250 mg
聚异丁烯标准品poly(isobutylene) standard 856"000 9003-27-4 f 81583 250 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 1"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00268 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 5"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00269 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 12"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00270 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 25"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00271 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 50"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00891 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 80"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00892 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 150"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00893 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 270"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00894 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 410"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00895 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 670"000 certified acc. to din 9004-54-0 f 00896 100 mg, 500 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 1"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31416 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 5"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31417 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 12"000 from leuconostoc mesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31418 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 25"000 from leuconostoc mesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31419 100 mg
中文品名英文品名cas no. 订货号包装
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 50"000 from leuconostoc mesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31420 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 80"000 from leuconostoc mesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31421 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 150"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31422 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 270"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31423 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 410"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31424 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 670"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31425 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 750"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31426 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 1"800"000 from leuconostocmesenteroides 9004-54-0 f 31427 100

葡聚糖标准品dextran standard 4"900"000 9004-54-0 f 31428 100 mg
葡聚糖标准品dextran standard set mp 1"000-400"000, 10 samples, 500 mg each f 31430 set
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 10"000 9004-64-2 f 56321 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 15"000 9004-64-2 f 56322 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 20"000 9004-64-2 f 56324 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 25"000 9004-64-2 f 56325 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 30"000 9004-64-2 f 56326 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 35"000 9004-64-2 f 56328 100 mg
羟丙基纤维素标准品(hydroxypropyl)cellulose standard 50"000 9004-64-2 f 56329 100 mg
茁霉多糖标准品pullulan standard set, mp 5‘800-1"600‘000, 8 samples, 200 mg
f 82439 set
peg/peo standard readycal set mp 500-2"740"000, 10 samples f 02393 set
符合欧洲和美国药典的标准品reference solutions according to
european and united states pharmacopoeias

gc reference solutions and standards

gc reference solutions and gc reference standards are used to determine residual solvents
which are listed in the united states pharmacopoeia (usp) and the european pharmacopoeia
(ph.eur.). residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as organic volatile impurities

that are used or produced in the manufacture of active substances or in the preparation of
medicinal 英文品名s. since there is no therapeutic benefit from residual solvents, they

be removed to the extent possible to meet gmp requirements. therefore, testing should be
performed for residual solvents when 英文品名ion or purification processes are known to

in the presence for such solvents.
our usp reference solutions are available as organic volatile impurities mixes, whereas the

eur. reference standards are single components. the european pharmacopoeia subdivides into
three classes of solvents.

gc reference solutions according to usp

中文品名英文品名desc-ription 订货号包装
international usp
467 mix
each ampoule contains 500 mg acetonitrile, 1000 mg benzene, 500 mg chloroform,
1000 mg 1,2-dichlorethane, 1000 mg 1,4-dioxane, 5000 mg methylene chloride, 1000
s47632-u 1 ml
mg pyridine, and 1000 mg trichloroethene in methanol
usp 467 ovi mix
(high conc) 23rd ed
each ampoule contains 1000 mg benzene, 500 mg chloroform, 1000 mg 1,4-dioxane,
5000 mg methylene chloride, and 1000 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47538-u 1 ml
usp 467 ovi mix
(high conc) 23rd ed
each ampoule contains 1000 mg benzene, 500 mg chloroform, 1000 mg 1,4-dioxane,
5000 mg methylene chloride, and 1000 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47539-u 4 x 1
usp 467 ovi mix
(low conc) 23rd ed
each ampoule contains 100 mg benzene, 50 mg chloroform, 100 mg 1,4-dioxane, 500
mg methylene chloride, and 100 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47540-u 1 ml
usp 467 ovi mix
(low conc.) 23rd ed
each ampoule contains 100 mg benzene, 50 mg chloroform, 100 mg 1,4-dioxane, 500
mg methylene chloride, and 100 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47541-u 4 x 1
usp 467 ovi mix 1,
24th ed
each ampoule contains 100 mg benzene, 600 mg chloroform, 3800 mg 1,4-dioxane,
6000 mg methylene chloride, and 800 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47545-u 1 ml
usp 467 ovi mix 2,
24th ed
each ampoule contains 20 mg benzene, 600 mg chloroform, 3800 mg 1,4-dioxane,
6000 mg methylene chloride, and 800 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47546-u 1 ml
usp modified ovi
each ampoule contains 100 mg benzene, 50 mg chloroform, 100 mg 1,4-dioxane, 500
mg methylene chloride, and 100 mg trichloroethene in dmso
s47398 1 ml
usp ovi mix each ampoule contains 1000 mg benzene, 500 mg chloroform, 1000 mg 1,4-dioxane,
5000 mg methylene chloride, and 1000 mg trichloroethene in methanol
s47401 4 x 1 ml
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 1

