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Bore Sizes : 1" to 3-1/4" 缸径尺寸:1“3-1/4”

Catalog 目录
View / Download 1.8 meg - Rev. 03/2006 查看/下载 1.8梅格-牧师03/2006

Cad Files CAD文件
Cad Configurator - 2D & 3D 粘蛋白配置-二维和三维
RCAD 2D CAD Software 等效寿命蒙特卡洛二维CAD软件

The R Series is a heavy-duty rack and pinion style rotary actuator that is designed to excel in the most rigid applications. R系列是重型齿轮齿条式旋转器,旨在擅长zui严格的应用程序。 The R Series includes a high torque-to-size ratio as well as accurate positioning. R系列包括一个高扭矩的大小比例,以及精确的定位。

Standard Specifications: 标准规格:

  • Meets NFPA specifications会见美国消防协会规范
  • Bore sizes from 1-1/2" through 6" ( 8" through 14" are Large Bore A Series)孔尺寸从1-1/2“到6”(8“到14”的大口径A系列)
  • Piston rod diameters from 5/8" to 1-3/4" (1-3/8" through 2-1/2" for Large Bore A Series)从5活塞杆直径/ 8“1-3/4”(1-3/8通过2-1/2“,”大口径的A系列)
  • Nominal pressure rating is 250 psi air额定压力等级为250防扩散空气
  • Standard temperature -10°F to 165° F(-23° C to 74° C)标准温度-10 ° F至165华氏度(-23 ° C至74℃)
  • NPTF ports NPTF港口
  • Flexible port and cushion location灵活的端口和缓冲的位置
  • Multitude of mounting options众多的安装选项

Features: 特点:

  • The file hard (60 RC) high strength aluminum alloy tube provides a smooth corrosion free sealing surface and excellent abrasion resistance 文件的硬(60局)高强度铝合金管提供了一个平稳无腐蚀密封面和良好的耐磨性
  • Head and cap are machined from (6061-T6) solid aluminum bar and anodized for corrosion resistance. 头帽的加工和从(6061 -扩建)固体铝棒和耐腐蚀的阳极。 A recess at the piston mating surface allows the air to work on a larger effective piston area for faster breakaway 阿交配的活塞表面的休息让空气在更大的有效活塞方面的工作更快速分离
  • The longer cast iron rod bushing provides maximum load bearing support. 铸铁的时间越长连杆衬套提供zui大承重的支持。 The graphite-filled material offers the best bearing surface with hard chrome plated piston rod. 石墨填充材料提供了硬镀铬活塞杆的轴承表面。
  • The carboxilated nitrile with Teflon compound is used in the rod seal. 与聚四氟乙烯复合carboxilated腈是用于杆密封。 The rounded lip design insures proper sealing and long life for no lube added service. 圆形唇密封设计确保了适当的和长期的生活无润滑油增值服务。
  • Rod wiper construction is a highly durable polyurethane. 罗德雨刮器建设是一个高度耐用的聚氨酯。
  • High strength steel (100,000 psi minimum yield) piston rod has a ground, polished and hard chrome plated surface providing maximum life of bushing and seals. 高强度钢(100,000防扩散的zui低收益率)活塞杆有一个理由,抛光和表面镀硬铬套管提供zui大的生活和海豹。
  • The bushing retainer allows cartridge removal without disassembly. 轴承保持器的滤芯可以去除不解体。
  • Tie rods are 100,000 psi minimum yield steel for maximum holding power. 拉杆十万防扩散zui大掌权zui低产量钢。 Tie rod threads are rolled for strength and engagement. 拉杆线程推出的力量和参与。
  • The extra wide wear band is located at the furthest point from the rod bushing to support maximum loading. 穿的超宽频段位于从套管支持zui大负荷杆zui远点。
  • The solid aluminum alloy piston is strong and lightweight. 坚实的铝合金活塞强重量轻。
  • The floating cushion design gives the fastest stroke reversal possible by providing instantaneous full flow to piston. 浮动缓冲设计提供了zui快的行程提供瞬时全部流向活塞逆转的可能。 Each cushion has a flush, retained adjustment needle. 每个垫有一个刷新,保留调整针。
  • The tube seals are compression type and reusable. 管密封压缩类型和可重复使用。
  • Improved port design allows increased flow rate.改进港口的设计允许增加流量。






Catalog 目录
View / Download .8 meg - Rev. 03/2006 查看/下载 0.8梅格-牧师03/2006


Cad Files CAD文件
CAD Configurator - 2D & 3D New 民航处配置-二维和三维

The RW Series Rotary Actuator design utilizes two independent piston cylinders, each piston has a crank arm attached to a crankshaft.RW系列旋转式驱动器设计采用两个独立的活塞筒,每个活塞有曲柄连接曲轴臂。 As the piston strokes in its bore, the crankshaft rotates, pressurizing the opposite bore reverses rotation.正如在其孔活塞杆,曲轴旋转,加压相反的孔反转旋转。 This unique design has many features and benefits over conventional rotary actuators.这种*的设计与传统的旋转器的许多功能和好处。

Features: 特点:

