Technical Data Sheet(技术数据单)
(1) Equipment Name: APM Centrifuge -1 (设备名称:APM 离心机 -1)
(2) Equipment No.: S-5210 (设备编号:S-5210)
(3) Location: Indoor (Purification Building) (安装位置:室内)
(4) Service: Separating APM Slurry (功能:分离APM混合液)
(5) Process Conditions 物料情况:
Slurry 混合液
Name: APM Slurry 名称:APM
Density: 1.02 g/cm3 密度:
63.6 lb/ft3
Viscosity: 150 cP 粘度
pH: 4 - 5 酸性
Temperature: 10 C 温度
50 F
Solid Concentration: 4 - 5 wt% 固体比重
Solid Particle Size: Not measured 固体粒径:不规则
Cake-washing Liquid 洗涤液
Name: Water 名称:水
Density: 1.00 g/cm2 密度
62.4 lb/ft3
1 cP
Temperature: 10 - 25 C 温度
50 - 77 F
Wet Cake 滤饼
Density: 密度:未知
Water Content: 含湿率:30%
(6) Operating Conditions 操作要求
Batchwise Operation (24Hr/D) 连续操作
Slurry Charging Amount: 5 - 6 m3/cycle 混合液处理量:5-6立方/循环
1320 - 1585 gal/cycle
Washing Liquid Charging Amount: 0.10 - 0.15 m3/cycle 洗涤水用量
26 - 40 gal/cycle
Wet Cake Amount: 350 - 370 kg/cycle 湿料产量
770 - 815 lb /cycle
Cycle Time: 65 min/cycle 一个循环时间65分钟
* Washing with hot water ( 50C [122F] ) is performed for 1 hr every 3 days
* Sterilization with steam ( 0.3MPa [45 psig] saturated ) is performed for 15 minutes 2 times/day
(7) Composition of the System设备清单
1 Centrifuge 1台离心机
1 VFD w/ regenerative braking 1台变频器
1 set of Accessories (special tools, start-up spare parts, etc.) 一套控制系统(包括工具,启动部分等等)
Note: Centrifuge description below is generic. Vendor to provide quotation for standard unit that
meets the performance criteriamost closely matches the description below.
Vendor may recommend additional options. These options must be priced separay
(8) Centrifuge 离心机
Type: Vertical Basket Centrifuge 类型:垂篮式离心机
Discharge: Bottom 卸料:底部
Drive: Top (Vendor may quote bottom-drive unit as an alternate)驱动:顶部(供应商也可选择底部驱动)
Basket Diameter: 1220 mm (*) Basket Volume: 600 L (*) 转鼓直径:1220mm,转鼓容积:600L
48 in (*) 159 gal (*)
Basket Height: 1000 mm (*) 转鼓高度:1000mm
39 in (8)
Max. Rotation Speed: 950 rpm (*) Max. Centrifugal Force: 616 G (*)zui大转速:950 zui大离心力616
Motor Size: 37 kW (Estimated) (*) 电机功率:37kw
50 hp (Estimated) (*)
Power Supplied: 480 V / 3 ph / 60 Hz 电源:
NEC Area:Non-Hazardous NEC区域:安全
Additional NEC Area: Not Applicable 附加NEC区域:不可用
Severe Duty: 提供服务
Energy Efficient: 电源
Inverter Duty: 转换器
Washdown Duty: 洗涤功能
Motor Enclosure: 电机等级
Motor Design Code: 电机设计号
Casing Top Plate SS304L or 316L 顶盖
(including Cover Plate)
Casing SS304L or 316L 外壳
Basket SS304L or 316L 转鼓
All other metallic parts in contact with process liquid or cake must be SS304L or 316L
Base Epoxy coated Carbon Steel 基础为碳钢
Wetted seals/packing EPDM, Viton, PTFE or equivalent外部衬塑
Scraper Bellows White Neoprene Rubber 刮刀箱:衬塑
Filter Cloth: To be determined later滤布
Revolution Detector转速探测器
Vibration Detector振动探测器
Liquid Level Detector (Mechanical Turning Type)料位探测器
Other Remarks:其它要求
Provide air-blowing system for removal of the residual cake提供吹气系统用于清理余料
- Scraper should be equipped with 2 air-blowing nozzles. 刮刀上要配置2个空气吹嘴
- Over-lapped part of filter cloth should be fixed with the plates滤布重叠部分需要固定
- Blowing air pressure: 0.85 MPa (125 psig) 空气压力
Side part of casing should be equipped with 2 hand-holes (200mm[8 in]W*500mm[20 in]H).
Centrifuge cover should be equipped with:离心机必须含有:
Removable access hatch for filter cloth replacement提供滤布置换的开口
Hinged sight glass带铰链玻璃视镜
Locking Cylinder 制动
Limit Switches (3)行程控制开关
All nozzles to be flanged except for air nozzle (for air-blowing system).
Surfaces in contact with process liquidcake must be polished (buff#300 or grit 180).
Surfaces in contact with process liquidcake must be washed to remove oil,
grease,other foreign materials compley before delivery.
Oil or grease that can be contaminating process liquid or cake should be food
grade one (USDA-H1).
Provide spray balls for washing machine with hot water ( 70C [158F]
Provide spray bars for washing product with water
Provide stationary spray nozzle for product feed
Control system to be provided by Others.
以上资料由http://www.xiangyikj.com长沙骏逸仪器有限公司提供 长沙骏逸仪器有限公司是专业生产制造离心机、实验室仪器的高科技企业。公司拥有一批经验丰富的工程技术人员,专业从事离心机的设计、开发和生产。公司生产、技术骨干均是多年从事离心机的设计行业的精英。所生产高速冷冻离心机;冷冻离心机;大容量离心机;高速离心机;低速离心机产品品种齐全,技术*、性能稳定、质量可靠。欢迎垂询! 地 址:湖南省长沙市望城坡 : 410205 电 话: 传 真: :杨 田 | |||||||||||||||||
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