1,1,1-三氯乙烷1,1,1-trichloroethane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 71-55-6

f02669 1 ml, 5 ml
1,1-二氯乙烷1,1-dichloroethene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc); stab. 75-35-4

f02574 1 ml, 5 ml
1,2-二氯乙烷1,2-dichloroethane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 107-06-2 f02562 1

ml, 5 ml
苯benzene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 71-43-2 f12540 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml

*carbon tetrachloride puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.7 % (gc) 56-23-5 f02671 1

ml, 5 ml
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 2

1,2-二甲氧基乙烷1,2-dimethoxyethane puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.7 % (gc) 110-71-4 f

72405 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
1-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 872-50-4

f 78769 5 ml, 10 ml
2-甲氯基乙醇2-methoxyethanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 109-86-4 f 88907 1

ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
2-乙氯基乙醇2-ethoxy-ethanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 110-80-5 f 79109 1

ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
n,n-二甲基甲酰胺n,n-dimethylformamide puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 68-12-2 f

72438 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
n,n-二甲基乙酰胺n,n-dimethylacetamide puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 127-19-5 f

72336 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
吡啶pyridine puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 110-86-1 f 02486 1 ml
对二甲苯p-xylene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 106-42-3 f 95680 5 ml, 10 ml,

二氯甲烷dichloromethane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc); stab. 75-09-2 f 02575 1

ml, 5 ml
二氯杂环乙烷dioxane puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 123-91-1 f 76887 1 ml, 5 ml,

10 ml
环丁砜sulfolane puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 126-33-0 f 88965 5 ml, 10 ml 64
中文品名英文品名desc-ription cas no. 包装订货号
环己烷cyclohexane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.7 % (gc) 110-82-7 f 28920 10 ml, 50 ml
甲苯toluene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 108-88-3 f 89680 5 ml, 25 ml
甲醇methanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 67-56-1 f 82762 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
甲基丁酮methylbutylketone puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 591-78-6 f 02473 1 ml,

5 ml
甲基环乙烷methylcyclohexane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 108-87-2 f 66294 1

ml, 5 ml
甲醛二甲基乙缩醛formaldehyde dimethyl acetal
puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 109-87-5 f 88789 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
间二甲苯m-xylene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 108-38-3 f 95670 5 ml, 10 ml,

50 ml
临二甲苯o-xylene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 95-47-6 f 95660 5 ml, 10 ml, 50

氯仿chloroform puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc); stab. 67-66-3 f 02487 1 ml, 5 ml
萘满tetralin puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 119-64-2 f 95462 1 ml, 5 ml
三氯乙烯trichloroethylene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 79-01-6 f 02667 1 ml,

5 ml
硝基甲烷nitromethane puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.0 % (gc) 75-52-5 f 02484 1 ml
乙烷hexane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.7 % (gc) 110-54-3 f 52750 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
乙烯基乙二醇ethylene glycol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 107-21-1 f 85978 1

ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
gc reference standards according ph. eur. – solvents class 3
1-丁醇1-butanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 71-36-3 f19422 1 ml, 5 ml
1-戊醇1-pentanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 71-41-0 f77597 1 ml, 5 ml, 10

1-戊醇1-propanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 71-23-8 f96566 1 ml, 5 ml, 10

2-丁醇(±)-2-butanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 78-92-2 f96870 1 ml, 5 ml,

