- 公司名称 北京瑞拓江南自动控制设备有限公司
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- 厂商性质 生产厂家
- 更新时间 2017/7/13 20:16:16
- 访问次数 949
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气动金属密封蝶型主动式止回阀 Metal seated Butterfly pneumatic check valve 结构性能特点structure characters ![]() 大偏心轴设计形成重锤自动关闭 在三偏心结构基础上,阀轴偏置距离加大,将蝶板一端形成重锤,可以自动关闭阀门,同时加装辅助气动弹簧关闭系统,在介质回流压力不够时,在未回流前将蝶板预先关闭,确保止回和减免水锤现象的发生。 Eccentric axial design On the base of the Eccentric triple structure, it makes the stem wider than before, which produce a hammer makes the valve close automatically. At the same time, it sets assistant pneumatic spring system, ensures safety and decrease water hammer. 无滑动磨损实现长寿命 斜锥面金属密封蝶阀设计采用了一个双偏心和一个特殊斜锥椭圆密封结构,实现蝶板在开启瞬间密封面即分离,关闭接触即密封的效果,这种密封结构实现启闭无机械滑动摩擦,大大延长了密封件的使用寿命, 并且达到启闭轻松自如目的,且具有密封自动补偿功能。 No slip friction Realizing long service life. The Metal seated butterfly valve adopts a double eccentric structure and a inclined cone seal. The seal-ring can be separated once open the disk, and the valve can be sealed once the seal-ring contacts the disk. This structure can decrease the friction torque when the butterfly valve opens and closes, and expanded the life time, and make opening and closing easily. ![]() ![]() 斜锥面金属密封实现零泄漏 斜锥面金属密封蝶阀是采用技术结构形式的金属密封蝶阀:采用了可浮动的密封环,密封环在阀体上可以依阀板关闭时推力适当调整自身的位置,这样可浮动的密封可以补偿阀门在不同工况(如高温)下产生的变形、热膨胀等因素,消除了对密封面的变形的影响,确保密封吻合、比压均匀,确保金属硬密封的密封效果。这种结构从本质上*解决了温度变化时密封泄漏的难题,实现零泄漏。 Sideling Cone Metal Sealing Realizing Zero Leakage Triple Eccentric Metal-seated Butterfly Valve absorbs the advantages in this field and holds its unique construct characteristics: floating seal ring is adopted and the seal ring is capable of self-adjustment by the pressure of disc when closing so as to compensate the possible deformation or heat expansion under different working conditions (e.g., high temperature) to avoid damage to the seal face, resulting an even contact pressure ratio, a long service life and an improved [the] metal sealing. So, the seal leakage problem as a result of temperature changes is solved compley. 可加装液压缓闭功能 在流量大,回流冲击的情况下,可以加装液压微阻缓闭装置,在止回阀快速关闭阀到zui后10°时,液压微阻机构发挥作用,使之缓慢关闭zui后10°,防止了水锤及撞击的发生。在回流小,口径小的情况下,不需加装此机构。 Liquid pressure makes the closing speed slow when the flow is strong or the circumfluence is strong, we can install this kind of stes.The check valve close fast the last 10 degree, and this kind of sets makes it close slowly, so as to prevent making water hammer. It is not necessary to install such kind of sets when the circumfluence is weak or the caliber is small. |