  • Body: Hardcoat Anodized, lightweight, durable, Teflon® impregnated inside and out.身体:硬膜阳极氧化,重量轻,坚固耐用,特富龙®浸渍内外。
  • Output Shaft: Hardened electroless nickel, corrosion and wear resistance, oversize diameter for increased strength and rigidity.输出轴:硬齿面化学镀镍,耐腐蚀性和耐磨性,增加强度和刚度超大直径。
  • Stroke Adjustment: CW and CCW Infinite adjustment in both directions of rotation.行程调节:化学武器和常规武器公约无限在两个方向上的旋转调整。
  • Sensor Mounting Channel: Machined into body, accepts Numatics dovetail switches (world switch), easy access, easy adjustment, magnetic piston is standard on all models.传感器安装频道:成体机加工,接受纽曼帝克配合开关(世界开关),方便,调整方便,磁性活塞是所有车型的标准。




Catalog 目录
View / Download .5 meg - Rev. 03/2006 查看/下载 0.5梅格-牧师03/2006

Cad Files CAD文件
CAD Configurator - 2D & 3D New 民航处配置-二维和三维

The RM Series Rotary Manifold utilizes a unique concept in transferring air pressure thru fixed ports to rotating parts on the rotary platform. RM 系列旋转形转移利用固定的端口,通过空气压力,旋转部分的旋转平台上一个*的概念。 As shown, the rotary manifold and gripper is a clean compact assembly which allows the gripper to rotate freely without rotating air lines.如图所示,旋转多方面的,手爪是一种清洁的小型集会,允许手爪旋转旋转航空公司没有自由。

Features: 特点:

  • Actuator: Available on LR06 & LR20 Rotary Actuator - 90/180 degrees of rotation.驱动器:在LR06和LR20可旋转驱动器-一百八十分之九十〇度的旋转。
  • Stationary Flanged Port Plate: Delivers air pressure to rotating component (Gripper) & eliminates Airlines from tangling.固定法兰港口板块:提供空气压力旋转组件(夹具)和消除了纠缠航空公司。
  • Parallel Gripper: Several series of grippers are available.平行爪:爪几个系列的可用。





Catalog 目录
View / Download 1.8 meg - Rev. 03/2007 查看/下载 1.8梅格-牧师03/2007

Cad Files CAD文件
CAD Configurator - 2D & 3D New 民航处配置-二维和三维

The LR Series rotary actuator is a low profile rack and pinion design. LR系列旋转驱动器是一种低剖面齿轮齿条式设计。 Two independent pistons drive their corresponding racks against the pinion thereby rotating the platform.两个独立的活塞驱动对旋转的平台,从而相应的齿轮架。

Features: 特点:

  • Body: Hardcoat Anodized, lightweight, durable, Teflon® impregnated inside and out.身体:硬膜阳极氧化,重量轻,坚固耐用,特富龙®浸渍内外。
  • Rotary Platform: Hardcoated anodized aluminum durable.旋转平台:Hardcoated阳极氧化铝耐用。 Supported by two bearings.支持两个轴承。 One on each side of the pinion shaft providing superior dynamic load capacity.其中的每个小齿轮,提供的动态负载能力轴一侧。
  • Stroke Adjustment: Built in rotary hard stops, protects rotary platform from over travel.行程调整:在旋转硬站为基础,保障了对旅行旋转平台。 External stroke adjust screws with locking set screws provide fine tuned rotary position.外部中风调整锁定定螺丝提供微调旋转位置螺丝。
  • Flow Controls: Built in design easily adjustable, provide precise deceleration speed control in both directions.流量控制:在设计建造的可调,提供精确的减速在两个方向上的速度控制。
  • Position Sensing: LR60 & LR125 come standard with internal shock absorbers.位置感应:LR60&LR125的标准配备内部减震器。
  • Shocks: Proximity switch sensors available for rotary position sensing.冲击:接近开关传感器的旋转位置传感可用。




Catalog 目录
View / Download 2.2 meg - Rev. 04/2008 查看/下载 2.2梅格-牧师04/2008

Cad Files CAD文件
CAD Configurator - 2D & 3D New 民航处配置-二维和三维

The torque rack on the AR Series produces the rotary output torque while the control rack determines rotary stroke.关于AR系列扭矩架旋转产生输出扭矩,同时控制旋转机架确定中风。 The output shaft is supported by two angular contact bearings.输出轴的支持,二角接触轴承。 The NuMate™ mounting feature provides a convenient method of mounting the AR-Rotaries to the SH-Series linear slide.在NuMate™安装功能提供了方便的安装方法,机铁往上海Rotaries系列直线下滑。

Features: 特点:

  • Body: Hardcoat Anodized, lightweight, durable, Teflon® impregnated inside and out.身体:硬膜阳极氧化,重量轻,坚固耐用,特富龙®浸渍内外。
  • Output Shaft: Hardened electroless nickel, corrosion and wear resistance, angular Contact Bearings - two angular contact bearings better-supporting输出轴:硬齿面化学镀镍,耐腐蚀性和耐磨性,角接触轴承-二角接触轴承更好的支持
  • Stroke Adjustment: CW and CCW Adjustment over 185° total stroke, infinite adjustment in both directions of rotation, secured by jam nut行程调节:化学武器和常规武器公约调整超过185 °总行程,在两个方向上的旋转无限调整,防松螺母担保,
  • Sensor Mounting Channel: Machined into body, accepts Numatics dovetail switches (world switch), easy access, easy adjustment, magnetic piston is standard on all models.传感器安装频道:成体机加工,接受纽曼帝克配合开关(世界开关),方便,调整方便,磁性活塞是所有车型的标准。