10 ml
2-甲基-1-丙醇2-methyl-1-propanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 78-83-1 f82059

1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
2-戊醇2-propanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 67-63-0 f91237 1 ml, 5 ml, 10

3-甲基-1-丁醇3-methyl-1-butanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 123-51-3 f59092

1 ml, 5 ml
苯甲醚anisole puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 100-66-3 f96109 5 ml, 10 ml
丙酮acetone puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 67-64-1 f00570 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
二甲基亚砜dimethyl sulfoxide puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.95 % (gc) 67-68-5 f94563 1

ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
庚烷heptane puriss. p.a. standard for gc; >99.8 % (gc) 142-82-5 f51730 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
甲基乙酮methylethylketone puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.9 % (gc) 78-93-3 f02469 1 ml, 5

甲基异丁酮methylisobutylketone puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.7 % (gc) 108-10-1 f02474 1

ml, 5 ml
甲醚methyl ether puriss. p.a., >99.9 % (gc) 115-10-6 f38911 cylinder a 250 ml
甲酸乙酯ethyl formate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.5 % (gc) 109-94-4 f88554 1 ml, 5 ml
枯烯cumene puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.5 % (gc) 98-82-8 f28220 5 ml, 25 ml
四氯呋喃tetrahydrofuran puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 109-99-9 f78445 5 ml, 10

戊烷pentane puriss. p.a., standard for gc; >99.8 % (gc) 109-66-0 f76870 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml
乙醇ethanol puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 64-17-5 f02483 1 ml, 5 ml
乙醚ethyl ether puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 60-29-7 f91238 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
乙酸acetic acid puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 64-19-7 f71251 1 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
乙酸丙酯propyl acetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 109-60-4 f40858 1 ml, 5

乙酸丁酯butyl acetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 123-86-4 f73285 1 ml, 5 ml
乙酸甲酯methyl acetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 79-20-9 f45997 1 ml, 5 ml
乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.9 % (gc) 141-78-6 f58958 1 ml, 5 ml
乙酸异丙酯isopropyl acetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.8 % (gc) 108-21-4 f90871 1

ml, 5 ml, 10 ml
乙酸异丁酯isobutyl actetate puriss. p.a., standard for gc, >99.95 % (gc) 67-68-5 f94823 1

ml, 5 ml

色度标准物质color reference solutions

color reference solutions are used to control the degree of coloration of liquids
in the range red, yellow, green, blue and brown. this examination is described in
the european pharmacopoeia (ph. eur.), united states pharmacopoeia (usp), or
by federal institutes, e.g. american society of testing and material (astm).
f is now the first to offer you the most commonly used color reference
solutions according to ph. eur., usp or apha (american public health
using these solutions, it is possible to compare the international and
standardized coloration of liquids. you can choose between two package sizes, 2
or 10 ml. every solution is sealed in airtight ampoules. every set comes with an
expiration date printed on the label.
color reference solutions according to ph. eur.

color reference solutions b, by, y, gy, r acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 83952 set
color reference solution b acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 83951 set
color reference solution by acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 86293 set
color reference solution y acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 83883 set
color reference solution gy acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 82995 set
color reference solution r acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 2 ml) f 87448 set
color reference solutions b, by, y, gy, r acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 90232 set
color reference solutions b acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 92936 set
color reference solutions by acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 72666 set
color reference solutions y acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 83967 set
color reference solutions gy acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 90269 set
color reference solutions r acc. to ph eur, set (amp. with 10 ml) f 95872 set
color reference solutions according to usp
color reference solutions acc. to usp, set (amp. with 2 ml) f87576 set
color reference solutions acc. to usp, set (amp. with 10 ml) f87574 set
color reference solutions according to apha
color reference solutions acc. to apha, set (amp. with 2 ml) f72599 set
color reference solutions acc. to apha, set (amp. with 10 ml) f77147 set

: waley188
公司名称:北京华美互利生物化工       :waley188
:(86)                    传真:(86)    
:郑,赵       地址:北京市朝阳区京贸大厦d座2002室


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